Refreshments will be served from 10h30 – 11h00 and lunch will be served from 13h00 – 14h00 in Kikwete Hall
Kikwete Foyer
Pc2.1 Pre-cOnference wOrkshOP
Muhimbili Hospital
Transport to the hospital will leave from the Kunduchi Beach Hotel and Resort at 06h30
surGical wOrkshOP
Sponsored by Storz
Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy
A van der Merwe (SA)
Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy
S Puntambekar (India)
08h00 –
09h00 -
fundaMentals Of
clinical research
Supported by The
University of Chicago
Office of Clinical
Research and the Global
Health Initiative
Chairs: K Moodley
(SA), A Falusi (Nigeria),
O Olopade (USA), S
Olopade (USA)
Pre-test (30)
What is clinical research?
O Olopade (USA),
S Olopade (USA)
Evolution of GCP (25)
K Moodley (SA)
Regulatory oversight (25)
S Olopade (USA)
Subject recruitment and
retention (25)
K Moodley (SA)
Informed consent (25)
A Falusi (Nigeria)
Document management
P Gonzalez (USA)
Safety reporting (25)
P Gonzalez (USA)
Investigational product
accountability (25)
C Babalola (Nigeria)
Scientific integrity/conflict
of interest (25)
S Olopade (USA), A
Afolabi (Nigeria)
Post-test (30)
PalliatiVe care fOr
cancer in africa
Supported by Open
Society Institute
Chairs: JC Holland (USA),
S Perrier-Bonnet (France),
A Merriman (Uganda)
settinG the scene
in africa tOday
Chairs: L Thambo (Malawi),
A Merriman (Uganda)
Expected outcomes for the
day (10)
Setting the scene: why
home care in Africa (30)
F Mwangi-Powell (Uganda)
Setting up a clinical service
in a government/university
hospital (20)
M Leng (Uganda)
Reaching out to the
community: lessons
learned in setting up a
clinical PC service in a
university teaching hospital
O Soyannwo (Nigeria)
Setting up PC in a Middle
Eastern country (15)
H Rais (Tunisia)
The role of PC associations
in Africa (15)
R Kiwanuka (Uganda)
Discussion (10)
Chairs: JC Holland (USA),
R Kiwanuka (Uganda)
The role of partnerships
F Mwangi-Powell (Uganda)
Introducing PC to
Francophone Africa (10)
S Perrier-Bonnet (France)
Partnerships in action: Cote
d'Ivoire and Mozambique
A Baguma (Uganda)
Discussion: are the needs
of new services being met?
Report back and discussion
Practical asPects
Of a serVice
Chairs: S Perrier-Bonnet
(France), F Mwangi-Powell
The public health approach
to PC (15)
A Merriman (Uganda)
Chairs: JM Kabongo
(DRC), S Bayo (Mali),
A Adesina (USA)
Introduction and
overview (15)
S Bayo (Mali)
Chair: JM Kabongo
Pathology and the
changing future of
medicine (35+10)
A Adesina (USA)
Chairs: JO Ogunbiyi
(Nigeria), S Bayo (Mali)
Tissue collection for
research studies in a low
resource environment
A Nelson (USA) and
A Adesina (USA)
Chairs: Y Tettey (Ghana),
L Ngendahayo (Rwanda)
Clinical case
presentations and
discussion of challenging
and interesting cases
(10+2 each)
I Ekanem (Nigeria)
EE Akang (Nigeria)
M Diomande (Ivory
Chair: EE Akang (Nigeria)
Pathology of breast
carcinoma (40+10)
E Brogi (USA)
Chair: I Yawale (Nigeria)
Pathology of prostate
carcinoma (40+10)
G Ayala (USA)
Summary and concluding
remarks (10)
A Adesina (USA)
Chairs: A Nelson (USA),
JM Dangou (Senegal)
Cytopathology and FNA
in low-resource settings
J Thomas-Ogunniyi
Supported by Institutà
Català d'Oncologia (Spain)
Chairs: X Bosch (Spain),
S de Sanjosé (Spain)
ePideMiOlOGy (120)
i. Epidemiology and the
burden of the most
common types of
cancer: breast, liver,
lung, stomach, cervix
