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Autochthonous and invasive mosquitoes
of Catalonia as vectors of zoonotic arboviruses
Marco Brustolin
Autochthonous and invasive mosquitoes of Catalonia as
vectors of zoonotic arboviruses
Marco Brustolin
PhD Thesis
Bellaterra, 2016
Autochthonous and invasive mosquitoes of Catalonia as
vectors of zoonotic arboviruses
Tesis doctoral presentada por Marco Brustolin para acceder al grado de
Doctor en el marco del programa de Doctorado en Medicina y Sanidad
Animal de la Facultat de Veterinaria de la Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona, bajo la dirección de la Dra. Núria Busquets Martí y del Dr.
Nonito Pagès Martínez, y la tutoría de la Dra. Natàlia Majó i Masferrer.
Bellaterra, 2016
PhD studies presented by Marco Brustolin were financially supported by
RecerCaixa program.
This work was partially supported by the AGL2013-47257-P project funded
by the Spanish Government and by EU grant FP7-613996 VMERGE.
Printing of this thesis was supported by generous contribution from the
Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA) and Institut de Recerca i
Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA).
Cover design Chapter image
Diego Alonso Moral Abel González González
Rachel Merino Ortega
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