Emmanuel FRIEDHEIM - Publications and Lectures Book as Editor

Emmanuel FRIEDHEIM - Publications and Lectures
Book as Editor:
2011: M. Beer, The Sages of the Mishnah and the Talmud: Teachings, Activities and
Leadership, E. Friedheim, D. Sperber, R. Yankelevitch (eds.), Bar Ilan University
Book as Author:
2006: Rabbinisme et paganisme en Palestine romaine – Étude historique des Realia
talmudiques, (Ier-IVème siècles), Religions in the Graeco-Roman World, Volume 157,
Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden – Boston.
Articles in Periodicals & Chapters in books:
1) 2016: "Les odeurs, les bruits ou quelques remarques sur une vision judéenne
des désagréments écologiques aux premiers siècles de notre ère", Tsafon –
Revue d'Etudes Juives du Nord, (In press).
2) 2016: "Le milieu rabbinique face aux diversités sociales et religieuses en Palestine
romaine du Ier au IVème siècle de notre ère", in: M. A. Vannier et al. (eds.), Les
rapports judaïsme-christianisme dans l'Antiquité tardive, Brepols, Turnhout (In
3) 2016: "La place de la prêtrise yabnéenne dans le judaïsme rabbinique ou la
question du militantisme sacerdotal face au climat insurrectionnel contre
Rome", in: L. Painchaud, S. C. Mimouni & P. H. Poirier (eds.), La question de
la "sacerdotalisation" dans le judaïsme chrétien, le judaïsme rabbinique et le
judaïsme sacerdotal, Brepols, Turnhout (In press).
4) 2016: "La société juive en Palestine romaine face aux interdits alimentaires ou
une perception plurielle de l'identité judéenne", in: B. Caseau & H. Monchot
(eds.), Religions et interdits alimentaires, De Boccard, Paris (In press).
5) 2016: "La musique religieuse juive avant et après 70', in: B. Caseau, E. Neri &
L. Beaurin (eds.), Religions et sensorialité : Antiquité et Moyen-Âge, ParisSorbonne. (In press)
6) 2016: 'Sur la signification historique du silence philonien à propos de la
bibliothèque d'Alexandrie', in: Ch. Rico (ed.), Library of Alexandria –
Interdisciplinary Research, Cambridge. (In press)
7) 2015: "Sur la thèse de la paganisation des Judéens au temps de la Mishna et du Talmud
: une nouvelle approche", in: S. C. Mimouni et al. (eds.), Les judaïsmes dans tous leurs
états aux Ier-IIIe siècles (les Judéens des synagogues, les chrétiens et les rabbins),
Turnhout 2015, pp. 73-116.
8) 2014: "Un oignon de l'idolâtrie – ou la dimension historique d'un vocable talmudique',
9) 2014: "Le contexte historique éclairant le texte halakhique ou les positions des Sages
vis-à-vis de la culture gréco-romaine du IIe au IVe siècle", Ancient Judaism –
International Journal of History and Philology, 2, pp. 43-78.
10) 2014: "Sites et cultes guérisseurs en Galilée', Le monde de la Bible, 208, pp. 46-47.
11) 2014: "Richesse et pauvreté dans le judaïsme intertestamentaire et talmudique",
12) 2013: "Entre rigueur et clémence ou les Sages d'Eretz-Israël face au polythéisme à l'ère
talmudique', Pardès: Études et culture juives, 53, pp. 173-184.
13) 2013: "Quelques remarques sur le regard de la diaspora babylonienne vis-à-vis d'EretzIsraël à l'époque talmudique", Tsafon – Revue d'études juives du Nord, 65, pp. 31-45.
14) 2013: "Haine et mépris ou le fondement historique de la rivalité entre judaïsme
palestinien et babylonien au IIIème siècle de l'ère commune", Judaica – Beiträge zum
Verstehen des Judentums, pp. 14-33.
