November 2017 – December 2018.
Project Coordinator - Agriculture, the Nutrition Project implemented by Global Support Development Initiative,
Uganda, Main Office in Lira District
I provided strategic project planning, coordination, monitoring and reporting of all agriculture related interventions. I
integrated Agriculture in the Nutrition project, besides, taking the administrative charge of the field office in Apac district.
The project was funded by Elenar Crook Foundation, USA, aiming at ending hunger and malnutrition globally. The project
target beneficiaries were expectant mothers, lactating mothers and children under the age of two years.
Core Roles and Responsibilities Accomplished:
Mobilized, sensitized, identified and registered the target beneficiaries (Lactating mothers, pregnant mothers and
children under two years) in the project areas.
Mapped out existing resources (human, possible partners/stakeholders/actors and materials etc.) to ensure that
project activities were built on existing frameworks for sustainability purposes as well as giving support in the
implementation of the planned field activities.
Initiated and implemented innovative array of skills such as micro irrigation and kitchen gardening to improve the
nutrition of the beneficiaries. The skills ensured food security and nutrition of the beneficiaries in a short period.
This reduced the malnutrition rate among the target beneficiaries by 20%.
Forecast the monthly budget spending and timely submitted the accountabilities for the completed field activities
to the finance and administration manager with high standards of integrity and accountability.
Properly kept records of all project activities including project assets, beneficiary list, partner list, inputs
distribution list, activity and monitoring reports.
Supervised, mentored and couched 90 Village Health Teams (VHTs). Coordinated the production of nutritious
food crops (Orange Flesh Sweet Potatoes, carrots, collards/sukuma wiki, iron-rich beans) in 3,620 households in
Apac district.
Identified, sensitized, selected and trained the Male Care Givers, Mother-to-Mother Care Givers/Lead Mothers.
Supported provision of mama kits to expectant mother.
Set activity targets together with the field officers and appraised them annually in order to make their
performance more effective and for continuous performance improvements.
Developed human/success stories, learning reviews, lessons learnt, innovations and promising practices.
Effectively and efficiently monitored, documented, and reported all the field activities in compliance with the
agreed set standards.
Supported M& E Manager in tracking project outputs, outcomes, impact or results and changes.
Conducted monthly and quarterly reflection meetings, documented best practices, lessons learnt, and challenges
encountered during the project implementation to help the organisation move on the right track.
Timely prepared and submitted to line manager high quality back to office, activity, monthly, quarterly and annual
narrative and quantitative reports for all project completed activities.
Adequately provided agricultural information required in the development of the new proposal which in turn
brought for the organisation a new three (3) project funded by Plan International Uganda.
September, 2012 – July, 2017.
Agriculture Officer, Economic Recovery and Development Programme under PEEP and SPEED projects,
implemented by International Rescue Committee, Uganda
I directly provided strategic planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting of all food security and livelihoods
related interventions under Economic Recovery and Development (ERD) Programme. Sweden International Development
Agency (SIDA) funded most of the projects which were implemented during the emergency and recovery periods in
Lango, Acholi and Karamoja sub-regions. The projects that I worked in were PEEP (i.e. Post-conflict Recovery and
Economic Empowerment of Returnees through Private Sector Development) and SPEED (i.e. Strengthening Private Sector
Engagement in Enterprise Development). I implemented PEEP project in Lango and Acholi for one year four months before
relocating for a four year SPEED project in southern Karamoja.
Core Roles and Responsibilities Accomplished:
Recruited 18 community based trainers (CBTs) for the project sector in Amudat and Nakapiripirit districts.
Trained and monitored Community Based Trainers to ensure project quality implemention.