I would like to take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to
everyone, who helped me to complete this task through various stages.
My special thanks to my supervisor Dr. Adriano Brandelli for your patient guidance, for all
your support and every given advice, as I moved from ideas to a completed study. Thank
your very much for being an outstanding example as creative tutor and composed person. I
truly appreciate to have had the opportunity to develop this work under your guidance.
In a similar vein, I also would like to thank Dr. Ana Cláudia Franco for all her support and
listening to me talking about endless ideas, concerning the work with the VP3. Also for
providing the viral peptides and giving me the opportunity to perform decisive experiments
in the Virology lab.
Further I truly be grateful for having found in you an encouraging and admirable friend,
who I ever will look up to.
I would like to express my deep regards to Dr. Jeverson Frazzon, his wife Dr. Ana Paula
Guedes Frazzon and Dr. Plinho Hertz, who helped me during completion of my
dissertation with lots of valuable information provided by them in their respective fields.
Also for every equipment, I borrowed and countless hours I could occupy SDS-PAGE
cubes. It was a pleasure to share with you so many thought-provoking discussions.
To Dr. Carlos Termignoni, for the revision of my thesis. I appreciate your opinion, advices
and effort so much.
I am obliged to my colleagues Stela, Juliana, Patricia, Géssica and Ana Paula at the lab Nr.
218 at ICTA, Campus do Vale ICTA. I am grateful for their cooperation and support over
the past two years.