Receptors of tissue of
cardiovascular system and the
points of attachement of drugs
cardiovascular tissue
alpha-adrenergic reseptors
Beta-adrenergic reseptors
cardiovascular tissue:
Cardiovascular tissue has an important
role in circulating blood for the transport
of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, blood cells, and
hormones, to maintain the homeostasis of human
body, In particular, vascular grafts with
nanostructured surfaces can promote cell adhesion
and proliferation
Cardiac muscle tissue is an extremely specialized
form of muscle tissue that has evolved to pump blood
throughout the body. In fact, cardiac muscle is only
found in the heart and makes up the bulk of the
heart's mass.
Alpha receptors are the cell receptors that control
physiological processes like vasocontruction,intestinal
relaxation,pupil dilation upon interaction with
There is tow types alpha 1 and alpha 2
Methoxamine is an exemple of alpha 1 agonist
while clonidine is an an example of a alpha 2
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