1 - HEC Montréal

80-131-01 Marketing des services
Hiver 2006
1. Comprendre la spécificité des services par opposition aux produits
2. Comprendre les mécanismes cognitifs et affectifs des consommateurs de services
3. Maîtriser les modèles de gestion du marketing des services
4. Identifier les variables clés de la qualité, valeur et fidélité et leurs antécédents
Approche pédagogique
1. Exposés théoriques du professeur
2. Articles de recherche présentés par le professeur
3. Articles de recherche présentés par les étudiants
4. Revue de la littérature faite par les étudiants
Professeur : Jean-Charles Chebat
Bureau :
Chaire de recherche GECSeC
Courriel :
[email protected]
Téléphone :
(514) 340-6846
Matériel pédagogique
Références bibliographiques
Recueil d'articles no 80131C
Obligatoire (disponible à la Coop HEC)
Travaux et examens
Travail de semestre (40%)
1. Choisissez un problème spécifique de marketing de services :
Exemple : valeur du temps de magasinage; effets des facteurs environnementaux du lieu
de services sur les consommateurs hédonistes vs. utilitariens; relation qualité-fidélité, etc.
2. Identifiez les études publiées sur ce sujet à la fois dans des revues d'affaires et de
revues de recherche.
3. Identifiez des variables analysées dans les articles
4. Mettez en valeur les relations entre ces variables
5. Construisez un modèle reflétant la littérature analysée
6. Proposez des solutions : gestion du marketing et recherche
Présentation individuelle du travail de semestre (10%)
Examen final (30%)
Présentation d'articles en classe (10%)
Participation en classe (10%)
Les étudiants sont priés de lire l'article 12 des règlements des programmes de HEC
Montréal sur le plagiat et de noter les formes multiples que prend le plagiat (12.1) et les
sanctions qui peuvent aller jusqu'à l'exclusion de l'École (12.2). Toute infraction sera
signalée au comité des programmes, qui analysera la situation et les circonstances et
décidera de la sanction à appliquer.
Liste des séances
Séance 1 : Introduction : Session d'organisation des séances suivantes (11 janvier)
Ressources générales
Grille de correction du travail de semestre
Grille de correction pour la présentation orale
Notes biographiques du professeur
Séance 2 : Dimensions cognitives des services (18 janvier)
Séance 3 : Émotions et services (25 janvier)
Rust, Roland T.; Lemon, Katherine N.; and Zeithaml, Valarie A. "Return on Marketing:
Using Customer Equity to Focus Marketing Strategy", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 68
(January), 2004, 109-127.
Teas, R. Kenneth, and DeCarlo, Tomas E. "An Examination and Extension of the Zoneof-Tolerance Model. A Comparison to Performance-Based Models of
Perceived Quality", Journal of Service Research, Vol. 6 (3), 2004, 272-286.
Keiningham, Timothy L.; Perkins-Munn, Tiffany; and Evans, Heather. "The Impact of
Customer Satisfaction on Share-of-Wallet in a Business-to-Business
Environment", Journal of Service Research, Vol. 6 (1), 2003, 37-50.
Rust, Roland T.; Moorman, Christine; and Dickson, Peter R. "Getting Return on Quality:
Revenue Expansion, Cost Reduction, or Both?", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 66 (October),
2002, 7-24.
Berry, Leonard L.; Seiders, Kathleen; and Grewal, Dhruv. "Understanding Service
Convenience", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 66 (July), 2002, 1-17.
Rust, Roland T.; Zahorik, Anthony; and Keiningham, Timothy L. "Return on Quality
(ROQ): Making Service Quality Financially Accountable", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 59
(April), 1995, 58-70.
Séance 4 : Atmospherics (1er février)
Chebat, Jean-Charles ; Dubé, Laurette ; Marquis, Marie. « Individual Differences in
Circadian Variations of Consumers' Emotional State », Perceptual and Motor Skills, Vol.
84, 1997, 1075-1086.
Dubé, Laurette ; Maute, Manfred. « The Antecedents of Brand Switching, Brand Loyalty
and Verbal Responses to Service Failure », Advances in Services Marketing and
Management, Vol. 5, 1996, 127-151.
