The main result of this paper appeared first in the unpublished Ph.D. thesis of the second
author [13] and is the following one.
Theorem 1. Let Pand Qbe two multiplicatively independent polynomials with coefficients in a
finite field F. Then multiplication of polynomials is a ternary relation
{(A, B, C)∈F[X]|A.B =C}
definable by a first-order formula in hF[X],+,≺,(·C:C∈F[X]), VP, VQi.
This means that adding multiplication to the structure hF[X],+,≺,(·C:C∈F[X]), VP, VQi
does not lead to any new first-order definable set of polynomials. It also turns out that any map
VRcan also be defined within this structure.
A result similar to Theorem 1 has been obtained in [12] for the integers and the structure
hN,+, Vk, Vℓiwhere Vk(n) is the largest power of k≥2 dividing n∈N≥1. Our proofs and
guidelines rely on those originally developed by Villemaire. We consider that our work is not a mere
translation of the original ones: non-trivial adaptations, complements and slight corrections had
to be made. Furthermore, the extra arguments that we will present can also be translated to the
original context of integers. Also, such a result can provide some insight about the recognizability
of sets of polynomials over a finite ring which has still to be studied further.
1.1. Motivations. A set Xof integers is said to be p-recognizable, if the set of base pexpansions
of the elements in Xis a regular language over the alphabet of digits {0,...,p −1}(that is
accepted by some finite automaton). A set Xis ultimately periodic if there exist N, q > 1 such
that, for all n≥N,n∈X⇔n+q∈X. Villemaire’s work can be related to the famous
theorem of Cobham [2]: if a set Xof integers is both p-recognizable and q-recognizable with p
and qbeing multiplicatively independent integer bases, then Xis ultimately periodic. Cobham’s
theorem has given a major impulse to studying recognizable sets of integers [1, 3]. In this context,
Villemaire’s work has led to interesting developments concerning p-recognizable sets in a logical
setting [5]. In this context, the work of Semenov and Muchnik have also to be mentioned [9, 6].
Therefore, as for the integer case, we hope that our result could shed some new light on a possible
analogue of Cobham’s theorem in the context of sets of polynomials over a finite field which
are P-recognizable for all polynomial base P. Up to now, p-recognizable or p-automatic sets of
polynomials over a finite field have reveal more properties than those observed for integers and
deserve further investigations [7, 8].
1.2. Organization. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give a few definitions
needed in the paper. Section 3 is devoted to the following construction. Given two multiplicatively
independent polynomials S, T , we define two multiplicatively independent polynomials P, Q which
are respectively power of Sand T, some increasing map F:PN→PNand a finite partition
(Ei)i∈{1,...,c}of PNsuch that for all i∈ {1,...,c}and all A, B ∈Ei,A≺B→ ∃C∈(PN\
F(PN)) : F(A)≺C≺F(B). Furthermore, we ensure that Fand (Ei)i∈{1,...,c}are definable in
hF[X],+,≺,(·C:C∈F[X]), VP, VQi. In Section 4 we assume the existence of such a map Fand
partition (Ei)i∈{1,...,c}to define multiplication in a enlarged structure where Fand (Ei)i∈{1,...,c}
have been added. Finally, we collect in Section 5 the results of the previous two sections ti get a
proof of the main theorem.
2. A few definitions
We denote respectively by SPand SP,Q the structures hF[X],+,≺,(·C:C∈F[X]), VPiand
hF[X],+,≺,(·C:C∈F[X]), VP, VQi. The terms in SPare variables and constants (when the
structure contains the function VPthen the constant 1 is easily defined by A= 1 ≡VP(0) = A
and the constant 0 by A= 0 ≡(∀B)(A≺B∨A=B)) ranging over F[X] or if Q, R are terms and
Cis a fixed polynomial, then Q+R,Q·C,VP(Q) are terms. If Q, R are terms, then Q=Rand
Q≺Rare atomic formulas. Then one can construct arbitrary formulas using logical connectives
∨,∧,¬,→,↔and quantifiers ∃Qand ∀Qwhere Qis a variable.