Association between psychological health and wound complications after surgery - British Journal of Surgery - 2017

Telechargé par Sandra Hnatiuk-Ratelle
Original article
Association between psychological health and wound
complications after surgery
P. Britteon1, N. Cullum2and M. Sutton1
1Manchester Centre for Health Economics and 2Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Correspondence to: Mr P. Britteon, Manchester Centre for Health Economics, University of Manchester, Room 4.306 Jean McFarlane Building,
Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK (e-mail:
Background: Surgical wound complications remain a major cause of morbidity, leading to higher costs
and reduced quality of life. Although psychological health is widely considered to affect wound healing,
the evidence on wound outcomes after surgery is mixed. Studies generally focus on small samples of
patients undergoing a specic procedure and have limited statistical power.
Methods: This study investigated the relationship between three different measures of anxiety and/or
depression and seven adverse surgical outcomes using observational data collected before and after
surgery between 2009 and 2011. A wide range of confounding factors was adjusted for, including
patient demographics, physical co-morbidities, health-related behaviours, month of operation, procedure
complexity and treating hospital.
Results: The estimation sample included 176 827 patients undergoing 59 410 hip replacements, 64 145
knee replacements, 38 328 hernia repairs and 14 944 varicose vein operations. Patients with moderate
anxiety or depression had an increased probability of wound complications after a hip replacement (odds
ratio (OR) 117, 95 per cent c.i. 111 to 124). They were more likely to be readmitted for a wound
complication (OR 120, 102 to 141) and had an increased duration of hospital stay by 019 (95 per cent
c.i. 015 to 024) days. Estimated associations were consistent across all four types of operation and for
each measure of anxiety and/or depression.
Conclusion: Preoperative psychological health is a signicant risk factor for adverse wound outcomes
after surgery for four of the procedures most commonly performed in England.
Paper accepted 30 November 2016
Published online 14 February 2017 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/bjs.10474
In 20152016, admissions for general surgery in England
exceeded 11 million1. Wound-related problems arising
after surgery remain a major cause of morbidity, despite
often being preventable. Surgical-site infection alone is
thought to affect at least 5 per cent of patients undergoing
surgery2. Patients with wound complications face longer
periods of recovery, leading to an increased risk of death,
higher costs of treatment, and a signicantly reduced qual-
ity of life3. The adverse impact of wound complications
may even negate the benets of the surgery4.
Understanding the factors associated with wound com-
plications can help to identify susceptible patients, deliver
appropriate interventions and reduce their incidence.
Although studies have generally focused on surgical
issues, patient factors also have an important role5.
Factors associated with delayed wound healing include
patient characteristics such as age and sex, health-related
behaviours (such as smoking, alcohol consumption,
poor diet), physical co-morbidities (obesity, diabetes,
medications) and psychological health (stress, anxiety,
depression)6. In particular, there is increasing evidence
that stress, anxiety and depression directly inuence
immune response, and hence wound healing7.
Several studies have investigated the impact of poor psy-
chological health on wound healing and found similar
negative effects8,9. However, relatively few studies have
focused specically on the recovery of patients under-
going surgery10, with most concentrating on outcomes
after cardiac surgery11. Findings from these studies are
inconclusive10. Wound healing takes many months, yet
discharge usually occurs within a week of surgery. As
such, incisional surgical wound complications nearly always
persist outside of hospital where the opportunities for
© 2017 BJS Society Ltd BJS 2017; 104: 769776
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770 P. Britteon, N. Cullum and M. Sutton
wound observation and detailed data collection are lack-
ing. Hence, analyses tend to be conducted for specic sur-
gical procedures using small samples of patients10.This
increases the heterogeneity between studies and reduces
the statistical power required to identify a signicant effect.
