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1. Introduction
Semiconductor metal oxides such as MoO3, SnO2, ZnO, In2O3, ... have been widely
studied for their high thermal and chemical stability and suitability in many applications.
Molybdenum trioxide belongs to the transition metal oxides, crystallizes in the orthorhombic
structure and has high chemical and thermal stability and interesting physical properties that
may be useful in optoelectronic apparatus. Recently, due its attractive electrical properties, the
MoO3 oxide was used in many applications such as optical devices [1] , smart windows [2],
medicine and agriculture [3] and it was incorporated in transistors [4], catalysts [5],
electrochemical capacitors [6] and gas sensors [7-9] to improve their physical properties.
Molybdenum trioxide can be crystallized in three polymorphic phases; the stable phase α-MoO3
and two meta-stable phases β-MoO3 and h-MoO3. Also, it used different elements for the
doping of MoO3 such as iron used by Ouyang et al. [8] who studied the facile synthesis of Fe-
doped MoO3 by a hydrothermal method, in which the Fe doping amount was easily adjusted to
be 0.3, 0.6, 0.7 and 0.9 wt.% by only increasing the reaction time. Kamoun et al.[10]
investigated the physical properties of MoO3 in thin films doped with europium element and an
aqueous solution of ammonium Molybdate containing various concentration of Europium (0–
2%) sprayed on a glass substrate heated at 460 °C in air. Other researchers used the Cobalt [11]
, the cerium [12],… as dopant to ameliorate its physical properties.
The MoO3 were mainly manufactured in thin films shape by using chemical or physical
methods. The physical methods include magnetron sputtering [13] and pulsed laser deposition
(PLD) [14], while the chemical methods include spay pyrolysis [15], chemical vapor deposition
(CVD) [16] and electrochemical deposition methods [17, 18]. These processes are very simple
and can be operated at relatively low deposition temperature using relatively low concentrations
and gave thin films in good adhesion with the substrate; demonstrating a uniform molecular
distribution, excellent optical properties and high purity. The nature of the used wafer on the
creation and the grains’ shape constituting the prepared thin film and its overall physical
properties such as the glass [12, 14], porous silicon [2, 19] and graphite [20].
This work examined the thin film of MoO3 deposited on porous silicon; which was
prepared in various etching times. The prepared MoO3 thin films deposited on porous silicon
were studied using the X-ray diffraction (XRD) to investigate the evolution of its structure, the
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to investigate its morphology, the UV–vis spectra and
photoluminescence measurements in order to analyze the optical properties and measure the
band gap, the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to analyze the existing functional