Root Canal Treatment For Infected Tooth
What is a root canal?
The pulp is found inside the tooth which is a soft tissue containing the veins, nerves, and
lymph vessels. It supplies the nutrients and nerves to the tooth. Root canals are small and
thin divisions that branch from the pulp chamber and continue to the root.
What is Root Canal Treatment?
Root canal treatment is used to remove bacteria from the infected root canal so that infection
can be stopped spreading in the further parts of the tooth and the tooth can be saved. The
treatment mainly focuses on the elimination of infected pulp. After that, the tooth is cleaned
and disinfected properly. Then, The professionals seal it for protection and make the tooth
stronger by fitting a crown on it. If you have decided on root canal therapy, you should visit
Root Canal Specialist Near Me.
If you leave the deceased root canal untreated, the infection will keep spreading further and
there will be a formation of pus. Puls will form at the root tip in the jaw bone and develops a
pus-pocket also known as an abscess. An abscess can damage the bone around the teeth. The
bone enclosing your tooth may break down and the tooth may loosen and fall down. You
may experience severe pain. This type of condition requires a Root Canal Dentist Near Me.