SC/49/7 Scientific Council
Page 5 Forty-ninth session
A.3 Detailed Report
A.3.1 IARC Research Training and Fellowship Programme
a) Background
9. The main objective of the Research Training and Fellowship Programme is to provide
opportunities for training in cancer research at IARC to scientists who wish to pursue a career in
cancer research, ranging from biostatistics and epidemiology to laboratory sciences, and to
create and facilitate collaborative research links between IARC and cancer researchers
worldwide. This training comprises the skills acquired during the research conducted by the
scientists in their host Group as well as the more generic training provided by the Agency.
10. The Agency also attracts top international cancer researchers who spend various periods
of time contributing innovative and visionary research to the Agency’s programmes, which
makes IARC an ideal environment for education, training and exchange.
b) Activities and Results
Postdoctoral Fellowships
11. Since 2005 IARC Fellowships have been uniquely tenable at the Agency and target
scientists from LMICs, or with research projects relevant to these countries in areas related to
the Agency’s own programme and with an emphasis on interdisciplinary projects.
12. The recruitment of Fellows is driven by scientific excellence and selection is made by peer-
review through the IARC Fellowship Selection Committee composed of scientists from outside
and within IARC. Furthermore, as one of the objectives of the programme is capacity building in
the home institute of the Fellow, the motivation and perspective for return to the home country
on completion of their Fellowship is an important selection criterion, especially for LMICs.
13. The number of applicants to the Postdoctoral Fellowships has increased during the past
years (from an average of 26 in 2005–2008 to 38 in 2012), which is an extremely positive sign
testifying to the growing interest in the programme.
14. As presented in Table 1 of Appendix 1, fellowships were awarded between 2008 and 2012
to 36 Postdoctoral Fellows (61 fellow-years, as the majority were extended for a second year)
from 23 different countries; 67% were from LMICs; 58% were epidemiologists and 42%
laboratory scientists; a majority were women (61%). A research Return Grant was awarded to
11 Fellows from LMICs to establish their research activity in their own country. Although
modest, this represents a significant boost for the initiation of such projects.
15. A survey was carried out in 2012 to assess the outcomes of the programme since 2005.
87% of former Fellows answered the online questionnaire: 77% of respondents returned to their
home country; 81% have remained active in cancer research, in public institutions; half
considered that the Fellowship had a direct impact on successfully obtaining grants after their
Fellowship and a majority of those benefitting from a Return Grant considered this to have been
beneficial to their career as well as to their institution; all respondents considered that the
Fellowship had been either helpful (69%) or decisive (31%) for their career.