instruction manual (only text resp. complete) Smart Focus200+FC-300 2015-01-30

Telechargé par hans.vandekeybus
Short Instruction Manual
Short instruction manual Smart Focus 200 with FC-300
- Safety
- Consumable change of the plasma torch
- Cutting charts
Art.-No.: .11.037.2002KBA
Pos: 1 /S teu er modul e/--------------- Seitenumbruch --------------- @ 0\mod_1197390577023_19.docx @ 1454 @ @ 1
Short instruction manual Smart Focus 200 with FC-300
Pos: 2 /Ü ber schr ift en/ 1/KB A/ KBA Smar tFoc us 200 mi t FC-300 @ 14\mod_1422600745317_19.docx @ 219973 @ 1 @ 1
1 Short instruction manual Smart Focus 200 with FC-300
Short ins tr ucti on m anu al S mart Fo cus 20 0 wit h FC -300
Pos: 3.1 / Über s chrif te n/1. 1/ Sich erh eit_K BA @ 1\mod_1222090333431_19.docx @ 5425 @ 2 @ 1
1.1 Safety
Pos: 3. 2 /Kurz betri ebsanl eit ung/KB A ordnu ngsge mäß ins tall iert @ 1\mod_1222067978521_19.docx @ 5350 @ @ 1
The short instruction manual is valid for the properly installed and with decrease protocol handed over
plasma cutting machine! The detailed safety references are to be inferred from the manual the point „safety"!
Pos: 3.3 / W arnung , Vors ich t, V erb ot, Geb ot, H in weis /W arn ung (ora nge) / R ett ung szei che n (g rün)/ Warnu ng Öff nen des G erät es @ 0\mod_1199714392778_19.docx @ 2391 @ @ 1
Warning of dangerous electric voltage
Electric shock can be deadly. Further personal and material damages can result from impact.
Before opening (for example error search) or starting any maintenance and repair work
principally the power supply source has to be switched off and visibly disconnected from the
Opening the plasma unit may be carried out only under responsibility of a qualified
Pos: 3.4 / W arnung , Vors ich t, V erb ot, Geb ot, H in weis /W arn ung (ora nge) / R ett ung szei che n (g rü n)/ elek tri sch l eit end e T eile @ 1\mod_1222078213884_19.docx @ 5365 @ @ 1
Do not touch under electrical voltage related conductive parts!
Pos: 3.5 / W arnung , Vors ich t, V erb ot, Geb ot, H in weis /V erb otsz eic hen ( ro t)/Si ch erh eitss ch altu nge n @ 1\mod_1222076180234_19.docx @ 5354 @ @ 1
The safety circuits may not be suspended!
Pos: 3.6 / W arnung , Vors ich t, V erb ot, Geb ot, H in weis /G ebots zei che n ( bla u)/A uge nbl end schut z + Sch utz klei du ng @ 1\mod_1222082302932_19.docx @ 5400 @ @ 1
The operator has to wear an adequate eye shield and insulating protective clothing!
Pos: 3.7 / W arnung , Vors ich t, V erb ot, Geb ot, H in weis /G ebots zei che n ( bla u)/G ehör sc hutz @ 1\mod_1222079237524_19.docx @ 5395 @ @ 1
Suitable ear protection measures have to be taken in every case
(e.g. wearing of ear muffs or ear plugs)!
Pos: 3.8 / W arnung , Vors ich t, V erb ot, Geb ot, H in weis /G ebots zei che n ( bla u)/g esu ndh eits schä dli che St offe @ 0\mod_1199803444549_19.docx @ 2517 @ @ 1
In any case the user of the unit installation has to carry out measurements of the
concentration of toxic substances to proof the effectiveness of the exhaust equipment!
Pos: 3.9 / W arnung , Vors ich t, V erb ot, Geb ot, H in weis /W arn ung (ora nge) / R ett ung szei che n (g rü n)/ bre nnb are St off e i m Sc hnei db ereic h @ 1\mod_1222078297625_19.docx @ 5370 @ @ 1
Do not store flammable substances in the cutting area!
