To choose the best English options for children, it is ideal to know the milestones of learning
English at 4, 5 and 6 years old .
English for 4-year-olds
From the age of 4 and up, the language of a child advances with great strides. Your little one
will probably be using more complex sentences and grammatical structures (although not
necessarily correct, however, making consonantblends is part of the process).
It will also more successfully identify various objects in English, increasing vocabulary.
Likewise, at this age your little one will probably be able to:
• Enjoy more using children's books and audiobooks in English, since they are entering
the pre-reading stage and can handle them more easily. They can hold books, turn the
page, and identify more words and describe the pictures.
• Identify more sounds of letters and words in English. They can even recognize
rhymes while singing children's English songs.
• Differentiate your native language from English when speaking.
• Improve your vocabulary by adding new words about objects. You can start talking
about their uses.
• Scribble strokes similar to the letters of kindergarten sight words worksheets.
• Identify simple questions in English, especially those that refer to their daily
• Understand quantities and also the concept of simple place prepositions such as « next
to », « behind » or « between ».
• Ask simple yes or no questions in English using the verb «to be».