such as Hebrew, where the normal direction of
reading is right to left, the span is asymmetric to
the left (Pollatsek, Bolozky, Well, & Rayner,
1981), and when English is read right to left, the
span asymmetry reverses (Inhoff, Pollatsek,
Posner, & Rayner, 1989). The perceptual span
for a particular language is also modulated by con-
current processing load and goals. Difficult foveal
processing is associated with a smaller perceptual
span (Henderson & Ferreira, 1990), and the per-
ceptual span extends further to the left before a
regressive eye movement (Apel, Henderson, &
Ferreira, 2012). Such evidence demonstrates that
the size of the perceptual span is, at least in part,
a function of cognitive/linguistic processes.
However, perceptual limitations on visual acuity
mean that the nature of the extracted information is
not uniform across the perceptual span (Rayner,
2009). The high spatial frequency information
required for letter identification is only available
within the foveal region (∼2 degrees; 7–8 characters
around fixation; Häikiö, Bertram, Hyönä, &
Niemi, 2009). The reduced visual acuity of the par-
afoveal region (2–5 degrees around fixation) only
allows extraction of low-level features, such as
word length, word shape, spaces, and beginning
letters (Rayner, 2009).
These differences in the nature of the infor-
mation extracted from foveal and parafoveal
regions lead to differences in the role that each
information source plays in governing decisions
about when and where readers move their eyes. It
is generally assumed that the linguistic information
extracted from foveal vision determines when to
move the eyes, while the low spatial frequency
information about word spacing and letter shape
extracted from the parafovea primarily determines
where to move the eyes (Schotter et al., 2012).
The distinction between when and where to
move the eyes is clearly somewhat arbitrary,
because a “where”decision to move the eyes to a
new location can be difficult to distinguish from a
“when”decision to terminate processing of a par-
ticular item. Nevertheless, consistent with neuro-
physiological evidence that separate neural
pathways control the temporal and spatial pro-
gramming of movement (e.g., Findlay & Walker,
1999), most models of eye movement control
assume that “where and when decisions can be con-
sidered separate dimensions of the reading process
with a small degree of overlap”(Schotter et al.,
2012, p. 13). Individual differences in the eye
movement patterns of skilled readers might arise
from either of these processes, or from interactions
between them.
Individual differences amongst skilled adult
Research on eye movements, like other experimen-
tal psycholinguistic literature, has been dominated
by a tacit “uniformity assumption”(Andrews,
2012): that all skilled readers read in the same
way. Although there are a number of detailed com-
putationally implemented theories of reading that
have been systematically validated against empirical
data from eye-tracking paradigms (e.g., Engbert,
Nuthmann, Richter, & Kliegl, 2005; Reichle,
Rayner, & Pollatsek, 2003; Reichle, Warren, &
McConnell, 2009), the benchmark phenomena
used to assess the models consist primarily of
average data obtained from relatively small (n=
20–25) samples of university students. As elabo-
rated below, recent evidence from both single
word and sentence comprehension tasks has chal-
lenged the validity of conclusions based on
average data by demonstrating systematic differ-
ences in both word recognition and sentence pro-
cessing within samples of skilled, university
student readers (see Andrews, 2012, for review).
The extent to which eye movements during
reading are systematically mediated by individual
differences amongst skilled adult readers is also an
area of growing interest.
Jared, Levy, and Rayner (1999) found that more
skilled readers, as measured by the comprehension
subsection of the Nelson–Denny Reading Test,
made significantly shorter fixations than poorer
readers. There was also some evidence of differ-
ences in word identification processes between the
two groups, suggesting that poorer readers relied
more on phonological activation than better
readers. Further evidence of differences in reading
strategy were provided by Ashby, Rayner, and
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