Cover Letter & CV: Project Officer - Food Security & Nutrition

Telechargé par Maurice Egwete
Postal Address: Padibe Town Council, P.O. Box 1 Lamwo District |
Phone: +256 782015599 | Email:|
Date: 02nd/ 02 / 2021.
The Human Resource Manager,
Save the Children International, Uganda Country Programme,
Plot 2163, Dadiri Close, Muyenga (off Tank Hill Road),
P.O. Box 12018, Kampala - Uganda.
Dear Sir/Madam,
RE: Application for the position of Project Officer Food Security and Nutrition based in Karamoja sub-region.
I am profoundly humbled to share with you my interest in the position of the Project Officer Food Security and
Nutrition which was posted on the organization website on the 29 Jan 2021. I am motivated to join in the position
given Save the Children’s unique approach to achieving Food Security and Nutrition transformation preferring holistic
I have a rich experience gained from 8 years of progressive roles in humanitarian, economic recovery and development
work. Born and raised in the northern part of Uganda, a region which suffered from over 20 years of civil strife, the
hardships of my community people shaped my career path. I have served with the International Rescue Committee (IRC)
for five years implementing food security and Nutrition projects using Farmer Field School and agro pastoral field school
methodologies. I worked with the Northern Uganda Resilience Initiative (NURI) under Climate Smart Agriculture
programme for two years. Notwithstanding, in all these different roles and contexts, I took three quarters of my work
experience in implementing post-conflict and recovery programmes in northern Uganda and Food Security and Nutrition
programme in southern Karamoja while a quarter of the years was taken in implementing humanitarian work in Palabek
Settlement in Lamwo district.
My continuous yearning to serve the vulnerable communities lies in my conviction to give back to the society, contribution
in the fight against poverty and nutrition related diseases, fight against child abuses and violations, fight for girl child
education, fight against child marriage and to ensure that vulnerable people achieve sustainable livelihoods. This
conviction has taken me to serve in different food security and nutrition contexts across Uganda including Karamoja sub-
region which in the past few years was categorized as a high-risk area.
In summary, I bring hands-on project implementation skills and experience having participated directly in the start-up,
implementation and closure of up to four projects in areas of Climate Smart Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition,
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. Through direct implementation of those projects, I have gained an in-depth understanding
of households’ constraints such as limited knowledge in sustainable food security and nutrition, shortage of knowledge in
healthy-calorie foods for malnourished children and finance to afford those essential foods. My focus would thus be to
bring on-board innovative approaches that address such challenges.
I look forward to speaking with you further about my suitability for this employment opportunity.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours, sincerely,
Maurice EGWETE.
Name: Egwete Maurice
Physical Address: Starch Factory ‘B’, P.O. Box 951, Lira City, Uganda |
Postal Address: Padibe Town Council, c/o P.O. Box 1, Lamwo District, Uganda |
Email: |Mobile Tel: +256 782015599 |Home Tel: +256789128171
Skype ID: Live:.cid.f252654cc254787f | LinkedIn: |
Facebook: |
Marital Status: Married |
Nationality: Ugandan |
Date of birth: January 21st, 1981
I am a trained agricultural extension professional, with 8 years’ work experience in implementing food security and
nutrition, agricultural livelihoods and financial inclusion with both international and national organisations across
Karamoja, Lango and Acholi. I am looking for a job that is both challenging and rewarding in order to apply the hands-on
project implementation and supervisory knowledge and skills acquired. I have earned these over years in different
projects/programmes in the context of transforming disadvantaged households with malnourished children to households
with improved food security and nutrition with keen considerations of nutrition of children under the age of 5 years. This
is because the future of a better tomorrow’s generation in Africa still lies in the integration of agriculture in nutrition. BUT
over years the trend in Uganda has been more of food security and market-oriented farming promotion than integrating
agriculture in nutrition.
Experienced in humanitarian, economic recovery and developmental project implementations.
Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the use of participatory tools and methodologies like APFS, CSA.
Experienced in HIV/AIDS, gender sensitive, child protection and nutrition project implementations.
Experienced in training, coaching and mentoring of field based staff and Community based Facilitators.
Good interpersonal, communication, negotiation and influencing skills both internally and externally.
Ability to work independently as an individual and collaboratively as a team with creativity and innovation.
Strong collaboration/ coordination skills with different stakeholders within and without the districts.
Adept in use of Microsoft Office Suite (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Outlook and MS PowerPoint).
Good Data collection, documentation, sound report writing and presentation skills;
Demonstrated work experience in diverse cultures and vulnerable communities of South Karamoja Pian, Bokora,
Tepeth, Matheniko, and Pokot in Nabilatuk, Napak, Nakapiripirit, Moroto and Amudat districts.
My core values are: Integrity, Service delivery, accountability and Respect for one another.
Language Proficiencies
Luo (Mother Tongue)
Motorcycle Riding
I am adept in motorcycle riding with a valid class “A” permit. I received training in defensive and safety riding from AAU
and Yamaha companies respectively.
