This Ph.D. project would never have been succeeded without the help, the support,
and the patience of a number of persons and, to some of them, I would like to express my
sincere gratitude.
First and foremost, I would like to thank the promoter of my Ph.D. project, Prof. Dr.
Denis De Keukeleire, for offering me unique research opportunities, for conveying his
knowledge on hop and hop-derived prenylflavonoids, and, above all, for his confidence to let
me work in a serene environment and in full scientific freedom.
This Ph.D. work would not have been succesful without the essential contribution of
Prof. Dr. Em. F. Comhaire, who hosted me for more than a year in his laboratory at the Ghent
University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Heath Sciences, Department of Endocrinology.
The expertise present in this laboratory undoubtly improved my scientific skills and I would
very much like to thank in this respect the colleagues, who assisted me personally during this
period and shared their scientific knowledge: Willem, Frank, Sabrina and Katelijne.
During the execution of the experimental work, I was offered the opportunity to
discover the exciting world of cell cultures thanks to Prof. Dr. V. Castronovo, who kindly
invited me to work for almost a year in his Metastasis Research Laboratory at the University
of Liège. I would like to thank particularly Akeila and Naïma, who assisted me on a daily
basis and shared their broad experience on the in vitro bio-assays using cancer cell lines and
on cancer research in general. Also, I am grateful to all members of the laboratory: Stephan,
Marie-Hélène, Frédéric (I am sorry to hear that you are no longer with us and herewith I
would like to express my sincere condolences to the family), David, Cédric, Michaël, Sabine,
Pascale who made my stay in Liège unforgettable! I would also like to thank the other
members of the department for the pleasant atmosphere.
I would like to express my special gratitude to Prof. Dr. P. Vandenabeele from Ghent
University, Faculty of Sciences, Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology,
Department for Molecular Biomedical Research, Molecular Signalling, and Cell Death Unit,
who allowed me to work in his laboratory for several months to conduct studies on the
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