15) 2012: "Polythéisme et monothéisme juif ou la question des convergences cultuelles au
sein du second temple de Jérusalem", Revue biblique, 119/3, pp. 366-382.
16) 2012: "Jewish Society in the Land of Israel and the Challenge of Music in the Roman
Period', The Review of Rabbinic Judaism – Ancient, Medieval and Modern, 15/1, pp.
17) 2011: "Quelques remarques historiques sur les conceptions halakhiques du pèlerinage
juif sur les sépultures des Justes : Entre opposition et approbation", Judaica – Beiträge
zum Verstehen des Judentums, 67/4, pp. 347-359.
18) 2011: "On the Historical Significance of a Pagan Term in the Torah of the Land of
Israel", Sidra – A Journal for the Study of Rabbinic Literature, 26, pp. 141-153.
19) 2010: "Quelques remarques sur l'évocation de Jérusalem dans la littérature gréco-latine
non-chrétienne', Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 90/2, pp. 161-178.
20) 2010: E. Friedheim & S. Dar, "Some Historical and Archaeological Notes about
Paganism in Byzantine Palestine', Revue biblique, 117/3, pp. 397-409.
21) 2010-2009: "L'historicité des sources talmudiques ou quelques remarques historiques
sur l’éducation juive en Palestine au temps de la Mishna et du Talmud", Tsafon –
Revue d'études juives du Nord, 58, pp. 45-58. http://www.tsafonrevue.com/?Resumes-du-no-58.
22) 2010: "Les écrits rabbiniques et la société juive en terre d'Israël au temps de la Mishna
et du Talmud ou la question historique des rapports entre normativité et dissidence",
Les Cahiers du Judaïsme, 28, pp. 32-37.
23) 2010: “Quelques réflexions historiques sur les origines païennes présumées du
christianisme primitif,” in: D. Jaffé (ed.), Studies in Rabbinic Judaism and Early
Christianity – Text and Context, Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, Volume 74,
24) 2010: "Some Notes about the Samaritans and the Rabbinic Class at the Crossroads",
in: M. Mor & F. von Reiterer (eds.), Samaritans – Past and Present: Current Studies,
Studia Judaica – Forschungen zur Wissenschaft des Judentums, Band 53, Walter de
25) 2009: "Sol Invictus in the Severus Synagogue at Hammath Tiberias, the Rabbis and
Jewish Society: a Different Approach', The Review of Rabbinic Judaism – Ancient,
26) 2009: "Did the Sages Ban Music after the Destruction of the Second Temple?", BDD
(Bekhol Derakhekha Daehu) – Journal of Torah and Scholarship, 22, pp. 97-105.
27) 2009: “A Historical Study of the Halakhic Attitudes of the Land of Israel Sages to
Greek and Roman Culture in the Days of the Mishnah and Talmud,” AJS Review: The
Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies, 33/2, pp. 1*-18*. [Hebrew]
28) 2009: "How Jewish Society in Eretz Israel Confronted the Challenge of Music in the
Roman Period", Cathedra for the History of Eretz-Israel and its Yishuv, 132, pp. 5576. [Hebrew]
29) 2008: “Hilaria: On the Historical Meaning of a Pagan Celebration Mentioned in the
Land of Israel Midrashim,” Judaica – Beiträge zum Verstehen des Judentums, 64/3,
pp. 118-135.
30) 2007: “The Religious and Cultural World of Aelia Capitolina: A New Perspective,”
Archiv Orientální (Oriental Archive – Quarterly Journal of African and Asian
Studies), 75/4, pp. 125-152.
31) 2006: “The Public Roman Bath in Roman Palestine: A Dilemma Concerning its
Definition as a Locus Consecratus,” Cathedra Quarterly for the History of EretzIsrael
32) 2006: “A New Look at the Historical Background of Mishna 'Avoda Zara I, 1,” Zion:
A Quarterly for Research in Jewish History, 71/3, pp. 273-300 [Hebrew]
33) 2005: “Timi de-Romi and Tyche de-Romi : A Reexamination of the Historical
Significance of a Talmudic Expression,” Jewish Studies: An Internet Journal 4, pp.
