The most common symptoms of the damaged pulp include pain in your tooth, and swelling,
and a sensation of heat in your gums. Your nearest dentist will examine the painful tooth and
take X-rays to confirm the diagnosis. Your Nearest dentist may refer you to an endodontist
Root Canal Dentist Near Me if they think you need a root canal.
What is the process of Root Canal Treatment?
A root canal is a cost-effective and gentle procedure done by a specialist dentist. Here are the
process of a root canal treatment -
Step 1: The first team of root canal specialists will take X-rays to determine where the decay
is located and what the enlargement of this is.
Step 2: Once the report has been made by the root canal dentist and you both agree that a
root canal treatment is the best solution to save your tooth, a local anesthetic is administered
to the affected area. You won’t believe it, but it’s true – root canal treatment is no more
painful than a filling!
Step 3: A procedure called pulpectomy will be carried out by an expert dentist. He/she will
access the tooth’s canal, open it, and remove the diseased tooth pulp.
Step 4: Finally, you’ll receive your filling. The dentist will fill your roots that have been
opened with gutta-percha material and seal them off with cement.
How long does a root canal Treatment Procedure take?
Root canals are all different procedures and this is returned through the amount of time
needed for the procedure. The dentist is able to complete cases in one and a half hours.
However, if more time is needed for more complex cases, the dentist will reappoint patients
for a second visit to complete the treatment.