Traveling Waves
7 • In Problem 6, which sound waves have the higher speeds? (a) The
lower frequency sounds. (b) The higher frequency sounds. (c) All frequencies
have the same wave speed. (d) There is not enough information to compare their
Determine the Concept Once the sound has been produced by a vibrating string,
membrane, or air column, the wave speed with which it propagates depends on
the properties of the medium in which it is propagating and is independent of the
frequency and wavelength of the sound.
cis correct.
8 • Sound travels at 343 m/s in air and 1500 m/s in water. A sound of
256 Hz is made under water, but you hear the sound while walking along the side
of the pool. In the air, the frequency is (a) the same, but the wavelength of the
sound is shorter, (b) higher, but the wavelength of the sound stays the same,
(c) lower, but the wavelength of the sound is longer, (d) lower, and the
wavelength of the sound is shorter, (e) the same, and the wavelength of the sound
stays the same.
Determine the Concept In any medium, the wavelength, frequency, and speed of
a sound wave are related through
= v/f. Because the frequency of a wave is
determined by its source and is independent of the nature of the medium, if v is
greater in water than in air,
will be shorter in air than in water. )(ais correct.
9 • While out on patrol, the battleship Rodger Young hits a mine, begins to
burn, and ultimately explodes. Sailor Abel jumps into the water and begins
swimming away from the doomed ship, while Sailor Baker gets into a life raft.
Comparing their experiences later, Abel tells Baker, ″I was swimming
underwater, and heard a big explosion from the ship. When I surfaced, I heard a
second explosion. What do you think it could be?″ Baker says, ″I think it was
your imagination—I only heard one explosion. ″ Explain why Baker only heard
one explosion, while Abel heard two.
Determine the Concept There was only one explosion. Sound travels faster in
water than air. Abel heard the sound wave in the water first, then, surfacing,
heard the sound wave traveling through the air, which took longer to reach him.
10 • True or false: A 60-dB sound has twice the intensity of a 30-dB sound.
Picture the Problem The intensity level
, measured in decibels, is given by
logdB10 II=
where I0 = 10−12 W/m2 is defined to be the threshold of