arXiv:1104.5531v5 [math.PR] 20 Aug 2013
Derivative Formula and Harnack Inequality
for Linear SDEs Driven by L´evy Processes
Feng-Yu Wang
School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
Department of Mathematics, Swansea University, Singleton Park, SA2 8PP, UK
Email:; F.Y.Wa[email protected]
August 21, 2013
By using lower bound conditions of the evy measure, derivative formulae and
Harnack inequalities are derived for linear stochastic differential equations driven by
L´evy processes. As applications, explicit gradient estimates and heat kernel inequalities
are presented. As byproduct, a new Girsanov theorem for L´evy processes is derived.
AMS subject Classification: 60J75, 60J45.
Keywords: L´evy process, derivative formula, gradient estimate, Harnack inequality.
Running title: Derivative Formula and Harnack Inequality
1 Introduction
The derivative formula enables one to derive explicit gradient estimates; while the Harnack
inequality has been applied to the study of heat kernel estimates, contractivity properties,
transportation-const inequalities and properties of the invrainat probability measures, see
e.g. [25, 6, 30] and references within (see §4.2 for some general results).
Supported in part by Lab. Math. Com. Sys., NNSFC(11131003), SRFDP and the Fundamental
Research Funds for the Central Universities.
Recall that Bismut’s derivative formula of elliptic diffusion semigroups [4], also known as
Bismut-Elworthy-Li formula due to [7], is a powerful tool for stochastic analysis on Rieman-
nian manifolds and has been extended and applied to SDEs (stochastic differential equations)
driven by noises with a non-trivial Gaussian parts, see e.g. [21] and references within for
the study of diffusion-jump processes. But, up to our knowledge, explicit derivative formula
relying only on the L´evy measure is not yet available.
On the other hand, by using couplings constructed through Girsanov transforms, the
dimension-free Harnack inequality, first introduced by the author in [22] for diffusion semi-
groups on manifolds, has been established and applied to various SDEs and SPDEs driven
by Gaussian noises, see [2, 3, 6, 11, 13, 14, 18, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 33]. Since arguments used in
these references essentially relies on special properties of the Brownian motion, they do not
apply to the jump setting. Therefore, it is in particular interesting to built up a reasonable
theory on derivative formula and Harnack inequality for pure jump processes.
In this paper, we aim to establish derivative formula and Harnack inequality for the
semigroup associated to SDEs driven by L´evy jump processes using lower bound conditions
of the L´evy measure. As observed in a recent paper [27], where the coupling property is
confirmed for a class of linear SDEs driven by L´evy processes, the Mecke formula on the
Poisson space will play an alternative role in the jump case to the Girsanov transform in
the diffusion case. Indeed, with helps of this formula we will be able to establish explicit
derivative formulae and Harnack inequalities for a class of jump processes (see Sections 3
and 4).
Before move on, let us introduce some recent results concerning regularity properties of
the semigroup associated to the following linear SDE
(1.1) dXt=AtXtdt+σtdLt
on Rd, where A, σ : [0,)RdRdare measurable such that σsis invertible for s0
and A, σ, σ1are locally bounded, Ltis the L´evy process on Rdwith L´evy measure ν(see
e.g. [1, 10]). Let Ptbe the semigroup associated to (1.1), i.e.
Ptf(x) = Ef(Xx
t), t 0, x Rd, f Bb(Rd),
where Bb(Rd) is the set of all bounded measurable functions on Rd, and Xx
tis the solution
with initial data x. To formulate the solution, for any s0 let (Ts,t)tssolve the equation
on RdRd:d
dtTs,t =AtTs,t, Ts,s =I.
Let Tt=T0,t, t 0.We have Tt=Ts,tTsfor ts0 and
(1.2) Xt=Ttx+Zt
Ts,tσsdLs, t 0.
