Scientific Council SC/49/8
Proposed programme (2014–2017) and budget (2014–2015) Page 1
The present Proposed Programme sets out the main lines of the Agency’s research strategy and
planned activities for the period of 2014–2017. These follow the structure and priorities defined
in the IARC Medium-Term Strategy and Implementation Plan for 2010–2014 (GC/52/6) centred
on six core areas:
Describing the Global Cancer Burden — collection, storage, and statistical analysis of data
on cancer to provide accurate estimates of prevalence, incidence, survival, and mortality;
improved coverage and quality of cancer registration through support to cancer registries.
IARC Monographs — evaluation of evidence regarding the possible causal association
between risk factors and cancer; evaluation of the effectiveness of cancer prevention strategies.
Cancer Etiology — interdisciplinary studies to investigate the causes of human cancer,
including the role of environmental, lifestyle, and genetic factors and their interaction.
Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis — study of the molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis to
provide: insights into the biological plausibility of risk-factor–disease associations; potential
biomarkers of exposure, susceptibility, and disease; and a scientific rationale for interventions.
Cancer Prevention — evaluation of the effectiveness of intervention strategies, including their
implementation in particular socioeconomic and cultural settings; evaluation of national
programmes, providing evidence on optimal implementation.
Education and Training — training of new generations of cancer researchers through
fellowships and courses based on the main areas of scientific expertise at the Agency
(epidemiology, biostatistics, and laboratory sciences).
In addition to these six core areas of activity, there are three generic areas that provide support
across the Agency:
Methodology and Research Tools — development and validation of new or improved
research methods for application in epidemiology and laboratory studies.
Scientific Support — provision of common resources and services that underpin and support
the work of all research groups.
Research Leadership and Management — definition and implementation of the Agency’s
scientific strategy and programme.
The Proposed Programme 2014–2017 is built around collaboration with national, regional, and
international partners, with the Agency frequently exerting leadership and coordinating roles.
The Proposed Programme also reflects the growing requirement for interdisciplinary research,
which integrates the latest molecular and population-based knowledge to address the causation
and prevention of cancer.
The associated budget sets out the planned allocation of resources for the main areas of activity
described above. The total proposed budget for 2014–2015 is €41 214 017, representing an
overall increase of 4.55% from the 2012–2013 approved budget. This budget will ensure the
minimum non-staff budget required and absorb the 6.28% increase in staff cost.