ii. The main cancer risk
factors in Africa: inter
alia, tobacco, hepatitis,
heliobacter, HPV
X Bosch (Spain),
X Castellsagué (Spain),
S de Sanjosé (Spain)
hands-On with
GlOBOcan (60)
S de Sanjosé (Spain)
icO-hPV infOrMatiOn
centre (30)
X Castellsagué (Spain)
e-OncOlOGy (120)
X Bosch (Spain),
X Castellsagué (Spain)
PreVentiOn Of
cerVical cancer
Supported by World Health
Organization (WHO)
Chairs: N Broutet
(Switzerland), M Chirenje
(Zimbabwe), N Keita
PriMary PreVentiOn
Of cerVical cancer
Introduction: cervical
cancer prevention -
overview of primary and
secondary prevention (20)
R Sankaranarayanan
WHO position on HPV
vaccination (20+10)
N Broutet (Switzerland)
Lessons from Uganda:
implementing HPV
vaccination (20+10)
E Mugisha (Uganda)
Rapid HPV testing (20+10)
J Jeronimo (USA)
PreVentiOn Of
cerVical cancer
Introduction: update on
WHO Screen and Treat
projects in Africa (20+5)
G Mgomella (Kenya)
Country updates on
Screen and Treat
programmes (10 each)
i. AO Olola (Tanzania)
ii. PO Adefuye (Nigeria)
iii. G Komba (Tanzania)
iv. G Parham (Zambia)
the way fOrward
How can we improve
the performance of
cervical cancer prevention
programmes? (20+10)
N Keita (Guinea)
Future directions in
secondary prevention
M Chirenje (Zimbabwe)
Afro-WHO strategies for
the future (20+10)
JM Dangou (Senegal)
Discussion (30)
07h30 -
detailed programme | pre-CoNFereNCe | tUeSdaY, 10 NoVemBer
pRe-COnfeRenCe tUeSdaY, 10 NoVemBer
Reaching the needy:
suitable education
programmes from the
community to the university
M Leng (Uganda)
Practical aspects of
service: tools for clinical
assessments (15)
C Nawangi (Uganda)
Can PC work in
francophone Africa? (15)
B Kouassi (Ivory Coast)
Accessing funding for PC
services in Africa (30)
F Mwangi-Powell (Uganda)
Panel discussion and
feedback with country
groups (60)
Facilitator: F Mwangi-Powell
aOrtic Media suMMit with aMerican cancer sOciety (acs) - Mkapa
17h00 –
detailed programme | pre-CoNFereNCe | tUeSdaY, 10 NoVemBer
programme NoteS
sessiOn Venues
All AORTIC 2009 conference sessions will be held at the Kunduchi Beach Hotel and Resort, in these rooms: Kambarage,
Mandela, Mkapa, Annan and Nujoma. The room for each session is indicated in the DETAILED PROGRAMME.
Simultaneous English and French translation will be provided in all sessions that take place in the Kambarage or
Mandela rooms. Translated sessions are indicated in the DETAILED PROGRAMME.
hOw tO use the cOnference PrOceedinGs
All delegates received the conference proceedings in their delegate bag: this CONFERENCE HANDBOOK and the
ABSTRACT BOOK. You can collect the ABSTRACT CD at the GARDASIL/MSD exhibition stand in the Kikwete Hall.
conjunction with the ABSTRACT BOOK. If a topic on the programme has a corresponding abstract, an ABSTRACT
REFERENCE NUMBER will be shown in front of the topic, in parentheses. The number in parentheses after the topic
is the time allotted to the presenter.
The ABSTRACT BOOK contains the abstracts selected from the AORTIC 2009 Call for Abstracts, which will be given
as oral or poster presentations. It also includes abstracts from many of the Invited Speakers, on the topics they will
address in workshops and plenary sessions.
Abstracts are listed in the ABSTRACT BOOK by ABSTRACT REFERENCE NUMBER. Please note that the ABSTRACT
REFERENCE NUMBERS are in numerical order, but not every number has a corresponding abstract, so there are gaps
in the numbering.