In this study, rich observational hospital- and patient-
reported information was combined for 176 827 patients
undergoing four of the most common surgical procedures
in England. The impact of depression and anxiety on
wound-related complications after surgery was analysed,
controlling for a wide range of confounding prognostic
Since April 2009, the national Patient Reported Out-
come Measures (PROMs) programme has collected
patient-reported information before and after surgery
from National Health Service (NHS) patients aged
12 years or over undergoing one of four common elective
procedures: unilateral hip replacement, unilateral knee
replacement, inguinal hernia repair and varicose vein
surgery. All providers of NHS care in England are required
to offer patients undergoing these procedures a preop-
erative PROMs questionnaire (Q1) before their date of
surgery. This usually occurs during the last outpatient
assessment or on the day of admission. A postoperative
PROMs questionnaire (Q2) is then mailed to the patient
6 months after the operation date for hip and knee replace-
ment, and 3 months after operation for hernia repair and
varicose vein surgery. One reminder is sent to patients who
fail to respond. Patients are made aware that identiable
information is anonymized to all hospital staff, including
PROMs data from 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2011 were
linked to administrative data from Hospital Episode Statis-
tics (HES) containing detailed clinical and demographic
information on all inpatient admissions in England.
Psychological health
Three alternative measures were used to characterize the
psychological status of the patient: two reported by the
patient before surgery and the third recorded by the
hospital during the patient’s admission.
Diagnosed depression
Patients’ self-identied co-morbidities were selected from
a list of 12 common serious conditions in the preoperative
PROMs questionnaire (depression, high BP, problems
caused by stroke, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes,
kidney disease, diseases of the nervous system, liver dis-
ease, cancer, arthritis, leg pain when walking due to poor
circulation). To minimize the use of medical terminology,
patients were asked: ‘Have you been told by a doctor that
you have any of the following?’. The study focused on
patients identifying themselves as having been diagnosed
with depression, the only psychological condition specied
in the list. Although self-reported medical diagnoses are
subject to recall bias, such measures have been shown to
correlate moderately or strongly with medical records and
are widely considered as valid instruments12,13.
Patient-reported anxiety or depression
Responses to the EQ-5DTM (EuroQoL Group, Rotter-
dam, The Netherlands) reported by the patient before
surgery were also considered. The EQ-5D™ measures
health over ve dimensions (anxiety or depression, mobil-
ity, self-care, usual activities, pain or discomfort). The study
focused on the anxiety or depression dimension. Patients
were offered three response categories: no problems, mod-
erate problems or extreme problems. The EQ-5D™ is
the generic health measure recommended by the National
Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
Hospital-recorded anxiety/depression
Clinical information on the diagnosed psychological health
status of patients recorded in HES was also considered.
Since 2009, hospitals have reported mental or behavioural
disorders of patients undergoing surgery as secondary
diagnoses, according to Chapter V of ICD-10. Patients
with a diagnosis of either an anxiety disorder (F41.X) or
a depressive episode (F32.X) were identied. These codes
represent the mental and behavioural disorders most com-
monly recorded by hospitals.
Wound-related outcomes
Patient-reported complication
In the postoperative PROMs questionnaire, patients were
asked: ‘Did you experience any of the following problems
after your operation: allergy or reaction to drug; urinary
problems; bleeding; and wound problems?’. Patients could
have developed the complication at any time during the 3-
or 6-month follow-up after surgery, both during or after
the hospital stay. The study focused on patients reporting a
wound problem. The validity of patient-reported compli-
cations is well documented14.
Hospital-reported wound complication
Clinical outcomes reported by the hospital in HES were
also considered. Patients with a wound-related secondary
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Psychological health and wound complications after surgery 771
diagnosis recorded using the ICD-10 codes T81.3 (dis-
ruption of operation wound, not elsewhere classied) and
T81.4 (infection following a procedure, not elsewhere
classied) were identied. These codes were specically
designed to capture postoperative events when recorded
as a secondary diagnosis.
