and converts into tartar. Tartar advances a bacterial infection at the connective point. This
initial grade of gum disease is known as gingivitis.
Your gums may become red but you don’t consider it serious. When gingivitis becomes
more serious, small dental pockets start to appear. You may notice puffy gums and they may
bleed when you brush your teeth. Eventually, the infection damages the gum tissue. Over
time, it may lead to tooth loss.
What are the signs of gum disease?
Visit the Dentist Houston Midtown, if you notice the following indications:
● Bleeding gums during brushing of the teeth.
● Red swollen, sore gums.
● Gums that have taken away from the teeth.
● Persistent bad breath.
● Formation of pus between your teeth.
● Loosen teeth.
● Changes in biting way.
● Changes in the fitting of partial dentures.
Maybe, you don’t have any warning signs. That’s why it is essential to go through regular
dental checkups and periodontal examinations.
Dental treatments