control input using respectively the GPC and the
PID controller.
Fig 3. RLC system response (vs(k) solid line and ve(k) dashed
line) (GPC controller)
Fig 4. GPC control input
Fig 5. RLC system response (vs(k)solid line and ve(k) dashed
line) (PID controller)
Fig 6. PID control input
In the table below, we compare the performance of
execution time between PID and GPC controller.
Performance comparison between GPC and PID Controller
PID GPC controller
Average execution time (μ s) 4.613 532.142
Based on this table, we note that the computing
time of the GPC is greater than that of the PID.
Indeed, the GPC algorithm has several matrix
resolutions, see Table II.
The implementation of the PID and the GPC
controller on STM32 was successful. From the
experimental results we can see that both
controllers have a good tracking of the reference
input. Although the execution time of the PID
algorithm is less than that of the GPC; the latter has
the advantage of anticipating the change in the
reference input and thus acts before it occurs, which
is not the case of the PID controller.
V. Conclusion
In this work, we have implemented a PID and a
GPC controllers on a STM32 microcontroller. The
IAR embeded workbench was used to load the
firmware which enables the microcontroller to
control a second order system. The presented work
is the first step that enables us to consider in the
future the control of complex and nonlinear systems
with the GPC strategy implemented on the STM32
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