Wound-related readmission
Patients readmitted to hospital after discharge where the
primary diagnosis code of the readmission was recorded
as T81.3 or T81.4 were identied. When recorded as
a primary diagnosis, the ICD-10 codes T80T88 are
used to specify readmission to hospital from a previous
complication of surgical care. For consistency with the
patient-reported information, only readmissions within
3 months after surgery for hernia repair and varicose vein
procedures, and within 6 months after surgery for hip and
knee replacements, were considered.
Length of hospital stay
The patient’s duration of hospital stay during the admission
in which the surgery took place was recorded. Duration of
stay was dened as the number of days from admission to
discharge from hospital using HES data.
Statistical analysis
Several factors confounding the relationship between
psychological health and recovery from surgery were iden-
tied that had previously been adjusted for, or overlooked
in the literature8. These likely confounding factors were
adjusted for using multiple logistic regression to calculate
adjusted odds ratios (ORs) when outcomes were binary, and
multiple linear regression when estimating the effect on
duration of stay. The adjusted factors included patient age,
sex and area-level income deprivation in 2010. An interac-
tion term was used to allow adjustments for age to differ
between male and female patients. Other health conditions
were adjusted for using: the remaining conditions reported
in the preoperative PROMs questionnaire; the remaining
four EQ-5D™ physical dimensions; the patient’s duration
of symptoms before surgery; and whether the patient had
undergone previous surgery of the same type. Secondary
diagnosis codes from HES were also used to adjust for
indicators of obesity (E66.X), nutritional deciencies
(E40E46, E50E64), sleep disorders (F51.X, G47.X,
R06.X, Z72.8, G25.8), smoking use (Z72.0, F17.2) and
alcohol use (Z21.1, F10.2). Data on ethnicity, disability
and whether the patient lived alone contained a large
proportion of missing values and so were not included.
Finally, binary indicators were included to adjust for dif-
ferences between hospitals, between primary procedures
and between months.
Separate models were estimated for each measure of
psychological health. For most analyses, each of the four
procedures was considered separately. However, because
hospitals often did not code patients with wound-related
complications, the analyses were not stratied by proce-
dure type when estimating effects on hospital-reported
outcomes, in order to maintain statistical power. Con-
dence intervals were calculated using cluster-robust
standard errors to allow for the multilevel (patients within
hospitals) structure of the data.
Response rates to the preoperative PROM questionnaire
between April 2009 and March 2011 varied between
organizations and by procedure type: hip replacement
(776 per cent), knee replacement (811 per cent), hernia
repair (553 per cent) and varicose vein procedures (454
per cent)15,16. The follow-up postoperative questionnaire
was issued to 949 per cent of the patients who completed
the preoperative questionnaire. Response rates to the
postoperative questionnaire also varied across procedure
type: hip replacement (837 per cent), knee replacement
(829 per cent), hernia repair (733 per cent) and varicose
vein procedures (643 per cent). Of patients who completed
both questionnaires, 802percentcouldbelinkedtoHES.
Final response rates varied between 225and505 per cent
across the four procedures.
Some 178 622 patients completed both the preoperative
and postoperative questionnaires, and could be linked to
HES: 60 157 hip replacements, 64 887 knee replacements,
38 516 hernia repairs and 15 062 varicose vein operations.
However, information on the area of residence needed to
identify levels of income deprivation was missing for 1795
(10 per cent) of these patients. The nal estimation sam-
ple contained 176 827 patients: 59 410 hip replacements,
64 145 knee replacements, 38 328 hernia repairs and 14 944
varicose vein operations.
