Laboratoires ANIOS
key figures
» 3 production sites in France
(20.000m² of eco-controlled factories)
» 1 Research centre
» 600 employees
» 350 formulas, 4000 product references
» 25 packaging lines
» 12.000 bottles packaged each day
» 16.000m² of fi nished product storage
» ISO 9001
» ISO 14001
» OHSAS 18001
A family business
1918 René COLLET takes over the business from his father.
1953 Odette COLLET, daughter-in-law of Fernand COLLET-DELVAL,
takes over from her husband.
1968 Luce LETARTRE-COLLET, grand-daughter of the founder,
takes over the management of the company. She builds the
expansion of the business on a partnership with the Pasteur
Institute of Lille.
1974 Thierry LETARTRE creates disinfection products range in the
hospital sector.
1982 Bertrand LETARTRE becomes C.E.O. of the company.
1986 Launch of the Medical and Dental division.
1989 Launch of the 1st totally automated production site,
known at the time as one of the most modern in Europe.
1994 Creation of the Hydenet department (communities).
2000 Creation of a new distribution center with over 6.000 m².
2006 Opening of a second production site in the North of France.
2010 Construction of the «LUCE LETARTRE» Research Centre.
2013 Expansion of the distribution center (16.000m²).
2014 Acquisition of Soluscope.
Fernand COLLET-DELVAL, great grand-father
of Bertrand and Thierry LETARTRE, creates the
Laboratoires ANIOS, specialized in manufacting
disinfectant products for breweries in Lille,
North of France.
New viruses and bacteria having emerged in the last 110 years, bacterial
resistance became a major world health issue.
What has not changed is our battle: to help YOU in the fi ght against
microbes.You, as members of the caring professions, are at the heart of our
Our primary objective is to be by your side in your daily battle against hospital
infections, not only by providing high-performance cleaning and disinfectant
products, but also in the monitoring and management of specifi c issues, the
training of your teams in hygiene techniques and even in the research and
development of new formulas.
This proximity that we establish everyday, thanks to a fi eld team close to you, is necessary in order to understand your
concerns and provide solutions: to ensure overall management of cleaning, disinfection and antisepsis.
In this publication, you will fi nd our complete range of products and devices, combining effi ciency, simplicity, safety and
respect, both for the user and the environment.
by Bertrand and Thierry Letartre
Our products at your service.
Since 2012 :
Member of the Private Organizations for Patient
Safety Program launched by W.H.O.