08h00 –
s1.1 syMPOsiuM
Kambarage (translation)
GlaxOsMithkline syMPOsiuM On hPV Vaccines
(refreshments will be served at 11h00 and a box lunch will be served at 13h30)
Welcome and opening: objectives and scope of the meeting (10)
G Hacking (Belgium)
Epidemiology of HPV/CC in Africa (20)
I Adewole (Nigeria)
Immunology of HPV: importance of high and sustained antibodies; role of neutralising antibodies; HPV 010 (H2H) (25)
L Gissman (Germany)
CervarixTM clinical data: HPV 008; HPV 023 (7.3 years efficacy data) (25)
N Bhatla (India)
HPV vaccine introduction "Ugandan experience": update on demonstration project (25)
E Mugisha (Uganda)
Discussion (10)
Wrap-up (5)
O Oladehin (Nigeria)
refreshMent Break - Kikwete
daY 1 | WedNeSdaY, 11 NoVemBer
Kikwete Foyer
14h30 –
11h30 –
s1.2 syMPOsiuM
Kambarage (translation)
syMPOsiuM On
hPV Vaccines
(refreshments will be served)
The burden of HPV-
associated disease (20+10)
X Bosch (Spain)
The immunology of HPV
vaccines (20+10)
M Stanley (UK)
Clinical efficacy of the
quadrivalent vaccine (20+10)
L Denny (SA)
MSD's commitment:
access to GARDASIL in the
developing world (20+10)
J Benson (USA)
13h30 –
17h00 s1.3 syMPOsiuM
Mandela (translation)
nOVartis/axiOs GliVec internatiOnal
Patient assistance PrOGraM (GiPaP)
(refreshments will be served)
sessiOn i: enhancinG PartnershiP in africa tO iMPrOVe diaGnOsis,
MOnitOrinG and quality Of treatMent Of cMl and Gist Patients
Welcome and opening remarks (15)
K Maunda (Tanzania)
Training of GIPAP physicians in the management of CML/GIST patients on treatment with
Glivec and/or Nilotinib (60)
Novartis Global Medical Affairs
Discussion: Improving CML/GIST disease management GIPAP Physicians (15)
Developing patient management system for oncology patients in resource limited settings:
the experience of GIPAP in Nigeria (20)
M Durosinmi (Nigeria)
Closing remarks (5)
K Maunda (Tanzania)
Session break (15)
sessiOn ii
Welcome remarks (5)
T Ngoma (Tanzania)
Impact of quality of cancer drugs on clinical outcomes (20)
J Norris (USA)
Panel discussion: Enhancing partnership to improve diagnosis and monitoring for cancer
treatment in African countries (50)
i. GIPAP case: sub-Saharan region
ii. Actions to improve capacity for lab diagnosis and monitoring of cancer treatment
iii. NGO’s role: TMF experience
N Othieno-Abinya (Kenya), H Hamad (Sudan), G Kiarie (Kenya), TMF delegate
Closing remarks (5)
K Maunda (Tanzania)
c1. cereMOny
Kikwete (translation)
OPeninG cereMOny
Chair: JF Holland (USA), Founding Member, AORTIC and Professor, Mount Sinai Medical Center
Welcome, introductions and opening remarks (15)
T Ngoma (Tanzania), President, AORTIC
Opening remarks (10)
S Gueye (Senegal), President-elect, AORTIC
J Harford (USA), Director, Office of International Affairs, National Cancer Institute (NCI) (10)
Building partnerships with African scientists (10)
M Foti (USA), CEO, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
O Brawley (USA), Chief Medical Officer, American Cancer Society (ACS) (10)
O Olopade (USA), Council Member, AORTIC and Professor of Medicine and Human Genetics, University of Chicago Medical Center (10)
17h30 –
15h00 –
detailed programme daY 1 | WedNeSdaY, 11 NoVemBer
daY 1 | WedNeSdaY, 11 NoVemBer
detailed programme daY 1 | WedNeSdaY, 11 NoVemBer
F Cavalli (Switzerland), Immediate Past President, International Union Against Cancer (UICC) (10)
IARC African research priorities (10)
C Wild (France), Director, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
Hon Prof Dr DH Mwakyusa (Tanzania), Minister for Health and Social Welfare
Guest of Honour and AORTIC Patron
His Excellency, Mr Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of Tanzania
welcOMe recePtiOn - Kikwete
(refreshments will be served)
07h00 -
refreshMent Break | POster sessiOn - Kikwete
k2.1 keynOte
Kambarage (translation)
keynOte lecture
The global epidemiology of cancer (30+15)
P Boyle (UK)
08h00 –
08h45 k2.2 keynOte
Mandela (translation)
keynOte lecture
(342) Breast cancer in Africa: the need for contextual approaches
J Harford (USA)
P2.1 Plenary
Kambarage (translation)
tOBaccO-related cancers
Supported by American Cancer Society (ACS)
Chair: R Machang'u (Tanzania)
(361) The burden of death and disease from tobacco use (10)
T Glynn (USA)
Tobacco control in Africa: what will work (15)
Y Saloojee (SA)
The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: by Africa, with
Africa, for Africa (20)
