210 Volume 25, Issue 2, sprIng 2015 • CanadIan onCology nursIng Journal
reVue CanadIenne de soIns InfIrmIers en onCologIe
internAtionAl PersPectiVe
by Savitri Singh-Carlson
The Oncology Nurses Association of
India (ONAI), formed in November
of 1994, is situated in the Nursing
Department at Tata Memorial Hospital in
Mumbai, India (https://tmc.gov.in/med-
ical/departments/nursing.htm#). The
ONAI organization promotes Professional
Nursing through membership of National
Nurses Association (American Nurses
Association, http://nursingworld.org/)
and the National Oncology Nursing
Association (Oncology Nursing Society
[ONS], https://www.ons.org/). It has an
aliation with International Society of
Nurses in Cancer Care (ISNCC, http://
www.isncc.org/) and Australian Cancer
Nursing Association (Cancer Nurses
Society of Australia [CNSA], https://www.
With ve chapters within India, it
has more than 400 active ONAI mem-
bers. The ONAI set the criteria for
starting a chapter as having a min-
imum of 30 members according to
Sulochana Retnamony, Deputy Nursing
Superintendent of Tata Memorial
Nursing and ONAI President. The
vision of ONAI is: Excellence in Service,
Research and Education. Its aims and
objectives include:
a. To render quality patient care;
b. To update the current advances
related to practice and skills;
c. To develop and disseminate evi-
dence-based treatment, and;
d. To provide a link within India and
outside India.
Its activities include yearly or biennial
conferences for oncology nurses in India,
with awards for conference presentations,
and a quarterly newsletter “Oncology
Nursing Newsletter”. ONAI continually
strives to provide timely educational sem-
inars on cancer awareness for upcoming
oncology nurses. This national orga-
nization’s entrepreneurship in raising
Professional Consciousness of Indian oncol-
ogy nurses is applauded for its innova-
tiveness and for providing a forum for
integrity and advocacy of oncology nurs-
ing in India.
As reported in an earlier article, “cur-
ricula taught in nursing schools for edu-
cation of the general nurse, as well as
the standards of practice and guidelines
under which each country prepares
nurses for practice, dier from coun-
try to country” (Singh-Carlson, 2014, p.
109). While this is true for general nurs-
ing education standardized curricula in
most countries, including the Indian
Nursing Council, there is a challenge
when developing practice standards and
competencies for specialized oncology
nurses. This is because a national foun-
dation for professional oncology nurs-
ing standards of care, and a denition
of the roles and the necessary compe-
tencies has not been put in place yet in
India. Without a national foundational
document that outlines guidelines for
practice standards and competencies
for specialized oncology nurses, each
cancer setting (program or centre) has
the task of preparing its own docu-
ments and educational content when
educating their sta nurses to be com-
petent in preparing and delivering che-
motherapy, radiation, and other related
skills for providing quality cancer care.
In January 2015, Akanksha
Dicholkar, Chief Nursing Ocer, Dr.
Vivek Radhakrishnan, Chief Medical
Oncologist of Aster MedCity Oncology
Care in Cochin, Kerala, and I success-
fully conducted a workshop in Oncology
Nursing in India. An interdisciplinary
team presented topics that were relevant
to oncology care with invitations sent to
nurses in neighbouring cancer settings.
Following this successful workshop
and assessment of the nurses’ educa-
tional needs, our next task was to pre-
pare practice standards, competencies
and guidelines for oncology specialized
nurses in preparation for the opening of
the new oncology unit at Aster MedCity.
After reviewing the Canadian Association
of Nursing Oncology (CANO) and ONS
published standards of practice and
competencies, the team created a docu-
ment that ensured appropriate elds of
education for the specialized oncology
nurse and created skills mastery levels to
be utilized as part of the curricula.
In order to ensure this document
covered depth and specicity for qual-
ity patient oncology care and safety stan-
dards for nurses, the team approached
the Regional Cancer Centre (RCC) in
Trivandrum to examine their exist-
ing practice standards, competencies
and curricula. This Kerala state-funded
cancer centre has been in existence for
more than 10 years. I was invited as
a guest lecturer to the RCC and con-
ducted a verbal assessment of the cur-
rent educational level of specialized
oncology nurses. This assessment
revealed a depth of clinical and leader-
ship expertise, which I recognized as a
combination of academic and experi-
ential knowledge comparable to that of
cancer care nurses in most settings.
Most of the oncology nurses at RCC
in Trivandrum had autonomy to make
clinical decisions within their scope
of practice. However, they also desired
Professionalism, Advocacy, and the abil-
ity to collaborate and share evidence from
their practice that would allow change.
And they faced the continuing chal-
lenge that oncology nurse leaders and
educators at each cancer setting prepare
their own documents for practice stan-
dards, competencies and protocols to
train nurses for moving from general
to specialized oncology nurses. Content
for developing these documents was
derived from CANO and ONS, but
mostly from the latter, as the RCC nurse
educator was an ONS member. Credit
was given to both these international
organizations in their curricula.
Nurse leaders at RCC and Aster
MedCity were able to share their knowl-
edge and help to strengthen the devel-
opment of practice standards and
competencies to guide the special-
ized oncology nursing training at Aster
MedCity. Consequently, following the
meeting of oncology nurse leaders
from various centres, the next steps
will be to unite Kerala oncology nurse
leaders from various regional state
and private cancer centres to collabo-
rate on the development of a document
About tHe AutHor
Savitri Singh-Carlson, Associate Professor, California State University, Long Beach, California.