Notes - mllenewcomer

Français II
Révision A
Les noms et les articles
All French nouns, unlike English nouns, have a gender. Every noun is either masculine or feminine.
Nouns that refer to males (people, animals or objects), such as father, dog, pencil etc. are masculine.
Those that refer to females (people, animals or objects), such as mother, door, etc., are feminine. For
most other nouns, gender is usually arbitrary and must be memorized.
Les articles définis (___________________________) translate to the word _______________.
Masculin singulier
Féminin singulier
Singulier (masculin ou féminin) avec une voyelle
Pluriel (masculine, féminin ou avec une voyelle)
 You also must remember to :
Exercice A: Write the correct definite article before the noun.
1. _______ femme
4. _______ immeuble
2. _______ professeur
5. _______ café
3. _______ copains
6. _______ frites
7. ______ omelette nature
8. _______ frère
Les articles indéfinis (_______________________________) translate to the words __________________.
When it is used with a negative sentence it can mean _________________.
Masculin singulier
Féminin singulier
Pluriel (masculin ou féminin)
Negative sentences (_____________________________)
If negative with a noun that starts with a vowel
*There is no special article for words that start with a vowel*
Exercice B- Write the correct indefinite article before the noun.
1. _______ chien
4. Je n’ai pas ____ poulet.
2. _______ amis
5. _______ parents
3. _______ calculatrice
6. _______ salade verte
Exercice C- Comment dit-on…?
1. A boy _______________________________
7. ____ feuilles de papier
5. Some pens ____________________________
2. An uncle _____________________________
6. The high schools ______________________
3. A middle school _______________________
7. A house _____________________________
4. The neighbor (fem.) ___________________
8. The garden __________________________
Les pronoms
Subject pronouns are the subject of a sentence. You should remember that you match up the
subject pronoun with the correct forms of verbs. This chart should help you remember the order
of the pronouns by the way they are arranged, this is how we will be conjugating in class.
1st person
2nd person
3rd person
**Remember, ‘on’ is always singular, even if more than one person is implied. Therefore the verb and
adjective(s) are also singular. Ex: People are short: __________________________
You can also replace people’s names or the names of objects with the subject pronouns
_____________________________________, depending on if they are masculine, feminine, or plural.
Exercice D: Which subject pronoun would you use instead of the noun below:
1. Les élèves ____________________________
5. La fille _______________________________
2. Votre grand-père _____________________
6. L’ami de Alice ________________________
3. Julie _______________________________
7. Les crayons __________________________
4. Pierre et Monique ____________________
8. La maison ____________________________
*Note* If you see a person’s name with “et moi” (_____), that is like using the subject pronoun: ________________
*Note* If you see a person’s name with “et toi” (_____), that is like using the subject pronoun: _________________
l’accord des adjectifs
Adjectives are words that _________________________________________________. In French, unlike in
English, every adjective must agree in _______________________ and ______________________ with
the noun it describes.
To form the feminine of most adjectives add the letter -_______
Exemple: un grand collège, une __________________ maison.
(*Note* some adjectives already end in –e and do not change to become feminine)
To form the plural of most adjectives, add the letter –______
However, if a words end in –u, you would add the letter -______
Exemple: Les chiens sont ______________________ (small).
Les livres sont _______________________ (new).
Prononciation :
If a noun is feminine and plural add the letters -__________.
Exemple: Les mères sont ______________________ (big)
Exercice E : Utilisez le même adjectif pour la deuxième partie de la phrase. Changez si nécessaire.
1. Le garçon est énergique. La fille est ________________________________________ aussi.
2. La fleur est jolie. Les fleurs sont ________________________________________ aussi.
3. Ton oncle est intelligent. Ta tante est très ________________________________________ aussi.
4. Marc est grand et blond. Sa sœur Marie est ____________________ et ____________________ aussi.
5. Le sandwich est petit. Les salades sont ________________________________________ aussi.
6. Le café est nouveau. Les magasins sont ________________________________________ aussi.
Vocabulaire : Des adjectifs
Le verbe être
The verbe « être » means _____________________. It is used to __________________________________.
Key question (and question word) to remember: ______________________________________________
The song to remember the verb être is: _______________________________________.
Exercice F: Write out the sentences using the verb “être” & the correct form of the adjective.
1. You (s.) are smart. _____________________________________________________________
2. They (m.) are nice. ______________________________________________________________
3. You all are strong. _______________________________________________________________
4. She is French. ___________________________________________________________________
5. I am interesting. ___________________________________________________________________
6. People are shy. ___________________________________________________________________
7. Marie is blond. ___________________________________________________________________
8. The boys are lazy. ___________________________________________________________________
9. We are American. ___________________________________________________________________
10. He is patient. ___________________________________________________________________