2. Different individuals have Different views: "You will easily get to know the
particular other side of a coin." There are anyways a lot of writers in this universe
who share their knowledge and experience with us. Different Types of Nihilism is
always present.
If we actually go through all the writings of various people on the very same
subject, we will obviously find different views. We understand that there are many
facets of a given topic. We want to succeed at everything which we are doing, and
now for that, we need to be well knowledgeable and well educated. Reading a
particular blog gives us access into any untouched part of the topic we are
somehow reading.
3. It is actually a positive distraction: sometimes in your life, we actually feel
dejected either for a particular reason or for no reason at all. All of this
actually happens to everybody, and as this happens, our mind continues to look for
some form of escape—sometimes people resort to drinking or smoking, or some
other negative behavior. What Causes Binge Eating? Actually it is your own mind
which causes that.
But please think about it for a second. What a nice thing that is going to do to
you... would make you feel completely better after having succumbed to those
practices... No, you are going to end up destroying all. But instead of that
sometimes, then you really should be engaging in some of the positive distractions.
Reading is always a joy until you actually read something that interests you.
Taoism Yin Yang balances your life.