Mechanisms of Competition in Biofilm Communities

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Mechanisms of Competition in Biofilm Communities
Article · June 2015
DOI: 10.1128/microbiolspec.MB-0009-2014·Source: PubMed
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Olaya Rendueles
Institut Pasteur
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Mechanisms of Competition
in Biolm Communities
Institute for Integrative Biology, ETH Zürich, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland;
Institut Pasteur, Unité de Génétique des Biolms, Département de Microbiologie, F-75015 Paris, France
ABSTRACT Bacterial biolms are dense and often
mixed-species surface-attached communities in which
bacteria coexist and compete for limited space and nutrients.
Here we present the dierent antagonistic interactions
described in biolm environments and their underlying
molecular mechanisms, along with ecological and evolutionary
insights as to how competitive interactions arise and are
maintained within biolms.
One general law, leading to the advancement of all organic
beings, namely, multiply, vary, let the strongest live and the
weakest die.
CHARLES DARWIN,The Origin of Species (1)
The rapid development of new sequencing technologies
and the use of metagenomics revealed the great diversity
of microbial life and enabled the emergence of a new
perspective on population dynamics. Moreover, it has
highlighted the central role of social interactions in
ecological and evolutionary processes. Microbes living
in multispecies communities are prevalent in nature and
have been shown to extensively cooperate and compete.
Both intra- and interspecies interactions are instrumental
in major geochemical cycles and are important in human
health and homeostasis (e.g., the human microbiome has
been associated with several diseases) and in industrial
and clinical settings (2). Few studies have addressed the
role of individual species within mixed communities (3),
and they generally focus on cooperative interactions and
increased benets of community life (4,5). However,
recent work pointed out that most interactions are com-
petitive rather than cooperative, suggesting that adap-
tation is more likely achieved by competitive success (6).
A further degree of complexity in understanding multi-
species interactions and dynamics is brought by in-
creasing evidence suggesting that phenomena occurring
in complex communities cannot be predicted by the
observation of single-species communities (7).
How do biolm characteristics contribute to shape the
evolution of competitive social interactions? What are
the different competitive strategies deployed by bacteria
when forming biolms? Here, we describe exploitative
and interference competition strategies, with a special
focus on the underlying molecular mechanisms involved;
we offer some insights on the evolutionary origins and
ecological consequences of competition and reect on
new venues for this exciting multidisciplinary eld.
Our current understanding of microbial physiology is
mostly based on studies performed in homogeneous
batch cultures. This reductionist approach enabled an
experimental simplicity that has led to major discoveries
but has largely neglected the complexity of the microbial
Received: 13 August 2014, Accepted: 17 February 2015.
Published: 26 June 2015
Editors: Mahmoud Ghannoum, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH; Matthew Parsek, University of Washington, Seattle,
WA; Marvin Whiteley, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX; and
Pranab Mukherjee, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Citation: Rendueles O, Ghigo J-M. 2015. Mechanisms of
competition in biofilm communities. Microbiol Spectrum
3(3):MB-0009-2014. doi:10.1128/microbiolspec.MB-0009-2014.
Correspondence: Jean-Marc Ghigo, [email protected]
© 2015 American Society for Microbiology. All rights reserved. 1
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On: Tue, 09 Aug 2016 07:35:54
world. Indeed, extrapolating characteristics observed
in liquid to traits potentially relevant to a community
context could be misleading. In nature, bacteria display
complex multicellular behaviors and inuence each
other, enabling them to perform a great diversity of tasks
that they would not otherwise accomplish in liquid
monocultures. The following is a review of some im-
portant parameters for the study of competition within
biolms (Fig. 1).
Consequences of Clustering: Group Eects
Life in groups or aggregates is a common trait found in
all forms of life, from animals to bacteria. The Allee
effect suggests that there is an inherent benetto
grouping, evidenced by a positive correlation between
population size or density and mean individual tness
(8). This phenomenon has been extensively studied;
for instance, it was demonstrated that grouping pro-
vides animals with enhanced resistance to predation
(9), affects mating and reproduction efciency in mobile
organisms (10), and increases prokaryote resistance
to desiccation (11). In bacteria, it has been shown that
survival of Streptococcus mutans growing on the sur-
face of teeth and experiencing acidic stress is strongly
density-dependent (12). Other examples of the Allee
effect include trade-offs between dispersal and survival
in Escherichia coli populations (13) and an increased
tolerance to several antibiotics when bacteria are at
higher cellular densities. This tolerance to antibiotics is
independent of biolm formation, quorum sensing (QS),
and antibiotic resistance pathways (14).
Although grouping is often benecial, the physiolog-
ical consequences of increased cell density in bacterial
clusters can enhance competition. In the case of biolms,
FIGURE 1 Ecological and evolutionary parameters operating within biolm communities.
