Online Examination - Quickly Growing Trend
These days, every other entrance test or competitive examination is
being conducted online where students are needed to attempt it using a
computer system with high-speed internet connectivity. The procedure
seems quite easy from what it really is. Still, there are lots of students
who do not know even the most primitive of computer functions, let
alone giving an exam.
Different reasons attributed to online examination conduction are
described in this article. Even, a brief tutorial has been provided to
those students that do not know the correct system to attempt the online
examination. Particularly, it will help the candidates that are attempting
entrance examinations.
The main reason behind online examination is that some incidents have
been described in the past that involved chains of the examination
centers as well as bribing of inspection team and invigilators. Today,
you can see scope of online examination system is continuously
growing. Students have been found carrying one-sided means in print
and digital form that resulted in good marks. As a moment, heavy
candidate’s turnout in the merit list even after applying higher marks
One more important reason is that conducting an examination in
physical system is a costly and time-consuming task. Printing of answer
sheets, question-papers, optical recognition sheets are a problematic
task as it involves heavy costs. Even, physical examination mode
demands too much of efforts in safekeeping and secrecy. The
possibilities of leaking of question paper are very high in physical mode