2006 2010
Bachelor of Science (BSc.) in Agriculture (Measured in Crop Science) from Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
Defensive riding training AAU contracted by Danida in 2020.
ToT training on Climate Smart Agriculture, with Danida in 2019.
ToT training on Post-Harvest Handling Techniques, with IRC in 2014 and Danida in 2019.
ToT training on Collective marketing Committee methodology with IRC in 2013 and Danida in 2019.
VSLA practitioner Training of Trainers (ToT) with International Rescue Committee, 2014 and Danida 2019.
Agro pastoral Field School APFS Master Trainers contracted by International Rescue Committee, 2014.
January, 2019 December, 2020.
Agricultural Extension Supervisor, DANIDA NURI CSA Programme, Implemented by Resilience Agricultural Unit
(RAU) Kitgum/Lamwo.
I directly implemented by supervising, coordinating the Danida funded Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) programme in
Lamwo district. So, my roles involved implementation of the planned Climate Smart Agriculture activities, supervision and
provision of technical backstopping to seven (7) field staff, community based facilitators (CBFs) based at the sub counties
of Lamwo district including Palabek Settlement Zones 5A, 6 and 7.
Core Roles and Responsibilities Accomplished:
Trained and supervised the seven field extension officers and 14 CBFs on CSA best practices. Provided technical
backstopping to field staff in the demonstration of CSA best practices to host groups, pure refugee and Mixed
Demonstrated good skills and knowledge to the farmer groups through demonstration establishment,
management, harvesting and postharvest handling coupled with specific training sessions at every stage of crop
Managed the farmer groups in the production of strategic crops such as maize, beans, soybeans, sunflower,
sesame, cassava, collards/sukuma wiki, Orange Flesh Sweet potatoes, okra, onions, tomatoes, cow peas and egg
plants to improve their food security and nutrition.
Engaged individual lead/progressive farmers to adopt key technologies and practices like but not limited to agro
forestry, intercropping, diversion channels, crop rotation, integrated pest and disease management, backyard
gardening and improved seeds.
Established and maintained cordial and professional relationships with all partners and other actors involved in
the implementation of NURI programme to achieve desired results.
I championed and excelled in building networks with stakeholders in the entire northern region. I did this through
collaboration with Lamwo Local government, other district livelihoods partners and Mighty Fire FM Radio
networks (Radio talk shows
Organized and conducted quarterly activity monitoring with OPM/UNHCR, other livelihoods partners, district
executive committee (DEC) and lower local government (LLG). This is to create synergies, identify gaps, challenges
and come up with improvement strategies that are relevant to the programme.
Enrolled all the 175 CSA farmer groups into Village Savings and Loan Associations to boost their social resilience
and to build social cohesiveness in the groups.
Organized and conducted monthly and quarterly reflection meetings with agricultural extension officers and
community based to address key issues that emerged from the farmer groups and or community related to the
Demonstrated good skills in report writing. Both monthly and quarterly reports are done according to the
organisation and donor reporting formats timely with attention to details.
Prepared detailed monthly, quarterly and annual work plans, procurement plans and directly involved in the
initiation of procurement of agro inputs.
Represented the RAU Kitgum/Lamwo in food security and livelihoods coordination meetings at Palabek
Settlement and Stakeholders’ meetings at the district level.
November 2017 December 2018.
Project Coordinator - Agriculture, the Nutrition Project implemented by Global Support Development Initiative,
Uganda, Main Office in Lira District
I provided strategic project planning, coordination, monitoring and reporting of all agriculture related interventions. I
integrated Agriculture in the Nutrition project, besides, taking the administrative charge of the field office in Apac district.
The project was funded by Elenar Crook Foundation, USA, aiming at ending hunger and malnutrition globally. The project
target beneficiaries were expectant mothers, lactating mothers and children under the age of two years.
Core Roles and Responsibilities Accomplished:
Mobilized, sensitized, identified and registered the target beneficiaries (Lactating mothers, pregnant mothers and
children under two years) in the project areas.
Mapped out existing resources (human, possible partners/stakeholders/actors and materials etc.) to ensure that
project activities were built on existing frameworks for sustainability purposes as well as giving support in the
implementation of the planned field activities.
Initiated and implemented innovative array of skills such as micro irrigation and kitchen gardening to improve the
nutrition of the beneficiaries. The skills ensured food security and nutrition of the beneficiaries in a short period.
This reduced the malnutrition rate among the target beneficiaries by 20%.
Forecast the monthly budget spending and timely submitted the accountabilities for the completed field activities
to the finance and administration manager with high standards of integrity and accountability.
Properly kept records of all project activities including project assets, beneficiary list, partner list, inputs
distribution list, activity and monitoring reports.
Supervised, mentored and couched 90 Village Health Teams (VHTs). Coordinated the production of nutritious
food crops (Orange Flesh Sweet Potatoes, carrots, collards/sukuma wiki, iron-rich beans) in 3,620 households in
Apac district.
Identified, sensitized, selected and trained the Male Care Givers, Mother-to-Mother Care Givers/Lead Mothers.
Supported provision of mama kits to expectant mother.
