Vandamme, M., Robert, E., Lerondel, S., Pouvesle, J.-M. & Le Pape, A.
Non thermal plasmas, a new strategy in oncology?
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Vandamme, M., Robert, E., Lerondel, S., Sarron, V., Ries, D., Dozias, S., Sobilo, J., Gosset, D., Kieda, C.,
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ROS implication in a new antitumor strategy based on non-thermal plasma.
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Kruczynski, A., Vandenberghe, I., Pillon, A., Pesnel, S., Goetsch, L., Barret, J.-M., Guminski, Y., Le Pape, A.,
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Lemarie, E., Vecellio, L., Hureaux, J., Prunier, C., Valat, C., Grimbert, D., Boidron-Celle, M., Giraudeau, B., le
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The airways, a novel route for delivering monoclonal antibodies to treat lung tumors.
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Pesnel, S., Akkoul, S., Ledée, R., Leconge, R., Pillon, A., Kruczynski, A., Harba, R., Lerondel, S. & Le Pape,
Use of an image restoration process to improve spatial resolution in bioluminescence imaging.
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Pesnel, S., Guminski, Y., Pillon, A., Lerondel, S., Imbert, T., Guilbaud, N., Kruczynski, A., Bailly, C. & Le
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99mTc-HYNIC-spermine for imaging polyamine transport system-positive tumours: preclinical evaluation.
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Pesnel, S., Pillon, A., Créancier, L., Guilbaud, N., Bailly, C., Kruczynski, A., Lerondel, S. & Le Pape, A.
Quantitation in bioluminescence imaging by correction of tissue absorption for experimental oncology.
Mol Imaging Biol, 2011, Vol. 13(4), pp. 646-652
Vandamme, M., Robert, E., Sobilo, J., Lerondel, S., Le Pape, A. & Pouvesle, J.-M.
Response of human glioma U87 xenografted on mice to non thermal plasma treatment.
Plasma Medicine, 2011, Vol. 1, pp. 27-43
Liste des brevets
Brevets Agents d’imagerie pour la médecine personnalisée et l’imagerie per-opératoire en cancérologie (co-
inventeurs CNRS : A. Le Pape – S. Lerondel)