Scientific Council SC/49/6
Director’s response to CIN & ENV Reviews Page 2
5. A GICR Principal Investigators Group has been established, chaired by the CIN Deputy
Section Head, to coordinate activities across the different hubs and, inter alia, to prepare the
comprehensive management guide suggested by the Scientific Council when sufficient
experience has been accumulated.
6. A phased introduction of new hubs with adequate staffing to support this expansion was
recommended. The need for the creation of specific hub support posts has been acknowledged
by the partners on the GICR Advisory Group, notably UICC who is leading the fund raising
component. A comprehensive budget for the GICR has been developed including resources for
the hubs and for IARC, with the latter including P3 grade staff appointments to provide hub
support. To ensure momentum the Director has made funds available to proceed with the first
such P3 scientist appointment.
7. In relation to the Section’s training activities, a programme to “train the trainers” in the
operation and use of CanReg5 was initiated in the context of GICR, so staff attached to the hubs
can provide local support and answer queries from registries. More generally, training courses in
cancer registration and analysis for staff from cancer registries were undertaken during 2012 in
Mumbai, India and Cali, Colombia, with further courses planned for 2013 in Thailand, Indonesia,
India and North Africa. Finally, a series of six webinars were held on various aspects of
CanReg5, from installation to analytical tools. Recordings of these have been made available
online for streaming or direct downloading.
8. Following the recommendation to expand and refine the tools for analysis, interpretation
and dissemination of the cancer registration data available at the Agency, CIN released updates
of the CanReg5 software with a range of improvements and new features (e.g. novel analytical
tables). The software has been further translated into Portuguese and translation into
Mongolian, Georgian, Turkish, and Arabic has been initiated.
9. Following the withdrawal of European Commission (EC) funds, concerns were expressed
by the Scientific Council at the likely future of the European Network of Cancer Registries
(ENCR), the Secretariat of which has been hosted at IARC since its inception. During 2012,
following a proposal from the EC Directorate General for Health, a new cancer unit within the EC
Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra, Italy has been resourced and established and it has been
agreed by ENCR that this unit will henceforth maintain the ENCR Secretariat. CIN is working with
staff from the JRC to enable a smooth transfer of the Secretariat function. Through a contractual
arrangement with the JRC, CIN will remain as the coordinator for data receipt from cancer
registries and will maintain responsibility for processing and disseminating these data, their
analyses and interpretation.
10. The European Cancer Observatory was launched including estimates for the burden of
cancer in Europe in 2012. The Observatory made use of new web technology for the display of
summary statistical information and this will be adopted more widely within CIN.
11. The information available in GLOBOCAN was expanded with the inclusion of data on
prevalence and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs). The next release of this resource planned
for mid-2013 will also incorporate the suggested indicators of data quality underlying country
specific estimates and will make use of new web technology described above.