FRIDAY FEBRUARY, 19th at 9.00 am to 1.30 pm
BD Horizon Tour 2016
POINT CENTRE, salle Jeener, rue G. Lemaître 19, 6041 Gosselies
«The implication of relative fluorochrome brightness and intercellular staining
methods for resolving your populations of interest »
«New insights for instrument set up to address spectral overlap and to maximize resolution»
«Putting it all together: Panel design principles for surface and intracellular staining »
A registration form is going to follow
FRIDAY FEBRUARY, 19th at 11.30 am
Prof. Kris Vleminckx
Center for Medical Genetics
UZ Gent
Rue Jeener et Brachet 12, 6041 Gosselies
«Modeling human cancer syndromes using TALEN and CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome
editing in Xenopus tropicalis»
Invited by Eric Bellefroid, Pôle Biologie Cellulaire du Développement
TUESDAY FEBRUARY 23th 12.00 pm
Jean-François Flot
Evolutionary Biology & Ecology
Rue G. Lemaître 19, 6041 Gosselies
«Heterozygosity: from a mere technical problem to a worthwhile object of study»
Invited by Muriel Moser, Pôle Immunobiologie