23-33 (Hebrew). http://www.biu.ac.il/js/JSIJ/heb/jsij4.html.
34) 2004: “Medicine and Jewish and Pagan Cultures in the Land of Israel during the
Roman Period,” Jerusalem and Eretz Israel: A Quarterly for Archaeology, 2, pp. 128 (Hebrew).
35) 2004: “The Public Pagan Festivals Mentioned in Mishna Avoda Zara I. 3 and the
Cultural Reality in the Land of Israel during the Roman Period,” Bekhol Derakhekha
Daehu [BDD]: Journal of Torah and Scholarship, 14, pp. 47-72 (Hebrew).
36) 2004: “Sur les relations Judéo-Samaritaines du Ier au IVème siècles p. C. – Entre
accommodement et éviction,” Theologische Zeitschrift, 60/4, pp. 193-213.
37) 2004: “Contribution talmudique à l'étude de la vénalité de sacerdoces en Palestine au
IIIème siècle p. C.,” Archiv Orientální (Oriental Archive – Quarterly Journal of
38) 2003: “Who Are the Deities Concealed behind the Rabbinic Expression 'A Nursing
Female Image'?,” Harvard Theological Review, 96/2, pp. 239-250.
39) 2003: “Politique et rabbinisme en Palestine romaine. Opposition, approbation et
réalités historiques,” Theologische Zeitschrift, 59/2, pp. 97-112.
40) 2003: “The Worship of Tyche in the Land of Israel during the Roman Period: A Study
in Historical Geography,” Jerusalem and Eretz Israel: A Quarterly for Archaeology,
1 (2003), pp. 47-85 (Hebrew).
41) 2002: “Rabban Gamaliel and the Bathhouse of Aphrodite in Akko: A Study of EretzIsrael Realia in the 2nd and 3rd Centuries C.E.,” Cathedra Quarterly for the History of
42) 2002: “The Names 'Gad, Gadya, Gada' among the Palestinian and Babylonian Sages
and the Rabbinic Struggle against Pagan Influences,” in: A. Demsky (ed.), These Are
the Names: Studies in Jewish Onomastics, III, Bar-Ilan University Press, Ramat Gan,
pp. 117-126 (Hebrew). http://www.biupress.co.il/website_en/index.asp?id=317
43) 2002: “Quelques remarques sur l'introduction du culte de Jupiter héliopolitain à
Nicopolis-Emmaus à l'époque romaine,” Revue Biblique, 109/1, pp. 101-108.
44) 2001: “The Pagan Cults of Ascalon during the Roman Period,” in: Z. Safrai, A. Sasson,
and N. Sagiv (eds.), Ashkelon: A City on the Seashore, Ashkelon Academic CollegeEretz-Israel Museum, Tel-Aviv, pp. 147-174 (Hebrew).
45) 2001: “The Real Historical Meaning of the Talmudic Expression 'A Qilor Dedicated to
Idolatry',” Tarbiz: A Quarterly for Jewish Studies, 70/3-4 , pp. 403-415
46) 2000: “The Travelling Merchant and Arabian-Syrian Pagan Rituals Mentioned in the
Tosefta,” Tarbiz: A Quarterly for Jewish Studies, 69/2, pp. 167-175 (Hebrew).
47) 2000: “Sanctification of an Axe to a Pagan Deity: An Anatolian-Syrian Ritual Known
to Rabbi 'Akiva,” Cathedra Quarterly for the History of Eretz-Israel and Its Yishuv,
95, pp. 25-36 (Hebrew).
48) 2000: “The Real Historical Meaning of the Mishnaic Term 'The Day of Shaving the
Beard and Lock of Hair,'” Bekhol Derakhekha Daehu [BDD]: Journal of Torah and
Scholarship, 10, pp. 63-78 (Hebrew).