Pos: 3.10 /S teu erm odul e--------------- Seitenu mbruc h --------------- @ 0\mod_1197390577023_19.docx @ 1454 @ @ 1
Short instruction manual Smart Focus 200 with FC-300
Pos: 3.11 / Warnu ng, Vors ic ht, Ver bot , Ge bot, Hi nwei s/ War nung (or ang e) / Re ttung sz eich en (g rün) /Umgang mit Gas flasc hen 1 @ 1\mod_1222078509612_19.docx @ 5375 @ @ 1
Place the cylinders in an upright position and lock it against tilting over!
Don't use damaged cylinders, pressure reducers and armatures!
Pos: 3.12 / Warnu ng, Vors ic ht, Ver bot , Ge bot, Hi nwei s/ War nung (or ang e) / Re ttung sz eich en ( gr ün) /Ver schl eiß teil e i n B erü hrung mi t Sauerstoff öl -und f ettf rei ( E xplosi ons sch utz sic her ung ) @ 0\mod_1201005445751_19.docx @ 3177 @ @ 1
All parts that come into contact with oxygen must be kept oil and grease free! When using
oxygen, the explosion protection for oxygen must be connected to the pressure-reducer
(protects against backfiring)!
Pos: 3. 13 /War nung, Vorsic ht, Ver bot, Ge bot, Hi nweis /War nung ( ora nge) / R ett ungs zei che n (g rün) /K ühl mittel @ 1\mod_1222078951578_19.docx @ 5390 @ @ 1
Use only „Kjellfrost“ as coolant!
Pos: 3. 14 /War nung, Vorsic ht, Ver bot, Ge bot, Hi nweis /Vorsi cht (g elb)/ Vorsic ht bei m Umga ng mit Kjel lfros t @ 0\mod_1199803848670_19.docx @ 2533 @ @ 1
All details given on the label of the new anti-freezer have to be followed consequently!
„Kjellfrost“ is injurious to health
Don’t drink Kjellfrost
Keep it away from food, drinks and fodder
Always clean your hands before a break and after end of work
Avoid the contact with eyes and skin
Safety goggles recommended during filling
Wear protection suit
Wear gloves from Nitril or Viton (see safety data sheet)
Immediately taking off soiled, watered clothes
Special danger of skidding by run out or spilled "Kjellfrost"
Keep away from children
Pos: 3.15 / Warnu ng, Vors ic ht, Ver bot , Ge bot, Hi nwei s/ War nung (or ang e) / Re ttung sz eich en ( gr ün) /Erst e Hi lf e Maß na hme n @ 0\mod_1199802224840_19.docx @ 2497 @ @ 1
First aid
after swallowing
Don’t bring up, clean the mouth, drink much water, open the window for fresh air and call the
doctor , present packing or label.
after eye contact
Clean the eyes with much flowing water some minutes and call the doctor
after skin contact
Quickly clean it with much water and soap
Pos: 3.16 /S teu erm odul e--------------- Seitenu mbruc h --------------- @ 0\mod_1197390577023_19.docx @ 1454 @ @ 1
Short instruction manual Smart Focus 200 with FC-300
Pos: 3. 17 /Über schr iften /1.1/ Versc hleißt eil wechsel beim Bre nner kopf @ 1\mod_1222065614778_19.docx @ 5330 @ 2 @ 1
1.2 Consumable change at the plasma torch
Pos: 3.18 / Warnu ng, Vors ic ht, Ver bot , Ge bot, Hi nwei s/ War nung (or ang e) / Re ttung sz eich en ( gr ün) /Ver schl eiß teil wec hs el a m Pl asm abr enn er -Pl asma anl age von N et z tr enne n @ 0\mod_1200055457147_19.docx @ 2774 @ @ 1
In order to change consumables, the plasma cutting system shall be switched OFF and
secured against any accidental start. An unauthorised start-up is prevented by e.g. pulling
out the key of the key-operated switch after switching off the plasma cutting system!