Set activity targets together with the field officers and appraised them annually in order to make their
performance more effective and for continuous performance improvements.
Developed human/success stories, learning reviews, lessons learnt, innovations and promising practices.
Effectively and efficiently monitored, documented, and reported all the field activities in compliance with the
agreed set standards.
Supported M& E Manager in tracking project outputs, outcomes, impact or results and changes.
Conducted monthly and quarterly reflection meetings, documented best practices, lessons learnt, and challenges
encountered during the project implementation to help the organisation move on the right track.
Timely prepared and submitted to line manager high quality back to office, activity, monthly, quarterly and annual
narrative and quantitative reports for all project completed activities.
Adequately provided agricultural information required in the development of the new proposal which in turn
brought for the organisation a new three (3) project funded by Plan International Uganda.
September, 2012 July, 2017.
Agriculture Officer, Economic Recovery and Development Programme under PEEP and SPEED projects,
implemented by International Rescue Committee, Uganda
I directly provided strategic planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting of all food security and livelihoods
related interventions under Economic Recovery and Development (ERD) Programme. Sweden International Development
Agency (SIDA) funded most of the projects which were implemented during the emergency and recovery periods in
Lango, Acholi and Karamoja sub-regions. The projects that I worked in were PEEP (i.e. Post-conflict Recovery and
Economic Empowerment of Returnees through Private Sector Development) and SPEED (i.e. Strengthening Private Sector
Engagement in Enterprise Development). I implemented PEEP project in Lango and Acholi for one year four months before
relocating for a four year SPEED project in southern Karamoja.
Core Roles and Responsibilities Accomplished:
Recruited 18 community based trainers (CBTs) for the project sector in Amudat and Nakapiripirit districts.
Trained and monitored Community Based Trainers to ensure project quality implemention.
Carried out routine performance evaluations for the Community Based Facilitators in accordance with the IRC HR
policy manual.
Identified, sensitized, mobilized and selected 200 FFS/APFS/VSLA groups across Lango, Acholi andKaramoja sub-
Directly mobilized and trained 200 FFS/APFS/VSLA groups in Karamoja, Lango and Acholi sub-regions.
Trained and demonstrated to progressive farmers the backyard gardening of vegetables like sukuma wiki, onions,
tomatoes, egg plants, cow peas to boost their livelihoods and nutrition.
Successfully linked those 200 VSLA groups to financial institutions for saving and credit services for sustainable
Worked closely with the livestock officers and the community animal health workers (CAHWs) to ensure the health
of the community animals are taken care of and encouraged the beneficiaries to make the best use of the
products like milk to improve on their nutrition.
Established and maintained cordial and professional relationships with thesub-county technical offices, district
offices, community leaders, clan leaders and other actors involved in the implementation of PEEP AND SPEED
projects to achieve desired results.
Successfully implemented post-harvest loss reduction campaign and demonstrated post-harvest handling
techniques to over 6,000 smallholders. At the end of the campaign, up to 75-demonstration storage facilities were
planted in Lamwo, Amudat and Nakapiripirit districts. There were high levels of adoption of the demonstrated
technologies; the adopted technologies resulted into great reduction of post-harvest losses.
Conducted all the implementation cycle activities with the APFS/VSLA groups in Amudat and Nakapiripirit districts.
February, 2012 April, 2012.
Field Extension Worker, The project of food security and livelihood project, implemented by The National Strategy
for the Advancement of Rural Women in Uganda (NSARWU) in partnership with ACDI/VOCA, Alebtong District.
I directly provided strategic planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting of all food security and livelihoods
activities with water, sanitation and hygiene intervention integrated. The project was funded by the United States Agency
of International Development (USAID) through ACDI-VOCA. I was absorbed in the system when the project was just three
months to its end. The project was aimed at improving food security and livelihoods while paying dear attention to
prevention of diseases brought about by poor sanitation and hygiene in the districts of Alebtong and Dokolo in Lango sub
Core Roles and Responsibilities Accomplished:
Set up demonstrations for the selected farmers groups by setting of kitchen gardens of vegetable crops and
demonstrations for food security crops.
Trained and collected data from households within the groups on hygiene and sanitation, nutrition status.
Developed weekly work plans and submitted to the team leader.
Trained and monitored farmers on VSLA methodology.
Wrote weekly and monthly reports and submitted to the team leader.
Conducted trainings on Farming as a Business (FaaB).
Set up income generating activities such as rearing of small ruminants, piggery, poultry and apiculture.
Moses Oremo Opio | Programme Coordinator, Resilience Agricultural Unit, Plot 44 General Tito Okello Road. Mail:
[email protected] ; oremo.mos[email protected]Tel: +256 772 316489.
Hellen Grace Akullu | Project Coordinator, Nutrition, Global Support Development Initiative, Uganda; Mail:
[email protected]; hellen.akul[email protected] Tel: +256772475469.
Paul Kawimbo Dickson| Programme Manager, International Rescue committee, Uganda. Mail:
[email protected]m; Tel: +256 784841114.
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