U.F.R. Etudes Interculturelles de Langues
Appliquées (EILA)
Enseignant(e) : M. Zimina
2013-2014 – Semestre 1 – session 1
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The New York Times Magazine – June 2013, Issue 9
This Is Your Brain on Coffee
By Gretchen Reynolds
For hundreds of years, coffee has been one of the two or three most popular beverages on earth.
But it’s only recently that scientists are figuring out that the drink has notable health benefits.
In one large-scale epidemiological study from last year, researchers primarily at the National
Cancer Institute parsed health information from more than 400,000 volunteers, ages 50 to 71,
who were free of major diseases at the study’s start in 1995. By 2008, more than 50,000 of the
participants had died. But men who reported drinking two or three cups of coffee a day were
10 percent less likely to have died than those who didn’t drink coffee, while women drinking
the same amount had 13 percent less risk of dying during the study. It’s not clear exactly what
coffee had to do with their longevity, but the correlation is striking.
Other recent studies have linked moderate coffee drinking — the equivalent of three or four 5-
ounce cups of coffee a day or a single venti-size Starbucks — with more specific advantages: a
reduction in the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, basal cell carcinoma
(the most common
skin cancer), prostate cancer, oral cancer and breast cancer recurrence.
Perhaps most consequential, animal experiments show that caffeine may reshape the
biochemical environment inside our brains in ways that could stave off dementia
. In a 2012
experiment at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
, mice were briefly starved of
oxygen, causing them to lose the ability to form memories. Half of the mice received a dose of
caffeine that was the equivalent of several cups of coffee. After they were reoxygenated, the
caffeinated mice regained their ability to form new memories 33 percent faster than the
uncaffeinated. Close examination of the animals’ brain tissue showed that the caffeine disrupted
Le carcinome basocellulaire est un cancer de la peau.
La démence est une sérieuse perte ou réduction des capacités cognitives.
L’université de l’Illinois à Urbana-Champaign est classée parmi les plus prestigieuses mondialement.