Pos: 3. 19 /War nung, Vorsic ht, Ver bot, Ge bot, Hi nweis /Ver botsz eichen (rot)/ Verb ot - unge eigne te Wer kzeuge f ür Brenn erwe chsel @ 0\mod_1199710363915_19.docx @ 2366 @ @ 1
Under no circumstances pliers or other unsuitable tools have to be used for consumable
change, they entail inevitably the damage of the consumables, for example burr formation
and thereby malfunctions of the plasma torch.
Pos: 3. 20 /War nung, Vorsic ht, Ver bot, Ge bot, Hi nwei s/ Gebo tsz eich en ( bl au) /Orig inal -Kjellberg-Verschl eißt eile @ 0\mod_1202913276255_19.docx @ 3649 @ @ 1
You are only allowed to use ORIGINAL Kjellberg spare parts and consumables!
The use of other manufacturer consumables leads to the loss of the warranty claim.
Pos: 3.21 / Warnu ng, Vors ic ht, Ver bot , Ge bot, Hi nwei s/ War nung (or ang e) / Re ttung sz eich en ( gr ün) /Öl-u nd f ettf rei er Br en ner @ 0\mod_1199373195000_19.docx @ 2300 @ @ 1
All components and parts coming in touch with oxygen have to be kept free of oil and
This refers specially to the torch head and the consumables.
Pos: 3. 22 /War nung, Vorsic ht, Ver bot, Ge bot, Hi nweis /Vorsi cht (g elb)/t echn ologi scher Einsatz @ 1\mod_1222083106421_19.docx @ 5405 @ @ 1
Use only exact the consumables which are destined for the technological operation!
Pos: 3.23 /S teu erm odul e--------------- Seitenu mbruc h --------------- @ 0\mod_1197390577023_19.docx @ 1454 @ @ 1
Short instruction manual Smart Focus 200 with FC-300
Pos: 3.24 / Warnu ng, Vors icht , Verbo t, Geb ot, Hin weis/ Gebots zeich en (bl au)/Sc hutz kappe üb erpr üfen, P erCut 2000/4 000 @ 1 3\mod_1413351612615_19.docx @ 207997 @ @ 1
After screwing off the protective cap to replace the swirl gas cap without any further
replacement of consumables, the tightness of the nozzle cap must absolutely be checked
and, if required, tightened again before mounting the protective cap!
apply to plasma torch:
PerCut 2000/2000A
PerCut 4000/4000A
Pos: 3. 25 /War nung, Vorsic ht, Ver bot, Ge bot, Hi nweis /Gebo tszei chen (bl au) /Auf Vol lstän digkei t der Ver schlei ßtei le ach ten @ 0\mod_1200055848051_19.docx @ 2782 @ @ 1
Make sure that all wearing parts are complete and correct installed!
Especially the cooling tube has to be inserted. Other wise the cooling is ineffective and the
torch gets damaged.
No other parts as mentioned before have to be changed unauthorised on the plasma
machine torch.
A further opening of the torch from the front side is not possible.
Pos: 3. 26 /War nung, Vorsic ht, Ver bot, Ge bot, Hi nwei s/ War nung (or ang e) / Re ttung sz eich en ( gr ün) /Dic hth eit des Plas mabr e nner s @ 1\mod_1222083258875_19.docx @ 5409 @ @ 1
You have to mind on tightness of the plasma torch after consumable change, coolant does
not leave!
Pos: 3. 27 /War nung, Vorsic ht, Ver bot , Ge bot, Hi nwei s/ War nung (or ang e) / Re ttung sz eich en ( gr ün) /Entl ad ungsr au m z wisc he n Ka tod e un d D üse @ 1\mod_1222083434736_19.docx @ 5413 @ @ 1
The discharge chamber between cathode and nozzle has to be blown absolutely dry
(press tumbler switch “gas test approx. 20 seconds - see “operation sequences”)
Pos: 3.28 /S teu erm odul e--------------- Seitenu mbruc h --------------- @ 0\mod_1197390577023_19.docx @ 1454 @ @ 1
1 / 181 100%

instruction manual (only text resp. complete) Smart Focus200+FC-300 2015-01-30

Telechargé par hans.vandekeybus
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