P Lambert (SA)
Panel: Spotlight on tobacco control issues of vital importance
to Africa (45 shared)
(299) i. Smuggling: supporting war in the DRC
P Musavuli (DRC)
(321) ii. Tobacco farming: the poverty trap
L Kagaruki (Tanzania)
(325) iii. Smokeless tobacco use
OA Ayo-Yusuf (SA)
(319) iv. Tobacco industry targeting in Africa
R Kitonyo (Kenya)
Discussion (30)
09h00 –
P2.2 Plenary
Mandela (translation)
Breast cancer in africa
Chairs: O Olopade (USA), P Ndom (Cameroon), L Esserman (USA)
(326) Surgical management of breast cancer and establishing a
research infrastructure (20+10)
CA Adisa (Nigeria)
(303) The role of pathology in the evaluation of breast cancer
JM Dangou (Senegal)
(345) Inflammatory breast cancer from a Western perspective
S Formenti (USA)
(340) Role of oophorectomy in ER-positive breast cancer (20+10)
R Love (USA)
11h30 -
w2.1.1 wOrkshOP
PalliatiVe care
fOr cancer in
Supported by Open
Society Institute
Chairs: F Mwangi-Powell
(Uganda), L Denny (SA)
the OncOlOGy-
PalliatiVe care
interface 2009:
wOrkinG tOGether
(349) PC in oncology (20)
T Ngoma (Tanzania)
(297) PC where there is
no oncology (10)
L Thambo (Malawi)
PC where there is
oncology (10)
R Kiwanuka (Uganda)
(312) PC where there
is no affordable oral
morphine (10)
L Finch (Malawi)
(307) Supporting the PC
needs of the patient in the
cancer ward: children (15)
C Byarugaba (Uganda)
(347) PC within a cancer
control activity (15)
J Cleary (USA)
Kikwete Foyer
11h00 –
w2.1.4 wOrkshOP
Of aBstracts
(9 oral presentations,
8+2 each)
Chairs: G Dreyer (SA),
C Gombe-Mbalawa
(173) 3D conformal high
dose rate brachytherapy
in cancer of the cervix
DN Chetty (SA)
(78) Cancer du col
uterin et infection a
papillomavirus humain en
D Hammouda (Algeria)
(162) Cervical cancer:
women’s lived experience
of support from their
A Mosalo (SA)
(242) Cervical cancer
prevention program in
Tanzania: an integrated
approach in the regions
J Mwaiselage (Tanzania)
(139) Reasons for patients
not receiving full course
chemosensitisation during
radical treatment with
cervical carcinoma
D Narinesingh (SA)
(169) Evaluation of
screening for cervical
cancer neoplasia
using visual inspection
techniques in Tanzania
T Ngoma (Tanzania)
w2.1.5 wOrkshOP
Of aBstracts
(9 oral presentations,
8+2 each)
Chairs: R Anorlu (Nigeria),
P Ndom (Cameroon)
(202) Dose fractionation in
palliative radiotherapy for
bone metastases in breast
cancer patients in northern
D Dawotola (Nigeria)
(199) Knowledge and
practice of breast
cancer screening among
Mansoura nurses
K El-Shamy (Egypt)
(248) Clinical implications
of psychosocial impact of
body image and sexuality
for women with breast
K El-Shamy (Egypt)
(161) A post mastectomy
radiotherapy technique
for centres with limited
J Hough (SA)
(62) Detection de
la surexpression de
l’oncogene HER-2/NEU
(C-ERB-B2) dans les
cancers mammaires chez
les femmes Congolaises
de Kinshasa
L Mbala Nlandu (DRC)
(58) Distinct clinical and
prognostic features
of infiltrating lobular
carcinoma (ILC) of the
breast: combined results
of 15 International Breast
Cancer Study Group
(IBCSG) clinical trials
E Murray (SA)
w2.1.2 wOrkshOP
cancer cOntrOl
Chair: JM Dangou
(Senegal), WHO, UICC,
(305) WHO Cancer
Control Programme:
holistic approaches
in cancer prevention;
cure and care; cancer
prevention and control
in the WHO African
region (25+15)
JM Dangou (Senegal)
NCCP planning: what
is a comprehensive
NCCP, why is a
comprehensive NCCP
needed, and what does
an NCCP look like?
Vision, strategies and
planning (25+15)
w2.1.3 wOrkshOP
cOMMunicatiOn Of
(9 oral presentations, 8+2
Chairs: C Hunter (USA),
S Gueye (Senegal)
(73) Clinico-pathological
review of malignant gastric
tumours in Lagos, Nigeria
F Abdulkareem (Nigeria)
(67) Prognostic
significance of plasma
fibrinogen and D-dimmer
in African patients with
osteosarcoma: as seen at
the National Orthopaedic
Hospital Igbobi Lagos
SO Abegunde (Nigeria)
(212) La chimiothérapie
intra-peritoneale pour
caner colique avancé
L Abid (Algeria)
(22) Wilms’ tumour in
Sudan: observations,
obstacles and options
DO Abuidris (Sudan)
(204) Childhood head
and neck malignancies in
Ibadan, Nigeria
A Adeyemo (Nigeria)
(56) Polymorphisms in
STK15 and TP53 genes
predict risk of developing
hepatocellular carcinoma in
a West African population
P Aka (Gambia)
daY 2 | tHUrSdaY, 12 NoVemBer
detailed programme daY 2 | tHUrSdaY, 12 NoVemBer
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