Sum mary
Recently, the research in face recognition has focused on developing a face representa
tion th at is capable of capturing the relevant information in a manner which is invariant
to facial expression and illumination. Motivated by a simple but powerful texture de
scriptor, called Local Binary Pattern (LBP), our proposed system extends this descrip
tor to evoke multiresolution and multispectral analysis for face recognition. The first
descriptor, namely Multi-scale Local Binary Pattern Histogram (MLBPH), provides a
robust system which is relatively insensitive to localisation errors because it benefits
from the multiresolution information captured from the regional histogram. The second
proposed descriptor, namely Multispectral Local Binary Pattern Histogram (MSLBP),
captures the mutual relationships between neighbours at pixel level from each spectral
channel. By measuring the spatial correlation between spectra, we expect to achieve
higher recognition rate. The resulting LBP methods provide input to LDA and various
classifier fusion methods for face recognition. These systems are implemented and com
pared with existing Local Binary Pattern face recognition systems and other state of
art systems on Feret, XM2VTS and FRGC 2.0 databases, giving very promising results
in the controlled environment.
Photometric normalisation is important for face recognition, even if illumination-robust
features, such as Gabor or LBP, are used for face representation. In order to study
the merits of photometric normalisation, five different photometric normalisation meth
ods have been investigated. A superior performance is achieved by MLBPH with the
Preprocessing Sequence method in all the tests. The results of a comparison with
the state-of-art systems show that the proposed Multi-scale Local Binary Pattern his
togram method with the Preprocessing Sequence photometric normalisation achieves
similar performance to the best performing systems, its key advantage is that it offers
a simple solution which is robust to localisation errors and changing illumination.
K ey w ords: Face Recognition, Local Binary Pattern, Photometric Normalisation.
Email: c.chan@surrey.ac.uk
WWW: http://www.eps.surrey.ac.uk/