lar differentiation occurs. Further evidence to support this
hypothesis includes the finding of elevated levels of bombesin-
like immunoreactivity in fetal or neonatal lungs compared to
adult lung tissue (36) and differences in endocrine cell distri
bution during varying stages of pulmonary development (37).
Cellular maturation may explain the differences in bombesin
immunoreactivity observed between fetal-neonatal and adult
lung tissue, as well as the differences seen between the subtypes
of pulmonary carcinoma. The significance of these findings is
the idea that malignant cells may indeed be related to their
earlier embryonic states and that malignant transformation
occurred due to inappropriate expression of the autocrine mech
Our study demonstrates the action of bombesin as an exog
enous growth factor for SCLC in vivo. These data support the
possibility that GRP is indeed an autocrine growth factor for
SCLC in vivo. As specific autocrine growth factors are identi
fied, specific antagonists may be synthesized to combat or
control the process of malignant transformation.
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