Estimation results
Wound complications were frequently reported as an
adverse outcome across all procedures (Ta b l e 1 ). Patients
reported wound complications more frequently when
undergoing varicose vein surgery (146 per cent) compared
with hip replacements (94 per cent), knee replacements
(120 per cent) and hernia repair (110 per cent). Very few
patients undergoing hernia repair (003 per cent) and vari-
cose vein surgery (001 per cent) were coded by the hospital
© 2017 BJS Society Ltd BJS 2017; 104: 769776
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772 P. Britteon, N. Cullum and M. Sutton
Table 1 Descriptive statistics of surgical outcomes and psychological factors by procedure group
Hip replacement Knee replacement Hernia repair Varicose vein surgery
(n=59 410) (n=64 145) (n=38 328) (n=14 944)
Patient-reported outcomes
Wound complication 5605 (94) 7716 (120) 4226 (110) 2189 (146)
Other complications
Bleeding 3260 (55) 4298 (67) 2163 (56) 2012 (135)
Allergy or reaction 6380 (107) 7899 (123) 1544 (40) 441 (30)
Urinary 7168 (121) 6964 (109) 3132 (82) 218 (15)
Hospital-reported outcomes
Wound complication 291 (05) 306 (05) 10 (00) 1 (00)
Wound-related readmission 240 (04) 400 (06) 107 (03) 37 (02)
Length of stay (days)
Day case 57 (01) 83 (01) 26 355 (688) 13 177 (882)
1 200 (03) 191 (03) 10 057 (262) 1601 (107)
2 2552 (43) 2209 (34) 1176 (31) 118 (08)
3 10 365 (174) 11 290 (176) 333 (09) 32 (02)
4 13 613 (229) 15 621 (244) 153 (04) 5 (00)
5 11 006 (185) 11 860 (185) 74 (02) 5 (00)
6 7018 (118) 7632 (119) 38 (01) 2 (00)
7 14 599 (246) 15 259 (238) 142 (04) 4 (00)
Psychological factors
Previously diagnosed depression 4073 (69) 4848 (76) 1595 (42) 1001 (67)
Problems with anxiety or depression
None 34 082 (574) 39 933 (623) 32 316 (843) 11 732 (785)
Moderate 22 387 (377) 21748 (339) 5658 (148) 2925 (196)
Extreme 2941 (50) 2464 (38) 354 (09) 287 (19)
Hospital-recorded anxiety or depression 1086 (18) 1287 (20) 326 (09) 143 (10)
Values in parentheses are percentages.
as having a wound-related complication. Wound-related
complications were coded by the hospital more frequently
for hip (05 per cent) and knee (05 per cent) replacements.
Rates of readmission for a wound complication of previous
surgery varied across procedures (from 02to06 per cent).
Patients requiring joint replacement had a longer duration
of stay than those undergoing hernia repair and varicose
vein surgery, where the majority of patients were treated
as a day case (688and882 per cent respectively).
Patients having hip and knee replacement surgery were
more likely to have experienced poor psychological health
than those undergoing hernia repair and varicose vein
surgery (Ta b l e 1 ). Those having hip and knee replacement
reported higher rates of diagnosed depression (69and76
per cent respectively) and more frequently stated that they
were moderately (377and339 per cent) or extremely (50
and 38 per cent respectively) anxious or depressed before
surgery. Likewise, a greater proportion of patients under-
going hip (18 per cent) and knee (20 per cent) replacement
were recorded by the hospital to have an anxiety disorder or
depressive episode during their admission compared with
patients undergoing hernia repair (09 per cent) and vari-
cose vein surgery (10 per cent).
The psychological health measures were positively cor-
related, as expected (Ta b l e 2 ). The proportion of patients
Table 2 Alternative measures of psychological health
Problems with
anxiety or
No. of
Previously diagnosed
anxiety or
None 118 063 1417 (12) 680 (06)
Moderate 52 718 7710 (146) 1678 (32)
Extreme 6046 2390 (395) 484 (80)
Values in parentheses are percentages.
who had been diagnosed with depression increased with
levels of reported problems with anxiety or depression
from 12 per cent (none) to 146 per cent (moderate)
to 395 per cent (extreme). Likewise, the proportion of
patients diagnosed with an anxiety disorder or depres-
sive episode by the hospital also increased with levels of
reported problems with anxiety or depression from 06per
cent (none) to 32 per cent (moderate); only a small fraction
of patients who had self-identied as having extreme prob-
lems with anxiety or depression (80 per cent) were iden-
tied with a depressive episode or anxiety disorder by the
Patients with anxiety and/or depression were more likely
to experience a wound problem after surgery (Ta b l e 3 ).