Group eects: increase bacterial tness compared to solitary life. Cooperation: biolm
bacteria can actively cooperate to increase their individual tness. Kin competition: under
high stress and low nutrient conditions, kin can become a source of competition and
enhance spatial segregation. Genetic expression proles: planktonic bacteria express
dierent genes than those expressed by biolm. Genotypic and phenotypic diversication:
Due to competition, dierent variants can spontaneously appear within biolm com-
munities. doi:10.1128/microbiolspec.MB-0009-2014.f1
Rendueles and Ghigo
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On: Tue, 09 Aug 2016 07:35:54
bacteria are encased in a self-produced biolm matrix
that acts as a molecular sink or reservoir due to limited
outward diffusion and/or retention of compounds by
the matrix. Therefore, antagonist molecules released by
bacteria are more concentrated in local areas and lead
to increased efciency against neighboring competitors
(15). Finally, grouping enhances competitive interac-
tions, the effects of which are strengthened when cellular
densities are high and resources low, for example, via
QS-dependent regulation and other strategies controlled
by positive feedback loops (16).
Cooperation in Multispecies Biolms
In contrast to competitive forces, spatial proximity may
also allow for cooperative interactions between microbes
(17). Coaggregation, or recognition and adhesion be-
tween genetically distinct bacteria (18), can be advanta-
geous and develop into mutualistic behaviors that impose
few, if any, associated costs to the interacting partners.
Examples of such interactions are (i) cross-feeding of two
species (19,20), (ii) more efcient degradation of her-
bicides by a three-species biolm than comparable single-
species or dual-species biolms (21), and (iii) altruistic
and/or synergistic degradation of toxic compounds,
allowing growth of other sensitive species (22,23).
However, more often than not, there are costs asso-
ciated with cooperation, and understanding the evolu-
tion of such a social investment in Darwinian terms can
be challenging, in particular, when the burden of coop-
erative behavior is costly enough to impact the individ-
ual reproductive tness of the cooperators. During
cooperative interactions, cheaters,(individuals that
benet from the cooperation but do not pay the costs
associated with it), can emerge and eventually invade
the population due to higher individual tness than
cooperators. The dilemma of cooperation is also relevant
during biolm formation and matrix production, which
strongly rely on the cooperative secretion of shared
compounds, also referred to as public goods,such as
exopolysaccharides (EPSs) and iron siderophores, and to
whose production all members should contribute (24).
Hamilton proposed that the evolution of cooperation
can be explained by an indirect tness effect, which occurs
when cooperation is directed toward kin, individuals
with high genetic relatedness (25). Consequently, perfect
cooperation in biolms should only occur in niches pop-
ulated by one genotype or highly related genotypes.
In this situation, there is no evolutionary competition,
and genotypes behave optimally for the group (26). Ad-
ditionally, several mechanisms have been described to
control cheaters (27,28) and to ensure the maintenance
of cooperation (29). This includes cheater policing (30)
or preferentially directing cooperation benets toward kin
(i.e., kin discrimination and green beard effect (mecha-
nism by which natural selection favors altruistic behavior
toward kin) [31]).
Interestingly, as predicted by theoretical models (32),
biolm characteristics such as proximity, limited dis-
persal, and spatial structure could enhance cooperation
per se by increasing genetic relatedness between the
interacting partners and avoiding the spread of cheating
genotypes. This is supported by experimental work
showing that cooperative bacteria have greater tness
than cheaters in biolms (33). More particularly, thick
biolms limit the diffusion of public goods through the
biolm so that only producers and their immediate
neighbors have access to it (15,33).
Kin Competition in Biolms
When resources are scarce, biolm bacteria have to
compete not only against other species but also against
their own kin, therefore limiting the benets of cooper-
ative behaviors (34,35). Reports of the persistence of
cooperation found in nature, either by establishment of
lifelong symbiosis or isolated collaborations, indicate
that the biolm lifestyle presents evolutionary advan-
tages despite competition (kin or not) and/or cheater
apparition (36). In addition to Hamiltons rule (see
above) and aforementioned mechanisms, the evolution
of cooperation can be favored by ecological factors
inuencing both benets and strengths of the competi-
tion, even when kin competition is harsh (37). For
instance, the spread of cheaters and their invasion is
strongly determined by the scale of the competition (34).
Moreover, cooperation is facilitated over competition
if the public good increases group productivity (37).
Taylor revisited Hamiltons rule and proposed a more
integrative model for kin selection including competi-
tion, patch structure, and their effects on the evolution of
cooperation (17). Such a model might more accurately
represent biolm communities.