By using lower bound conditions of the L´evy measure ν, the coupling property and gradient
estimates have been derived in [26, 27, 5, 19, 20]. Moreover, by using subordinations, the
dimension-free Harnack inequality has been established in [8] for some jump processes in
terms of known inequalities in the diffusion setting, where for the log-Harnack inequality
the associated Bernstein function can be very broad but for the Harnack inequality with
a power the function was assumed to have a growth stronger than r. When Atand σt
are independent of tand ν(dz)c|z|(d+α)dzfor some constants c > 0 and α(0,2), i.e.
the equation is time-homogenous with noise having an α-stable part, a different version of
Harnack inequality was presented in [31, Theorem 1.1 and Corollary 1.3]: for any p1
there exists a constant C > 0 such that
(1.3) (Ptf(x+h))pCPtfp(x)1 + |h|
(t1) 1
αp(d+α), t > 0, x, h Rd
holds for positive fBb(Rd). Since (1.3) allows p= 1 which is impossible even for the
Brownian motion, this inequality is somehow stronger than general ones derived in the
diffusion setting. On the other hand, however, this equality is not sharp for small distance
since when h= 0 it is worse than the classical Jensen inequality. In particular, (1.3) does
not imply the strong Feller property as the usual ones do (see Theorem 4.4(2) below).
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section we present two
lemmas, which will be used to establish derivative formulae and Harnack inequalities in
Sections 3 and 4 respectively. In particular, a new Girsanov theorem is presented for L´evy
processes using the L´evy measure is presented, which is interesting by itself. With concrete
lower bounds of the evy measure, explicit gradient estimates and Harnack inequalities will
also be addressed in Sections 3 and 4, which extend and improve the corresponding known
results derived recently in [26, 31, 20], see Corollaries 3.3 and 4.3 for details.
2 Prelimilary
Form now on, let t > 0 be fixed, and let
Wt=w: [0, t]Rdis right-continuous with left limits
be the path space, which is a Polish space under the Skorokhod metric. Let L= (Ls)s[0,t]
be aL´evy process with L´evy measure ν, possibly with a Gaussian part and a drift part.
THen its distribution Λ is a probability measure on Wt. For any wWtand s[0, t], let
(2.1) w(·) := X
is a σ-finite Z+∩ {∞}-valued measure on Rd×[0, t]. For any non-negative function gon
Rd×[0, t], let
w(g) = ZRd×[0,t]
g(z, s)w(dz, ds) = X
g(z, s).
Now, let νν0, where ν0is another L´evy measure. We may write L=L1+L0, where
L1and L0are two independent evy processes with L´evy measure νν0and ν0respectively,
and Λ0does not have Gaussian term. L et Λ1and Λ0be the distributions of L1and L0
respectively. We have Λ = Λ1Λ0.In the sequel we will mainly use the L0part to establish
derivative formulae of Pt.
It is well known that Λ0can be represented by using the Poisson measure Πtwith intensity
µt(dz, ds) = 1[0,t](s)ν0(dz)×ds,
which is a probability measure on the configuration space
Γt:= nγ:=
δ(zi,si):nZ+∪ {∞}, ziˆ
Rd, si[0, t],
γ({|z| ≥ ε} × [0, t]) <for ε > 0o
equipped with the vague topology, where ˆ
Rd=Rd\{0}.More precisely (see e.g. [32, (4.2)]),
(2.2) Λ0= Πtφ1
holds for
φ(γ) := Bt +Z[0,t]×{|z|>1}
z1[s,t]γ(ds, dz) + Z[0,t]×{0<|z|≤1}
z1[s,t](γµt)(ds, dz), γ Γt,
where BRdis a constant. Since µtis a L´evy measure on [0, t]×Rd,φ(γ)Wtis
well-defined for Πt-a.s. γ. It is easy to see that
(2.3) φ(γδ(z, s)) = φ(γ)z1[s,t],for δ(z,s)γ,
and by (2.1),
(2.4) γ(dz, ds) = φ(γ)(dz, ds).
This and the Mecke formula for the Poisson measure imply the following lemma, which is
crucial for our study.
Lemma 2.1. For any hL1(Wt×Rd×[0, t]; Λ0×ν0×ds),
h(w, z, s0(dw)µt(dz, ds)
h(wz1[s,t], z, s)w(dz, ds).
Consequently, for Xx
tsolving (1.1) with initial data x,
t+Ts,tσsz)h(L0, z, s)µt(dz, ds)
t)h(L0z1[s,t], z, s)L0(dz, ds).
Proof. By the Mecke formula [12] (see [16, Lemma 6.7]), for any FL1t×µt) we have
F(γ, z, s)µt(dz, ds) = ZΓt
F(γδ(z,s), z, s)γ(dz, ds).
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