September 18, 2018
To the Reader:
This year’s updated Volume 3 of our 2019 TAG Cyber Security Annual is the result of our growing team of expert
researchers working each day – since last year’s report issuance – to identify, update, and maintain an impossibly-
long list of cyber security vendors. I’m proud of the amazing TAG Cyber team for their fine efforts, and I hope their
intense work saves you valuable time, effort, and money in your own source selection research. That’s been our goal
for Volume 3 since Day One: To assist, and to support you – the cyber security professional.
We hesitate to call this a fully-comprehensive work, simply because each day seems to bring several new cyber
security vendors to the market. The moment this document is pushed to our roughly 54 free-download sites in mid-
September of 2018, a dozen great new cyber security companies will have been born. So, we do our best to include
everything we can find. And we keep searching and pushing to include more and more cyber security companies to
our list. We do this for you, every day of every week.
Another great challenge is the day-to-day flurry of mergers, acquisitions, and yes – dissolutions of cyber security
companies that must be tracked. It’s a tricky process, because when two great companies combine, such as
AlienVault and AT&T, the decision must be made whether to keep both as separate entries, or to combine them into
one new one. In the end, it’s a total judgment call. Generally, we try to keep them separate for as long as security
professionals might continue to view them separately. But we don’t always get this right.
People ask me every day if this list is automated and I feel like I’m apologizing when I say no. We do not crawl
sites, and we do not launch botnets to find companies. We do it the old-fashioned way – with fingers to keyboard,
and with shoe leather to pavement. (We make sure manually, for example, that we are a super-set of the RSA
Conference vendor sponsors.) What this means is that when we list a company, a human being on our staff has
checked to make sure that a real company exists. We get this right – most of the time.
As we announce every year, if you are a cyber security vendor and you are not listed here, then please drop me an
email at eamoroso@tag-cyber.com. I will do my best to set up a brief discussion, and might even blog about you as
well. If you follow me on LinkedIn (Edward Amoroso) or Twitter (@hashtag_cyber), then you are already familiar
with these types of articles and the cadence for their issuance. We also have created hours and hours (and more
hours) of video interviews with cyber luminaries, which you can check out on our TAG Cyber YouTube Channel.
So, welcome to this 2019 TAG Cyber Security Annual – Volume 3. The listings are free as always, so we hope you
save barrels of money by not having to pay external researchers. Most of these fancy industry analyst companies
will charge you a small fortune for this type of information (when they are not too busy throwing darts at some
dumb quadrant). Use the money you save by not paying them, to buy pizza for your team – for the next decade.
Dr. Edward G. Amoroso
Chief Executive Officer, TAG Cyber LLC
Fulton Street on Broadway