Hui, Michael K. ; Bateson, John E.G. « Perceived Control and the Effects of Crowding
and Consumer Choice on the Service Experience », Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.
18, septembre 1991, 174-185.
Russell, James A.; Pratt, Geraldine. « A Description of the Affective Quality Attributed
to Environments », Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 38(2), 1980, 311322.
Taylor, Shirley. « The Role of Affective States and Locus of Attribution in Evaluation of
Service », Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Vol. 13(3), 1996, 216-225.
Séance 5 : Service encounters (8 février)
Haytko, Diana L.; and Baker, Julie. "It's All at the Mall: Exploring Adolescent
Girls' Experiences", Journal of Retailing, Vol. 80, 2004, 67-83.
Bloch, Peter H.; Ridgway, Nancy M.; and Dawson, Scott A. "The Shopping Mall
as Consumer Habitat", Journal of Retailing, Vol. 70 (1), 1994, 23-42.
Areni, Charles. "Examining Managers' Theories of How Atmospheric Music Affects
Perception, Behavior and Financial Performance", Journal of Retailing and Consumer
Services, Vol.10, 2003, 263-274.
Michon, Richard; Chebat, Jean-Charles; and Turley, L.W. "Mall Atmospherics: The
Interaction Effects of the Mall Environment on Shopping Behavior", Journal of Business
Research, Vol. x, 2004, xxx Article in Press.
Michon, Richard; and Chebat, Jean-Charles. "Cross-Cultural Mall Shopping Values and
Habitats. A Comparison Between English-and French-Speaking Canadians", Journal of
Business Research, Vol. 57, 2004, 883-892.
En réserve à la bibliothèque
Arnold, Mark J.; and Reynolds, Kristy E. "Hedonic Shopping Motivations"
Journal of Retailing, Vol. 79, 2003, 77-95.
Séance 6 : Attentes et délais (15 février)
Raajpoot, Nusser. "Reconceptualizing Service Encounter Quality in a Non-Western
Context", Journal of Service Research, Vol. 7 (2), 2004, 181-201.
Fruchter, Gila E.; and Sigué, Simon Pierre. "Managing Relational Exchanges"
Journal of Service Research, Vol. 7 (2), 2004, 142-154.
Simpson, Patricia A.; and Stroh, Linda K. "Gender Differences: Emotional Expression
And Feelings of Personal Inauthenticity", Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 89 (4),
2004, 715-721.
Van Dolen, Willemijn; Lemmink, Jos; De Ruyter, Ko; and De Jong, Ad. "Customer-Sales
Employee Encounters: A Dyadic Perspective", Journal of Retailing, Vol. 78, 2002, 265279.
Mattila, Anna S.; Grandey, Alicia A.; and Fisk, Glenda M. "The Interplay of Gender and
Affective Tone in Service Encounter Satisfaction" Journal of Service Research, Vol. 6
(2), 2003, 136-143.
Mattila, Anna S.; and Enz, Cathy A. "The Role of Emotions in Service Encounters"
Journal of Service Research, Vol. 4 (4), 2002, 268-277.
Séance 7 : Plaintes et garanties (magistral) 22 février
Chebat, Jean-Charles; Filiatrault, Pierre; Gélinas-Chebat, Claire. « Impact of Waiting
Attribution and Consumer's Mood on Perceived Quality », Journal of Business Research,
Vol. 43, 1995, 191-196.
Dabholkar, Pratibha, and Bagozzi, Richard. "An Attitudinal Model of Technology-Based
Self-Service: Moderating Effects of Consumer Traits and situational Factors", Journal of
the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 30 (3), 2002, 184-201.
Rafaeli, Anat; Barron, Greg; and Haber, Keren. "The Effects of Queue Structure on
Attitudes", Journal of Service Research, Vol. 5 (2), 2002, 125-139.
Kellaris, James J.; and Kent, Robert J. "The Influence of Music on Consumers' Temporal
Perceptions: Does Time Fly when You're Having Fun?", Journal of Consumer
Psychology, Vol. 1 (4), 1992, 365-376.
