Index to / Index des
and to / et des
- A -
"Anglo-Canadian Entente"
CREIGHTON: Sir John Macdonald and Kingston, 1950 , 72
Abbott, J.J.C.
CLARK: The Conservative Party in the 1890s, 1961 , 58
Aberdeen, Lord and Lady
CLARK: The Conservative Party in the 1890s, 1961 , 58
Abolitionism / Abolitionnisme
MURRAY: The British Abolitionists in Cuba, 1833-1845, 1976 , 105
See/voir Anti-Slavery Society / Société anti-esclavagiste
Acadia / Acadie
COUTURIER: Tendances actuelles de l'historiographie acadienne, 1970-1985, 1987 , 230
Acadia and Acadians / Acadie et Acadiens
MAHEUX: Dilemma for our Culture (Presidential Address), 1949 , 1
NICHOL: Expulsion of the Canadians, 1925 , 34
WEBSTER: Classics of Acadia (Presidential Address), 1933 , 5
Acadia, Economic History / Acadie, Histoire économique
DAIGLE: Les caisses populaires acadiennes du Nouveau-Brunswick : genèse et
développement, 1989 , 53
Acadia, History / Acadie, Histoire
BAUDRY: Aux sources de l'histoire de l'Acadie et des provinces maritimes, 1955 , 62
Acton, Lord
MACDOUGALL: Newman -- Historian or Apologist? 1968 , 152
Adams, Charles Francis
VAN DEUSEN: Seward and the Secession Winter of 1860-1861, 1966 , 84
Africa / Afrique
KANYA-FORSTNER: Myths and Realities of African Resistance, 1969 , 185
See/voir Anti-Slavery Society / Société anti-esclavagiste; Great Britain, External Relations /
Grande-Bretagne, Relations extérieures
Africa, History / Afrique, Histoire
KEPPEL-JONES: A Case of Minority Rule: The Cape Colony, 1854-1898, 1966 , 98; The
Occupation of Mashonaland, 1960 , 74
Africa, History of the Mentalities / Afrique, Histoire des mentalités
See/voir Comte, Auguste
Agrarian Radicalism / Radicalisme agraire
MORTON: The Western Progressive Movement, 1919-1921, 1946 , 41
STANLEY: Western Canada and the Frontier Thesis, 1940 , 105
OUELLET et HAMELIN: La crise agricole dans le Bas-Canada, 1962 , 17
PARIZEAU: Aperçu de la situation économique dans le Bas-Canada vers 1837, 1937 , 51
Akbar Mughal Emperor / Empereur Akbar Mughal
LEHMANN: Bicultural Societies and the Historian: Nationalism and History in India and
Pakistan, 1968 , 180
Alaska Boundary / Frontières de l'Alaska
FOSTER: Reciprocity and Joint High Commission of 1898-1899, 1939 , 87
GIBSON: Alaskan Boundary Dispute, 1945 , 25
Alaska Boundary Dispute / Querelle des frontières de l'Alaska
GLUEK: Pilgrimages to Ottawa: Canadian-American Diplomacy, 1903-1913, 1968 , 65
Alaska Boundary Tribunal / Tribunal sur les frontières de l'Alaska
See/voir Alaska Boundary / Frontières de l'Alaska
Albany, New York
LUNN: The Illegal Fur Trade out of New France, 1713-1760, 1939 , 61
Alberta, Ethnic History / Alberta, Histoire ethnique
PALMER: Nativism in Alberta, 1925-1930, 1974 , 183
Allen, Ira
WEBSTER: Ira Allen in Paris, 1800, Planning a Canadian Revolution, 1963 , 74
Allied / Alliés
See/voir Military History / Histoire militaire
Alverstone, Lord Richard Everard Webster
See/voir Alaska Boundary / Frontières de l'Alaska
Alvord, C. W.
See/voir Board of Trade and Plantations / Ministère du Commerce et des Plantations
American Revolution / Révolution américaine
MONET: Communauté et continuité: vers un nouveau passé (Discours du Président), 1976 , 1
See/voir United States, History, American Revolution / États-Unis, Histoire, Révolution
Amerindian Relations with Europeans / Relations européo-amérindiennes
ABEL: Prophets, Priests and Preachers: Dene Shamans and Christian Missions in the Nineteenth
Century, 1986 , 211
DICKASON: Europeans and Amerindians: Some Comparative Aspects of Early Contact, 1979 ,
182; Campaigns to Capture Young Minds: A Look at Early Attempts in Colonial Mexico and
New France to Remold Amerindians, 1987 , 44
JAENEN: * L'autre en Nouvelle-France + /The "Other" in Early Canada (Discours du
Président), 1989 , 1
Amerindians (women) / Amérindiennes
VAN KIRK: "Women in Between": Indian Women in Fur Trade Society in Western
Canada, 1977 , 30
Amerindians / Amérindiens
See/voir Bagot Commission / Commission Bagot
Amerindians, Parry Sound / Amérindiens, Parry Sound
BROWNLIE: Man on the Spot: John Daly, Indian Agent for Parry Sound, 1922-1939, 1994 , 63
Amerindians, Rights / Amérindiens, Droits
ENS: Prologue to the Red River Resistance: Pre-liminal Politics and the Triumph of Riel, 1994 ,
Amerindians, Saskatchewan / Amérindiens, Saskatchewan
PITSULA: The Blakeney Government and the Settlement of Treaty Indian Land Entitlements in
Saskatchewan, 1975-1982, 1989 , 190
Amherst, Jeffery, Baron
ADAIR: The Military Reputation of Major-General James Wolfe, 1936 , 7
Anglican Church and Anglicanism / Église anglicane et anglicanisme
MASTERS: Bishop University and Ecclesiastical Controversies of the Nineteenth Century
(1845-1878), 1951 , 36
MASTERS: G. J. Mountain: Frontier Bishop, 1963 , 89
MOIR: The Canadianization of the Protestant Churches, 1966 , 56
YOUNG: Lord Dorchester and the Church of England, 1926 , 60
See/voir Inglis, Charles; Nicolls, Jasper; Strachan, John
Anglin, Timothy
See/voir Canada, lntellectual History / Canada, Histoire intellectuelle
Anglo-American Relations / Relations anglo-américaines
TANSILL: Fur Seal Fisheries and the Doctrine of the Freedom of the Seas, 1942 , 71
WISE: The Indian Diplomacy of John Graves Simcoe , 1953 , 36
See/voir Boundaries / Frontières
Anglo-French Relations / Relations anglo-françaises
GWYNNE-TIMOTHY: The Role of Overseas Colonies in the European Balance of Power,
1793-1815, 1953 , 77
ZOLTVANY: The Problem of Western Policy under Philippe de Rigaud de Vaudreuil, 1703-
1725, 1964 , 9
Anglo-Canadian Trade Relationships, 1947-1948 / Relations commerciales anglo-
canadiennes, 1947-1948
MUIRHEAD: The Politics of Food and the Disintegration of the Anglo-Canadian Trade
Relationship, 1947-1948, 1991 , 215
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