Important Tips : Choosing the Right Internships : Part 1
Three year Master in Science (M.Sc. [Tech]) in either Applied Geology or Applied Geophysics at IIT,
Dhanbad. Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D. Programmes in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geology, Atmosphere
and Ocean Sciences, Environmental Science and Engineering, Energy, Operations Research,
Mathematics - Data & Computational Sciences, Geology, Geophysics, Medical Physics, Molecular
Medical Microbiology, Nuclear Medicine. M. Tech. in Aerospace Engineering, Bio Engineering, Nuclear
Engineering, Geoinformatics, Instrumentation and Signal Processing, Biomedical Engineering,
Computers and Data Processing, Medical Imaging and Informatics, Industrial Engineering,
Infrastructure Design, Energy Systems Engineering, Power Electronics and Power Systems,
Communication, VLSI, Water Resources and Development, Nanotechnology, Mechatronics, Climate
Science, Earth Science, Transportation and Infrastructure, Production Engineering, Thermal
Engineering, Polymer Engineering, Design Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Hydraulic and
Water Resource Engineering, Metallurgical, Material Engineering, Clinical Engineering, Pulp & Paper
Technology, Packaging Technology, Process Engineering, Steel Technology, Corrosion Science and
Technology, Steel Technology, Cryogenic Engineering, Railway Engineering, Food Processing
Technology, Wielding Engineering, Farm Machinery Engineering, Automobile Engineering,
Aerodynamics, System Science and Automation, Integrated Electronics, Computational Science,
Embedded Control and Software, Solid State Electronics.
It is easy to see that post graduate and doctoral courses in maximum branches of science and
engineering are available at IITs.
Programmes offered at a particular IIT, are displayed at the website of respective IIT. Master of
Business Administration (MBA) with different specializations- MBA is offered at only select IITs and
admission in most cases is open to graduates in engineering or postgraduates in any discipline.
Admission Process
For admission to M.Sc., M.Sc.-M.Tech. Dual Degree Programme, Three year Master in Science and
Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D. joint Programmes; admission is made through Joint Admission Test (JAM) conducted
every year. Applicants should have completed graduation to apply. Candidates who are about to
appear for their final year graduation may also apply, subject to conditions prescribed. It is important
to note that selection of students for Integrated Ph.D. Programmes in Biological Sciences, Chemical
Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, and Physical Sciences at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IISc)
is also JAM based.
Important Tips : Choosing the Right Internships : Part 1
JAM has only one paper of three hours duration as online computer based test. The test is conducted
in seven subjects viz. Biotechnology, Chemistry, Economics, Geology, Mathematics Mathematical
Statistics and Physics. For each of these papers, there will be 60 questions carrying 100 marks.The
paper is divided in three parts of section A, B and C. Section A will have a total of 30 Multiple Choice
Questions (MCQ), with 10 questions of one mark each and 20 questions of there would be 10 Multiple
Select Questions (MSQ) carrying two marks each. Each MCQ is similar to MSQ but with the difference
that MSQ may have one or more than one correct choice(s) out of the four given choices. The
candidate will get full credit by selecting all the correct answer(s) only and no wrong answers. Section-
C will be of 20 Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions involving 10 questions of one mark each and
10 questions of two marks each. For such NAT type questions, the answer is a signed real number,