Antonides, Gerrit; Verhoef, Peter C.; Van Aalst, Marcel. "Consumer Perception and
Evaluation of Waiting Time: A Field Experiment", Journal of Consumer Psychology,
Vol. 12 (3), 2002, 193-202.
Taylor, Shirley. « The Effects of Filled Waiting Time and Service Provider Control Over
the Delay on Evaluations of Service », Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,
Vol. 23(1), hiver 1995, 38-48.
Séance 8 : Plaintes et garanties (suite: discussion des articles) 8 mars
Wirtz, Jochen; and Mattila, Anna S. "Consumer Responses to Compensation, Speed of
Recovery and Apology After a Service Failure", International Journal of Service Industry
Management, Vol. 15 (2), 2004, 150-166.
Mattila, Anna S. "The Impact of Service Failures on Customer Loyalty",
International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 15 (2), 2004,
Zeelenberg, Marcel, and Pieters, Rik. "Beyond Valence in Customer Dissatisfaction: A
Review and New Findings on Behavioral Responses to Regret and Disappointment in
Failed Services", Journal of Business Research, Vol. 57, 2004, 445-455. (En réserve à la
Mattila, Anna S., and Patterson, Paul G. "Service Recovery and Fairness Perceptions in
Collectivist and Individualist Contexts", Journal of Service Research, Vol. 6 (4), 2004,
Tax, Stephen S.; Brown, Stephen W.; and Chandrashekaran, Murali. "Customer
Evaluations of Service Complaint Experiences: Implications for Relationship Marketing",
Journal of Marketing, Vol. 62 (April), 1998, 60-76.
Bougie, Roger; Pieters, Rik; and Zeelenberg, Marcel. "Angry Customers Don't Come
Back, They Get Back: The Experience and Behavioral Implications of Anger and
Dissatisfaction in Services", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 31 (4),
2003, 377-393.
Halstead, Diane; Morash, Edward A.; and Ozment, John. "Comparing Objective Service
Failures and Subjective Complaints. An Investigation of Domino and Halo Effects",
Journal of Business Research, Vol. 36, 1996, 107-115.
Séance 9 : Personnel en contact (15 mars)
Israeli, Aviad A., and Barkan, Rachel. "Developing a Framework for Rewards
in Combined Production/Service Businesses. The Case of Tipping in the Restaurant
Industry", International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 15 (5), 2004, 444459.
Donavan, D. Todd; Brown, Tom J.; and Mowen, John C. "Internal Benefits of
Service-Worker Customer Orientation: Job Satisfaction, Commitment, and
Organizational Citizenship Behaviors", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 68 (January),
2004, 128-146.
Ramaswami, Sridhar N.; and Singh, Jagdip. "Antecedents and Consequences of Merit
Pay Fairness for Industrial Salespeople", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 67
(October), 2003, 46-66.
De Jong, Ad; De Ruyter, Ko; and Lemmink, Jos. "Antecedents and Consequences of
Service Climate in Boundary-Spanning Self-Managing Service Teams" Journal of
Marketing, Vol. 68 (April), 2004, 18-35.
Chebat, Jean-Charles, and Kollias, Paul. "The Impact of Empowerment on
Customer Contact Employees' Roles in Service Organizations", Journal of Service
Research, Vol. 3 (1), 2000, 66-81.
Babin, Barry J., and Boles, James S. "Employee Behavior in a Service Environment: A
Model and Test of Potential Differences Between Men and Women", Journal of
Marketing, Vol. 62 (April), 1998, 77-91.
Boles, James S., and Babin, Barry J. "On the Front Lines: Stress, Conflict, and the
Customer Service Provider", Journal of Business Research, Vol. 37, 1996, 41-50.
Séance 10 : Communications (22 mars)
Hill, Donna J.; Blodgett, Jeff; Baer, Robert; and Wakefield, Kirk. "An Investigation of
Visualization and Documentation Strategies in Services Advertising", Journal of Service
Research, Vol. 7 (2), 2004, 155-166.