49) 2000: “The Role of the Roman Army in the Spread of Paganism in Judea and Samaria
after the Great Revolt,” in: Y. Eshel (ed.), Judea and Samaria Research Studies, 9,
pp. 201-218 (Hebrew).
50) 2000: “Jewish Idolaters in the Land of Israel during the First Centuries C.E.,”
Proceedings of the Twelfth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division B: History
of the Jewish People, pp. 21-44 (Hebrew).
51) 2000: “The Syrian Pagan Cults of Ptolemais-Akko during the Hellenistic and Roman
Periods,” in: J. Schwartz, Z. Amar, and I. Ziffer (eds.), Jerusalem and Eretz Israel:
Arie Kindler Volume, Ingeborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies in Bar-Ilan
University and Eretz-Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, pp. 89-100 (Hebrew).
52) 1999: “Quelques facettes esséniennes chez Flavius Josèphe et la mystérieuse absence
de l'historien de la littérature rabbinique,” Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses,
28/4, pp. 465-488. http://www.wlu.ca/press/Journals/sr/issues/28_4/friedheim.shtml.
53) 1999: “A New Approach to the Historical Meaning of the Tannaitic Expression ‘Image
of a Suckling Woman and Sarapis,’” Sidra: A Journal for the Study of Rabbinic
Literature, 15, pp. 139-159 (Hebrew).
54) 1998: “The Pagan Syrian Cults of Neapolis-Shechem after the Bar Kokhba Revolt,”
in: Y. Eshel (ed.), Judea and Samaria Research Studies, 7, pp. 141-153 (Hebrew).
55) 1997: “The Pagan Cults of Samaria-Sebaste in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods and
the Ethnical Composition of the Local Population,” in: Y. Eshel (ed.), Judea and
Samaria Research Studies, 6, pp. 157-170 (Hebrew).
56) 1997: “Public Leadership in the Land of Israel in the Days of the Mishnah and Talmud,”
Sinai: A Monthly for Torah and Jewish Studies, 119/3, pp. 276-287 (Hebrew).
1) "Review of: T. Murcia, Jésus dans le Talmud et la littérature ancienne, JAOC 2,
Brepols, Turnhout 2014', Ancient Judaism – International Journal of History and
Philology, 5 (2016). (In press)
2) "Review of: Z. Weiss, Public Spectacles in Roman and Late Antique Palestine, Harvard
University Press, Cambridge (Mass.) – London 2014", Cathedra for the History of
Eretz-Israel and its Yishouv. (In press) [Hebrew]
3) "Review of: J. Costa, De l'importance des textes considérés comme mineurs: L'exemple
du Midrash Hallel: Traduction annotée d'un Midrash entre Aggada et Mystique,
Peeters Publishers, Paris – Leuven 2013, Zion – A Quarterly for Jewish History. (In
press) [Hebrew]
4) "Review of: B. Eckhardt (ed.), Jewish Identity and Politics between the Maccabees and
Bar Kokhba, Leiden – Boston 2012", Sehepunkte – Rezensions Journal für die
15/9 (2015) (http://www.sehepunkte.de/2015/09,
5) "Review of: M. Bar Ilan, Astrology and other Sciences among the Jews of Israel in the
Hellenistic-Roman and Byzantine Periods, Mossad Bialik, Jerusalem 2012", Tsafon –
Revue d'Études Juives du Nord, 68 (2015), pp. 162-163.
Papers Delivered at Academic Conferences:
1. Four lectures at Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes – Section des Sciences Religieuses,
Paris (28/1/16; 4/2/16; 11/4/16; 18/4/16).
Lecture in the Sorbonne – Paris IV, February 9th 2016
2015: Lecture at Collège de France CNRS, UMR 8167, Orient et Méditerranée, Paris
February 18th 2015.
