Séminaires du Biopark
MERCREDI 15 mai à 11h
Dr. Kristine Henningfeld, PhD
University of Goettingen, Germany
IBMM, Auditoire Brachet
“The role of Ptf1a dimeric and trimeric transcriptional complexes
during Xenopus neurogenesis”
VENDREDI 17 mai à 11h
Dr. A. Chittka
Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research and Research Department of Cell and
Developmental Biology, University College London
IBMM, Auditoire Brachet
"Histone arginine methylation and the control of
neural stem cell proliferation and differentiation".
MARDI 21 mai à 12h
Karen Willard-Gallo
IBMM, Auditoire Brachet
The nature and organization of CD4+ T cell subsets
infiltrating human breast cancer
MARDI 28 mai à 12h
Vincent Detours, PhD
IMI, Salle cafeteria
A-to-I RNA editing in breast cancer