Athanassopoulou, Peggy, and Johne, Axel. "Effective Communication with
Lead Customers in Developing New Banking Products", The International Journal of
Bank Marketing, Vol. 22 (2), 2004, 100-125.
Cutler, Bob D., and Javalgi, Rajshekhar G. "Analysis of Print Ad Features: Services
Versus Products", Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 33 (2), 1993, 62-69.
Boshoff, Christo. "Service Advertising. An Exploratory Study of Risk Perceptions"
Journal of Service Research, Vol. 4 (4), 2002, 290-298.
Kumar, V., and Pereira, Arun. "Assessing the Competitive Impact of Type, Timing,
Frequency, and Magnitude of Retail Promotions", Journal of Business Research, Vol. 40,
1997, 1-13.
Nguyen, Nha, and LeBlanc, Gaston. "The Mediating Role of Corporate Image on
Customers' Retention Decisions: An Investigation in Financial Services",
The International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 16(2), 1998, 52-65.
Séance 11 : Pricing (29 mars)
Bolton, Ruth N., and Myers, Matthew B. "Price-Based Global Market Segmentation For
Services", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 67 (July), 2003, 108-128.
Ansari, Asim; Siddarth, S.; and Weinberg, Charles B. "Pricing a Bundle of Products or
Services: The Case of Nonprofits", Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 33 (February),
1996, 86-93.
Venkatesh, R., and Mahajan, Vijay. "A Probabilistic Approach to Pricing a Bundle of
Products or Services", Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 30 (November), 1993, 494508.
Sethuraman, Raj, and Tellis, Gerard J. "An Analysis of the Tradeoff Between Advertising
and Price Product", Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 28 (May), 1991, 160-174.
Séance 12 : Services professionnels (5 avril)
Chebat, Jean-Charles , Martin Savard and Pierre Filiatrault « Miscomprehension Gap
between CPAs and their Corporate Customers" Industrial Marketing Management,
Volume 27, Issue 2, March 1998, Pages 177-185
Lapierre, Jozée , Pierre Filiatrault and Jean-Charles Chebat "Value Strategy Rather Than
Quality Strategy: A Case of Business-to-Business Professional Services" Journal of
Business Research, Volume 45, Issue 2, June 1999, Pages 235-246
Dart, Jack; Freeman, Kim. « Dissatisfaction Response Styles Among Clients of
Professional Accounting Firms », Journal of Business Research, Vol. 29, 1994, 75-81.
Cannon, Joseph P. et William D. Perreault Jr (1999), «Buyer-Seller Relationships in
Business Markets», Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36 (November 1999) pp.439460.
Gopalakrishna, Pradeep; Mummalaneni, Venkatapparao. « Influencing Satisfaction for
Dental Services », Journal of Health Care Marketing, hiver 1993, 16-22.
John, Joby. « Referent Opinion and Health Care Satisfaction », Journal of Health Care
Marketing, été 1994, Vol. 14(2), 24-30.
Taylor, Steven A.; Cronin, Joseph J. Jr. « Modeling Patient Satisfaction and Service
Quality », Journal of Health Care Marketing, printemps 1994, Vol. 14(1), 34-44.
Séance 13 : Questions méthodologiques et épistémologiques (12 avril)
Boyle, Brett; Dwyer, Robert F.; Robicheaux, Robert A.; Simpson, James T. « Influence
Strategies in Marketing Channels: Measures and Use in Different Relationship
Structures », Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XXIX, novembre 1992, 462-473.
Csipak, James J.; Chebat, J.-C.; Venkatesan Ven. "Channel Structure, Consumer
Involvement and Perceived Service Quality: An Empirical Study of the Distribution of a
Service", Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 11, 1995, 227-241.
O'Callaghan, Ramon; Kaufmann, J.; Konsynski, Benn R. « Adoption Correlates and
Share Effects of Electronic Data Interchange Systems in Marketing Channels », Journal
of Marketing, Vol. 56, avril 1992, 45-56
Séance 14 : Présentations des papiers de fin de semestre (19 avril)
Dernière mise à jour : 2005-12-15 14:03
Service de l'enseignement du marketing
Jean-Charles Chebat © HEC Montréal, 2005. Tous droits réservés.