2015: Chair at the 21th conference "New Studies on Jerusalem", December 31th 2015
2015: Lecture at the "Library of Alexandria Interdisciplinary Conference" at Polis, The
Jerusalem Institute of Languages and Humanities, January 8th-9th 2015.
2014: Chair at the 20th conference "New Studies on Jerusalem", December 25th 2014,
Bar Ilan University, Israel.
2014: Lecture at the International Conference: "Judaism and Christianity in Late
Antiquity", University of Lorraine, Metz, France – October 21-22 2014.
2014: Lecture at the International Colloquium: "The Question of 'Sacerdotalization' in
Christian Judaism, Synagogal Judaism and Rabbinic Judaism", Université Laval,
Québec, Canada – September 18-20, 2014.
2014: Lecture at the Xth Congress of the European Association for Jewish
Studies (EAJS) – Paris, France, July, 20-24 2014.
2014: Chair of the 5th session of the third annual international conference of the
Israel and Golda Koschitzky Department of Jewish History: Chief Rabbis:
Between Religious and Political Leadership, Bar Ilan University (June 8, 2014).
Lecture in the MA seminar: "Pagan Cults in Hellenistic and Roman Palestine",
The Institute of Archaeology, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, May 11,
2014: Lecture at the International Colloquium: "Religions & interdits
alimentaires – Archéozoologie et sources littéraires", Collège de
France/Sorbonne, Paris, France – April 3-5 2014.
2013: Chair of the 2nd session of the second annual international conference of
the Israel and Golda Koschitzky Department of Jewish History: Economic
History of the Jews throughout the Ages: Sources, Methodologies, Narratives,
Bar Ilan University (June 5-6, 2013).
2013: Lecture at the Collège des études Juives, Alliance israélite universelle,
Paris on the following subject: "Les fondements de la vie économique et le
judaïsme". February 17, 2013.
2012: Lecture at the International Colloquium: The Panoply of Judaisms in the
1st-3rd Centuries, University of Lausanne (IRSB), Switzerland, 12-14 December
2012: Lecture at the Collège des études juives, Alliance israélite universelle,
Paris at the colloquium: "L'idolâtrie comme 'culte étranger' ". February, 5th
2012: Chair of the first session at the International Conference on Conflicts
and Disputes in Jewish Communities through History, held at Bar Ilan
University on June 20th – 21th 2012.
2012: Referee at the third Colloquium on New Studies in Archaeology (Israel
Antiquities Authority and Yad Itzhak ben Zvi) held at Jerusalem on March 28th
2011: Lecture at the Research Program on the History and Archaeology of
Jerusalem [2012-2014] presented at Yad Itzhak ben Zvi, Jerusalem, on
December 18th 2011.
2011: Lecture at the Conference: Studies in the Societal and Cultural Life of the
Palestinian and Babylonian Jewry in the Days of the Second Temple, Mishnah
and Talmud, held at Bar Ilan University on January 5th 2011.
2010: Lecture at the 16th conference "New Studies on Jerusalem". Subjet of the
conference: "Was There a Meeting between Jewish Monotheism and
Polytheism in the Second Temple?"
2009: Lecture at the University of the Holy Land/Hebrew University of
Jerusalem on the Rites of Aelia Capitolina, held on December 16th 2009.
2009: Lecture at the Fifteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, held at the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem in August 3rd, in a panel of international
scholars organized by Prof. Lee I. Levine.
