Canadian OnCOlOgy nursing JOurnal • VOlume 25, issue 4, Fall 2015
reVue Canadienne de sOins inFirmiers en OnCOlOgie
widely as its approval would implicate
(Verpoort & Mohler, 2012). If biosimi-
lar Zarzio is less expensive, it could be
argued that it should be easier to access
and, logically, be utilized more widely in
accordance with the EORTC guidelines
(Verpoort & Mohler, 2012). Further, it is
signicant to patients who should benet
if physicians could more widely prescribe
for indications where they may have hesi-
tated before, such as primary prophylaxis
(Verpoort and Mohler, 2012).
Although originator GCSF(Neupogen)
is the current drug of choice for stem cell
mobilization, post-transplant engraft-
ment and chemotherapy-induced neu-
tropenia, alternatives such as biosimilar
GCSF (Zarzio) are available (Remenyi
et al., 2014; Verpoort & Mohler, 2012).
This alternative is widely utilized in
the European market and will soon be
available in the USA (Aapro et al., 2011;
Hamburg, 2015). This is signicant to
Canadian stem cell transplant programs
in need of cost-saving strategies to allevi-
ate some of the burden of budgetary con-
straints. According to one report, the use
of biosimilars may not aect global hos-
pitalization costs, as the cost of GCSF is
a small percentage of the total cost of a
transplant (Ianotto et al., 2012). However,
other reports suggest a positive impact
to total hospitalization costs, as dollar for
dollar, Zarzio is consistently less expen-
sive than the originator product (Aapro
et al., 2011; Bassi et al., 2015; Ianotto et
al., 2012; Lefrere et al., 2011). Only one
report was found indicating Neupogen
as less expensive than Zarzio (Scottish
Medicines Consortium, 2011). Biosimilar
GCSF is found to be equally ecacious
and safe without aecting patient out-
comes (Aapro et al., 2011; Remenyi et
al., 2014; Verpoort & Mohler, 2012;
Hamburg, 2015; Bassi et al., 2015). The
side eect prole is similar to that of the
originator product including mild bone
and muscle pain, headache, febrile neu-
tropenia and u like symptoms (Schmitt
et al., 2014). Biosimilar Zarzio can be
safely used in the settings of autologous
stem cell mobilization, post-transplant
engraftment and chemotherapy-induced
neutropenia (Aapro et al., 2011; Ianotto
et al., 2014; Schmitt et al., 2014; Verpoort
& Mohler, 2012). Due to limited avail-
ability of long-term follow-up data, the
European Bone Marrow Transplantation
Association does not recommend the use
of biosimilars in healthy donors (Schmitt
et al., 2014). The use of biosimilar Zarzio
is a safe and cost-eective alternative to
the originator product Neupogen, and
may facilitate easier access for physi-
cians and patients in Canadian stem cell
transplant programs without impacting
patient outcomes negatively (Verpoort &
Mohler, 2012).
There are no disclosures or conict of
Aapro, M., Cornes, P., & Abraham, I. (2011).
Comparative cost-eciency across
the European G5 countries of various
regimens of lgrastim, biosimilar
lgrastim and peg lgrastim to reduce
the incidence of chemotherapy-induced
febrile neutropenia. Journal of Oncology
Pharmacy Practice, 18(2), 171–179.
Bassi, S., Stroppa, E.M., Moroni, C.F.,
Arbasi, M.C., Trabacchi, E., Di Franco,
A., Lazzaro, A., … Valissa, D. (2015).
Safety and ecacy of granulocyte
colony-stimulating factor biosimilars
in engraftment after autologous stem
cell transplantation for hematological
malignancies: A 4-year, single institute
experience with dierent conditioning
regimens. Blood Transfusion, 13, 478–483.
Bonig, H., Becker, P.S., Schwebig, A., &
Turner, M. (2015). Biosimilar granulocyte
colon stimulating factor for healthy
donor stem cell mobilization: Need we be
afraid? Transfusion, 55, 430–439.
Canadian Cancer Society’s Advisory
Committee (2015). Canadian cancer
statistics 2015 special topic: Predictions of
the future burden of cancer in Canada.
1–151. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved
from http://www.cancer.ca/statistics
Gascon, P. (2012). Presently available
biosimilars in hematology-oncology:
GCSF. Target Oncology, 7(Suppl. 1), S29–
S34. doi:10.1007/s11523-011-0190-9
Gascon, P., Tesch, H., Verpoort, K., Rosati,
M.S., Salesi, N., Agrawal, S., Wilking, N., …
Turner, M. (2013). Clinical experience with
Zarzio in Europe: What have we learned?
Support Care Cancer, 21, 2925–2932.
Table 2: Cost of Zarzio versus Neupogen
Authors Zarzio (300ug SC) Neupogen (300ugSC)
Aapro et al, 2011 €95.45/1day-
€1336.46/14 days
Bassi et al, 2015 €10.85/13.50 USD/one vial
Mean cost per pt for one
total treatment=€76.22
€77.53/96.65 USD/one vial
Mean cost per patient not
Scottish Medicines
Consortium, 2011
One course=10d/tx and 5
£3,442/course £3,047/course
Ianotto et al., 2012 127 €/pt in lymphoma
140€/pt in myeloma
127€/pt vs. 42838€
total cost of transplant in
617€/pt in lymphoma
564€/pt in myeloma
140€/pt vs. 32894€
total cost of transplant in
Lefrere et al., 2011 95€/300ug dose
150€/480ug dose
119€/300ug dose
187€/480ug dose
€=Euro; USD= United States Dollar; pt=patient