Islamic-Philosophy Routledge-Companion 2015

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The Routledge Companion to Islamic
Edited by Richard C. Taylor
(/products/search?author=Richard C.
Taylor), Luis Xavier López-Farjeat
(/products/search?author=Luis Xavier
© (Copyright) 2016 – Routledge
434 pages
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pub: 2015-09-03 (Publication Date: September 3rd 2015)
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About the Book
This valuable reference work synthesizes and elucidates traditional themes
and issues in Islamic philosophy as well as prominent topics emerging from
the last twenty years of scholarship. Written for a wide readership of
students and scholars, The Routledge Companion to Islamic Philosophy is
unique in including coverage of both perennial philosophical issues in an
Islamic context and also distinct concerns that emerge from Islamic religious
thought. This work constitutes a substantial armation that Islamic
philosophy is an integral part of the Western philosophical tradition.
Featuring 33 chapters, divided into seven thematic sections, this volume explores the major areas
of philosophy: Logic, Metaphysics, Philosophy in the Sciences, Philosophy of Mind/Epistemology,
and Ethics/Politics as well as philosophical issues salient in Islamic revelation, theology, prophecy,
and mysticism.
Other features include:
A focus on both the classical and post-classical periods
A contributing body that includes both widely respected scholars from around the world and a
handful of the very best younger scholars
"Reference" and "Further Reading" sections for each chapter and a comprehensive index for the
whole volume
The result is a work that captures Islamic philosophy as philosophy. In this way it serves students
and scholars of philosophy and religious studies and at the same time provides valuable essays
relevant to the study of Islamic thought and theology.
"Classical Islamic philosophy has focused for many years on a few main figures, such as
Avicenna, Averroes or Ibn Khaldun and on key issues such as the eternity of creation or human
immortality. This vision is not wrong but partial. The editors of this volume have succeeded in
bringing into the study new matters of the Islamic tradition which continue to cause philosophical
challenges today."
Josep Puig Montada, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
"This is a wonderful collection of contemporary secondary sources on Islamic philosophy. It is a
real boon not only for the specialists, but also for the scholars and students of the history of
philosophy, especially those interested in ancient and medieval traditions."
Mohammad Azadpur, San Francisco State University, USA
"In what promises to be a highly acclaimed volume, the editors have brought together a collection
of essays that address the enduring questions in the Islamic philosophical tradition. Some of the
most accomplished philosophers working in the field have treated most of the traditional topics
and areas in Islamic philosophy; thereby making a major contribution to the growing field."
Mehdi Aminrazavi, University of Mary Washington, USA
"This is a well-informed guide through a long tradition of thought, a book teachers and students
will want to keep within reach as they strive for greater familiarity with the larger domain of Islamic
philosophy and its related disciplines."
Charles E. Butterworth, University of Maryland, USA
"This collection oers a unique, comprehensive, and illuminating set of essays that is sure to
enrich students of classical and post-classical Islamic philosophy. The topical focus of the volume
is especially eective for highlighting the vibrancy of Islamic philosophical tradition, and the
editors have ensured that all areas of philosophy are amply represented. Also noteworthy is the
inclusion of chapters on the philosophical significance of Islamic revelation, theology, and law. A
must-read for both beginners and more advanced students in the field."
Deborah L. Black, University of Toronto, Canada
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements. Notes on Contributors. Richard C. Taylor & Luis Xavier Lopez-Farjeat
Introduction. Part I. Philosophical Issues in Islamic Revelation and Theology 1. God and Creation
in al-Rāzīs Commentary on the Qur’ān Maha Elkaisy-Friemuth 2. Reasoning in the Qur’ān Rosalind
Ward Gwyne 3. Ethical Issues in the Qur’ān and Hadīth Azim Nanji 4. Human Reason in Islamic
Theology Toby Mayer 5. Jurisprudence and Political Philosophy in Islam Rumee Ahmed Part II.
Logic, Language and the Structure of Science. 6. Logic and Language Therese-Anne Druart 7.
Rhetoric, Poetics and the Organon Terence Kleven 8. Demonstration and Dialectic in Islamic
Philosophy Allen Bäck 9. The Structure and Methods of the Sciences Anna A. Akasoy & Alexander
Fidora Part III. Philosophy in the Natural Sciences. 10. The Establishment of the Principles of
Natural Philosophy Jon McGinnis 11. Causality in Islamic Philosophy Luis Xavier Lopez-Farjeat 12.
The Eternity of the World Cristina Cerami 13. Arabic Cosmology and the Physics of Cosmic Motion
David Twetten 14. Body, Soul, and Sense in Nature Luis Xavier Lopez-Farjeat Part IV. Metaphysics.
15. Establishing the Science of Metaphysics Amos Bertolacci 16. Forms of Hylomorphism Sarah
Pessin 17. Essence and Existence in Ibn Sīnā Rollen E. Houser 18. Primary and Secondary
Causality Richard C. Taylor 19. Metaphysics of God Jules Janssens 20. Creation in Islam from the
Qur’ān to al-Fārābī Michael Chase Part V. Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind. 21. External and
Internal Human Senses Carla Di Martino 22. The Epistemology of Abstraction Richard C. Taylor 23.
Human Knowledge and Separate Intellect Olga Lizzini 24. Intellect and the Intelligible in Unity
Cecile Bonmariage Part VI. Ethics and Political Philosophy. 25. The Ethics and Metaphysics of
Divine Command Theory Mariam Al-Attar 26. Freedom and Determinism Catarina Belo 27.
Principles of the Philosophy of State Philippe Vallat 28. Natural and Revealed Religion Nadja
Germann 29. Law and Society Steven Harvey 30. The Ethical Treatment of Animals Peter Adamson
Part VII. Philosophy, Religion and Mysticism. 31. Philosophy and Prophecy Frank Griel 32.
Philosophical Sufism Mohammed Rustom 33. Religious Readings of Philosophy Ayman Shihadeh
About the Editors
PHI000000 PHILOSOPHY / General
PHI003000 PHILOSOPHY / Eastern
PHI012000 PHILOSOPHY / History & Surveys / Medieval
PHI022000 PHILOSOPHY / Religious
REL037060 RELIGION / Islam / Theology
Richard C. Taylor is Professor of Philosophy at Marquette University and is former editor of
History of Philosophy Quarterly.
Luis Xavier López-Farjeat is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Universidad Panamericana in
Mexico City and editor of Tópicos, Journal of Philosophy.
About the Series
Routledge Philosophy Companions (/series/PHILCOMP)
Routledge Philosophy Companions oer thorough, high quality surveys and assessments of the
major topics and periods in philosophy. Covering key problems, themes and thinkers, all entries
are specially commissioned for each volume and written by leading scholars in the field. Clear,
accessible and carefully edited and organised, Routledge Philosophy Companions are
indispensable for anyone coming to a major topic or period in philosophy, as well as for the more
advanced reader.
Learn more… (/series/PHILCOMP)
Subject Categories
Humanities (/products/SCHU)
Religion (/products/SCHU05)
Islam - Religion (/products/SCHU0545)
Philosophy (/products/SCHU04)
Islamic Philosophy (/products/SCHU0412)
Medieval & Renaissance Philosophy (/products/SCHU0415)
Philosophy of Religion (/products/SCHU0425)
Area Studies (/products/SCAS)
Middle East Studies (/products/SCAS65)
Middle East Society (/products/SCAS6585)
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