The associations reduced but remained signicant after
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Psychological health and wound complications after surgery 773
Table 3 Association between psychological factors and wound complications after surgery
Patient-reported wound complication
No. of patients* Unadjusted odds ratio Adjusted odds ratio
Hip replacement
Previously diagnosed depression
No 5040 (91) 100 (reference) 100 (reference)
Yes 565 (139) 161 (147, 176) 136 (124, 150)
Problems with anxiety or depression
None 2841 (83) 100 (reference) 100 (reference)
Moderate 2393 (107) 132 (125, 139) 117 (111, 124)
Extreme 371 (126) 159 (141, 179) 126 (110, 143)
Hospital-recorded anxiety or depression
None 5463 (94) 100 (reference) 100 (reference)
Any 142 (131) 146 (121, 175) 132 (110, 159)
Knee replacement
Previously diagnosed depression
No 6897 (116) 100 (reference) 100 (reference)
Yes 819 (169) 154 (142, 168) 128 (117, 140)
Problems with anxiety or depression
None 4353 (109) 100 (reference) 100 (reference)
Moderate 2947 (136) 128 (122, 135) 113 (106, 119)
Extreme 416 (169) 166 (147, 188) 127 (112, 145)
Hospital-recorded anxiety or depression
None 7516 (120) 100 (reference) 100 (reference)
Any 200 (155) 135 (115, 159) 124 (105, 145)
Inguinal hernia repair
Previously diagnosed depression
No 3966 (108) 100 (reference) 100 (reference)
Yes 260 (163) 161 (141, 184) 134 (116, 155)
Problems with anxiety or depression
None 3365 (104) 100 (reference) 100 (reference)
Moderate 790 (140) 140 (129, 152) 120 (110, 130)
Extreme 71 (201) 216 (167, 278) 166 (127, 217)
Hospital-recorded anxiety or depression
None 4177 (110) 100 (reference) 100 (reference)
Any 49 (150) 143 (107, 191) 129 (098, 171)
Varicose vein procedure
Previously diagnosed depression
No 1993 (143) 100 (reference) 100 (reference)
Yes 196 (196) 146 (125, 170) 127 (108, 151)
Problems with anxiety or depression
None 1611 (137) 100 (reference) 100 (reference)
Moderate 510 (174) 133 (119, 149) 121 (107, 136)
Extreme 68 (237) 195 (155, 246) 168 (125, 226)
Hospital-recorded anxiety or depression
None 2161 (146) 100 (reference) 100 (reference)
Any 28 (196) 142 (094, 216) 113 (071, 179)
Values in parentheses are *percentages and 95 per cent condence intervals. Estimation sample: hip replacement, 59 410; knee replacement, 64 145;
hernia repair, 38 328; varicose vein surgery, 14 944. Odds ratios were estimated by multiple logistic regression.
adjustment for confounding factors. Following hip replace-
ment, previously diagnosed depression increased the
probability of wound complications (OR 136, 95 per
cent c.i. 124 to 150). Likewise, patients undergoing hip
replacement who had moderate problems of anxiety or
depression were more likely to develop a wound compli-
cation than patients reporting no problems with anxiety
or depression (OR 117, 111 to 124). The association
with extreme problems of anxiety or depression was even
stronger (OR 126, 110 143). These associations were
similar in magnitude and signicance for patients under-
going knee replacement, hernia repair and varicose vein
surgery. Hospital-recorded anxiety or depression was
signicantly associated with the rate of surgical wound
problems only for patients undergoing hip (OR 132, 110
to 159) or knee (OR 124, 105 to 145) replacement.
© 2017 BJS Society Ltd BJS 2017; 104: 769776
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Association between psychological health and wound complications after surgery - British Journal of Surgery - 2017

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