I am incredibly grateful to many people for their varied contributions and support
of this work over the past few years.
Thank you to my dissertation committee for all their work in moving this project
forward. Particular thanks go to Dr. Nicole Culos-Reed for her mentorship, patience and
gentle hand in guiding this work. Dr. Linda Carlson has been my mentor for many years
and someone I still grow with and learn from. Dr. Dave Paskevich has also been a
wonderful mentor these past three years. His thoughts and opinions have always been
welcome additions to this work. I also thank Dr. Telles and Dr. Page for taking time out
of their extremely busy schedules to be part of this process.
The Health and Wellness Lab has been my home the past three years. Thanks to
Dr. Carolina Chamarro, Lauren Capozzi, Amanda Wurz, Kathryn Wytsma, Katie Krenz,
Jessica Danyluk, Tanya Williamson, Lynette Stephenson, and Marni Armstrong for being
an integral part of this journey. Thanks also to Tyla Arnason, Anne Cox, Sophie
Dufresne, Jeanine Goranson, Catherine Townley, Heather Jackson, Helen Cheung and
Linda Crawford, our amazing Yoga Thrive teachers who have been so central to the
research process. My greatest debt is to those cancer survivors and their support persons
who chose to be a part of our research program. They have shared so much and asked for
little in return. Thank you.
Linda Carlson’s Lab has also been a place of great learning and friendship. Dr.
Laura Labelle, Dr. Sheila Garland and Kristin Zernicke have been indispensible to this
work and are always good for a fresh viewpoint and a warm beverage. Many thanks to
Linda, Laura and Sheila for reading drafts of Chapters 3 and 4.