physical actty
and cancer
There is a strong
link between being
overweight or obese
& an increased risk
of 11 cancers:
u Liver
u Advanced prostate
u Ovarian
u Gallbladder
u Kidney
u Colorectal (bowel)
u Oesophageal*
u Postmenopausal breast
u Pancreatic
u Endometrial (womb)
u Stomach (cardia)
Physical inactivity
is the 4th leading
cause of death
1.9 billion adults
worldwide are
overweight or obese.
This exceeds the
population of China
Top 10 countries*
with the highest
% of overweight or
obese adults
u Mexico 71.3%
u United States 68.6%
u Chile 64.5%
u New Zealand 63.8%
u Australia 63.4%
u Israel 62.2%
u United Kingdom 61.9%
u Hungary 61.6%
u Ireland 61%
u Finland 59.2%
u Luxembourg 59.2%
There is a strong
link between being
physically active &
a decreased risk
of 3 cancers:
u Postmenopausal breast
u Colon (bowel)
u Endometrial (womb)
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