14h – 15h45 - Afternoon session
- Jean-Yves Scoazec -
(Pathologist, head of core facilities Gustave Roussy, Paris)
“Tumor- and site-specific patterns of local invasion
in gastroenteropancreatic tumors”
- Mehdi Khaled -
(Junior Group leader, Gustave Roussy, Paris)
“Molecular mechanisms driving melanoma invasion, role of IGF2R and NFAT5”
- Guillaume Montagnac -
(Junior Group leader, Gustave Roussy, Paris)
“Adhesive Clathrin-coated pits for 3D cell migration”
- Corinne Laplace-Builhé -
(Head of the microscopy and cytometry core facility, Gustave Roussy, Paris)
“New biophotonic tools for imaging and dissecting cell migration events”
Coffee Break
16h – 17h Discussion