2008: Lecture at a conference on “Historical Studies in the Research of Society
and Leadership in Israel in the Time of the Mishnah and Talmud”; I also served
as Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the conference
25. 2007: Lecture at an International Conference held in Paris on "The Origins of
Christianity – Rome, Jerusalem or Qumran," at Alliance Israélite Universelle,
March 10, 2007
26. 2007: Chair of a session at the “Eight International Conference on Jewish
Onomastics,” held at Bar-Ilan University, June 21, 2007
27. 2007: Chair of a session in a conference on "Rabbis and Rabbinism in the
Middle East in Modern Times,” held at Bar-Ilan University, June 11, 2007
28. 2007: Chair of a session of the Thirteenth Conference on "New Studies on
Jerusalem," held at Bar-Ilan University, November 8, 2007
29. 2006: Lecture at the Twelfth Conference on "New Studies on Jerusalem," held
at Bar-Ilan University, December 28, 2006
30. 2005: Lecture at the conference: "Society, Leadership and Culture in Judaism
in the Days of the Second Temple, Mishna and Talmud," held at Bar-Ilan
University, May 30, 2005
31. 2005: A lecture: "Aspects esséniens de la conception halakhique dans les écrits
de Flavius Josèphe," delivered at École Pratique des Hautes-Études – Vème
Section (Section des sciences religieuses) in Paris, January 3, 2005
32. 2005: A lecture: "The Book of Genesis in Josephus' Writings," delivered at the
Faculty of Protestant Theology at the University of Geneva, January 17, 2005
(in the course of Prof. Albert de Pury).
33. Three conferences on the issue of Messianism in the Qumran Community, held
at the Sorbonne–Paris IV, January-February 2005
34. 2004: Lecture at the International Conference: "The Samaritans: Current State
of Research,” delivered at Haifa University, July 15, 2004
35. 2003: Lecture in memory of Professor Pinchas Hurgin, Founder of Bar-Ilan
University and Its First President, held at Bar-Ilan University, December 12,
36. 2003: Lecture in memory of Professor Moshe Beer, Founder of the Department
of Jewish History, held at Bar-Ilan University, June 4, 2003
37. 2001: Lecture at the Thirteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, held at the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, July-August 2001
38. 2001: Lecture at a conference titled: "Technique and Technology in the Land
of Israel in Antiquity," held at Bar-Ilan University, March 15, 2001
39. 2000: Lecture given at Bar-Ilan University in the Departmental Seminar of
Jewish History on the subject: "Idolatrous Practices as Expressed by the
Tannaim: 'Qilor [Eye-salve] of Idolatry,'” November 22, 2000
40. 2000: Lecture at the conference: "Religion, Rite, and Liturgy in the Land of
Israel," held at Bar-Ilan University, March 9, 2000
41. 1999: Lecture, Fourth International Conference for the Study of Jewish Names,
held at Bar-Ilan University, June 14-15, 1999
42. 1999: Lecture, Ninth Annual Meeting, Judea and Samaria Research Studies,
held at Judea and Samaria Academic College under the Auspices of Bar-Ilan
University, April 29, 1999
43. 1999: Lecture, conference on the subject: "Interdisciplinary Research Methods:
Between the Social Sciences and the Humanities,” held at Bar-Ilan University,
April 27, 1999
44. 1998: Lecture, conference as part of the Departmental Seminar of Jewish
History, held at Bar-Ilan University, December 22, 1998
45. 1997: Lecture at the conference: "New Studies on the History of Jerusalem,"
held at Bar-Ilan University, December 11, 1997
46. 1997: Lecture at the conference: "Interreligious Encounters in Galilee and in
the Land of Israel," held at Safed Regional College under the Academic
Auspices of Bar-Ilan University, October 27, 1997
47. 1997: Lecture at the Seventh Annual Meeting, Judea and Samaria Research
Studies, held at the Judea and Samaria Academic College under the Auspices
of Bar-Ilan University, April 15, 1997
48. 1997: Symposium entitled: "Jewish Encounters with the Roman Bath-house
'Culture,” in cooperation with Yad Itzhak Ben-Zvi and the Hebrew University
of Jerusalem, April 9, 1997
49. 1997: Lecture, the Twelfth World Congress of Jewish Studies, held at the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, July-August 1997
50. 1996: Lecture, the Sixth Annual Meeting, Judea and Samaria Research Studies,
held at the Judea and Samaria Academic College under the Auspices of BarIlan University, March 24, 1996