A widespread weakness when studying kin competi-
tion is that only one social trait is usually taken into ac-
count (for instance, siderophore secretion). Reports that
consider several cooperative traits (e.g., siderophore se-
cretion, bacteriocin production, virulence factors, matrix
production) at once and analyze how they are impacted
by social interactions are scarce (38). Additionally, most
studies investigating the emergence of cheaters are per-
formed in single-species communities, without the addi-
tional level of complexity added when nonrelated species
are introduced into the community (39,40) (see below). 3
Mechanisms of Competition in Biolm Communities
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Genetic and Phenotypic Diversity
Biolms are highly heterogeneous environments in which
different microniches can coexist. They are characterized
by a vertical heterogeneity where the deeper layers of
the biolm are thought to be under strong starvation
conditions, reduced oxygen diffusion, and accumulation
of waste products. There is also a heterogeneity corres-
ponding to the presence of small patches of tightly
packed cells separated throughout the biolm by the
extracellular polymeric matrix and water channels (41).
Hence, biolm bacteria might have different growth rates,
suffer from different stresses, and accordingly, adopt dif-
ferent physiologies (2). The existence of small and diverse
microniches within biolms provides an excellent land-
scape for adaptive radiation and, consequently, genetic
and phenotypic divergence. Several experimental studies
indicate that structured habitats lead to increased diver-
sity due to frequency-dependent selection and to adapta-
tion of to unexploited microniches generated by spatial
heterogeneity (42). Indeed, key innovations to exploit
new niches in a biolm rapidly and readily arise given the
opportunity (43,44)(seeExperimental Evolution in
Ecological competition plays a key role in main-
taining diversity in biolms, because it is unlikely that
one genotype is well adapted to all environmental
conditions of heterogeneous structures. Consequently,
potential trade-offs across the different microniches of
biolms allow for the coexistence of different adapted
genotypes (43). The resultant self-diversication ensures
that in changing conditions a subset of the population
will still be adapted and have an advantage (43). For
example, Pseudomonas aeruginosa biolm cells diver-
sify into different genotypes that show enhanced dis-
persal or faster formation of biolms (43).
Biolms have two inherent characteristics that main-
tain diversity: limited dispersal of genotypes (clone-
mates remain in the neighborhood) and the existence
of dened spatial structure (i.e., heterogeneity). This
results in the coexistence of different competing geno-
types, whereas mixing and enhanced diffusion results
in the establishment of the ttest genotype (45). Other
mechanisms such as negative frequency-dependent se-
lection also allow variants adapted to a microniche to be
maintained (44). Finally, the existence of high genetic
diversity also implies that the ability of one genotype
to overtake an entire population is slowed down because
it has to displace competitors with different benecial
mutations. Taken together, there is increased genetic
diversity caused and maintained by the ecological com-
petition and spatial structure found within biolms.
Understanding the diversity within a community is a
useful rst step to elucidating its distribution patterns
in a given environment and identifying mechanisms
of competition within multispecies communities. Since
the launch of the Human Microbiome Project, next-
generation sequencing has made tremendous progress
and considerably lowered the detection limits for un-
derrepresented taxa in microbial populations. The use of
new diversity indexes taking into account both high and
low abundant taxa (46) will likely improve our under-
standing of ecological diversity in host (i.e., mouth,
intestine, skin), and environmental biolm niches across
individuals or between populations.
Genetic Expression Proles
Biolm bacteria have very different gene expression
proles compared to planktonic lifestyles, with up to a
10% difference between transcriptomes (47,48). Aside
from genes involved in general metabolic function, these
studies show that stress response genes, energy produc-
tion, and envelope-associated genes are upregulated in
biolm bacteria (47,49,50). Differences between bio-
lm and planktonic cells may also be relevant during
competition because many upregulated loci during bio-
lm development still have no known function (47,50).
Moreover, recent studies reported that biolm gene ex-
pression proles are highly dynamic and vary through-
out the developmental stages of biolm. For instance,
dispersal of Streptococcus pneumoniae biolm com-
pletely changes its gene expression proles compared to
planktonic biolm and bacteria in early stages of biolm
formation (51). These changes in expression include
genes involved in the synthesis of rhamnolipids and
other molecules already known to have antibiolm
effects on other bacteria (52,53). These novel biolm
gene expression patterns could lead to biolm-specic
functions associated with a potential role in ecological
competition (54).
Ecological competition can be classied into two groups.
The rst type, known as exploitative competition,
refers to indirect interactions between organisms, by
which one organism prevents access to and/or limits
the use of resources by another organism (55,56). Ex-
ploitative competition is common across the biological
spectrum; however, it is particularly acute within bio-
lms, which are already nutrient-depleted environments
(57). The second type of ecological competition is direct
or interference competition,which corresponds to
Rendueles and Ghigo
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Mechanisms of Competition in Biofilm Communities

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