The construction of a circle graph from a chord diagram is immediate. The
opposite construction is more difficult. The best algorithms for recognizing
circle graphs and constructing chord diagrams are by Gabor et al. [22] taking
time O(mn) where nis the number of vertices and mthe number of edges,
and by Spinrad [35] taking time O(n2).
Our concern is to express the construction of one, and even of all chord dia-
grams defining a given circle graph by monadic second-order formulas (MS
formulas). The first step is to recognize whether a graph is a circle graph. The
characterization of circle graphs by three forbidden vertex-minors (Bouchet
[5]) can be expressed by a C2MS formula, i.e., an MS formula using the even
cardinality set predicate (Courcelle and Oum [17]). However, this expression
is not constructive :itverifies the absence of obstructions, but this absence
gives no clue on how to construct a chord diagram for the considered circle
graph. Our results (Theorems 5 and 11) yield on the contrary constructive
characterizations, by MS formulas of the form ∃X1, ..., Xk.ϕ such that a k-
tuple X1, ..., Xksatisfying ϕcan be used by another MS formula to build the
desired chord diagram. This type of construction of logical structures is called
amonadic second-order transduction, by reference to the theory of formal
The formulas we construct use in most cases auxiliary linear orders. Such a
use in the expression of graph properties is related with the still open prob-
lem of finding a logical characterization of polynomial time graph properties.
First-order logic with least fixed point operators, called fixed point logic (FPL)
characterizes polynomial time graph properties for linearly ordered graphs by
a classical result by Immermann and Vardi (see the book by Libkin [29]).
Concerning monadic second-order logic, there are many situations where an
auxiliary linear order is useful or even, perhaps, necessary. This is the case of
the even cardinality set predicate yielding the extension of monadic second-
order logic denoted by C2MS. Even cardinality is a typical example of an
order-invariant monadic second-order property, that is, of a property of un-
ordered structures that is expressible by an MS formula using an arbitrary
linear order. Its truth value, i.e., the parity of the cardinality, does not depend
on the chosen linear order. By extending the Immermann-Vardi Theorem from
Boolean queries to polynomial time transformations of structures (Dawar [19],
Makowsky and Pnueli [31], Ebbinghaus and Flum [20]), one gets that the
transformation of an ordered circle graph into a chord diagram representing
it can be expressed in FPL.
We are interested by expressing in monadic second-order logic the mapping
from a circle graph to all its chord diagrams, with or without auxiliary or-
ders, with or without the even cardinality set predicate. Before presenting our
results, we present our main graph theoretical tools.