A New Way Of Running Java EE Applications
Taking GlassFish Embedded technologies to the next level, Payara Micro is
the Open Source platform of choice for containerised Java EE application
deployments. With no need for code re-writes or re-architecting, Payara
Micro is a lightweight middleware platform for optimised application
And with no installation or conguration, you can begin deploying applications
Microservices provide a building-block approach to continuous deployment,
easing the process of updating application components. These independent
processes are connected to create complex applications for virtually any
task, using language-agnostic APIs for exible communication and loose
coupling of services.
Java Microservices are often packaged with their own lightweight application
server – which is where Payara Micro can help.
For microservices built using Java EE, Payara Micro oers a tiny footprint,
allowing you to deploy microservices whenever and wherever required.
Choosing Payara Micro gives you the opportunity to develop innovative
solutions to pressing business problems using tried-and-tested APIs and
minimal system overhead.
Enterprise-grade technology, superb performance
At just <70MB in size, Payara Micro is an incredibly lightweight Java
application server delivering enterprise-grade reliability, scalability and fault
tolerance. You have everything you need to build and deploy a fully working
app within minutes.
Payara Micro is also fully Cloud ready, allowing your applications to leverage
unlimited processing and storage. Innovative design makes Payara Micro the
ideal choice for the emerging microservices industry. Your developers can
package Java EE apps for containerised deployment according to the latest
Cloud technology developments.
The Payara Team works hard to ensure that Payara Micro keeps pace with the
latest development trends. So you can deploy your Java EE apps wherever you
want, however you need.
• Deploy .war applications and services directly from the command line.
• Complete support for clustering and failover of micro services.
• Tiny footprint (<70MB) allows for higher density deployments and hyper-
ecient use of virtualised resources.
• Containerised approach ensures maximum performance and reduced risk of
application interference.
• Fully scalable infrastructure using clustering.
• Support for a range of apps and frameworks to further customise Payara
Micro to your needs.
Rock solid enterprise
Built on the GlassFish Embedded
core, Payara Micro oers an
extensible platform for your
future containerised application
• Hazelcast integration for
automatic clustering of Payara
Micro instances.
• Full 24x7x365 support, with
screen-sharing, for your
production Payara Micro servers.
• Quarterly Payara Micro product
releases keep your systems fully
• Monthly patches and hot x
release cycle to keep instances
• Fully open source product allows
you to extend and amend source
code for your business needs.
• Payara Micro product
development is driven by
customer feedback to deliver the
product you really need.