This publication was prepared to support the overall work of the OECD Health Care Quality Indicators
Project in developing a set of indicators that can be used to raise questions for investigation concerning the
quality of care across countries.
It provides a manual to facilitate cross national comparisons of indicators for patient safety through the
provision of detailed practical advice on calculating each indicator in a selected set of Patient Safety
Indicators (PSI) utilising national hospital administrative databases.
The selected indicators are:
Area Indicator name
Hospital-acquired infections Infection due to medical care
Decubitus ulcer
Operative and post-operative
Complications of anaesthesia
Postoperative hip fracture
Postoperative pulmonary embolism (PE) or deep vein thrombosis
Postoperative sepsis
Technical difficulty with procedure
Postoperative respiratory failure
Iatrogenic pneumothorax
Sentinel events Transfusion reaction
Foreign body left in during procedure
Birth trauma - injury to neonate
Obstetric trauma – vaginal delivery with instrument
Obstetric trauma – vaginal delivery without instrument
Obstetric trauma - caesarean section
For each of these indicators, the manual provides:
• Generic coding and calculation instructions related to national hospital administrative databases,
• Cross walk from ICD 9 to ICD 10 codes for each indicator,
• Detailed definitions for calculation of indicators, and
• Flow charts for visualising the calculation process.
The manual was originally designed to support the calculation of patient safety indicators in a group of
countries volunteering to participate in the validation of the methodology. However it is anticipated that
the material presented will also be of interest to a wider audience, including researchers and experts
interested in the technical background and construction of the Patient Safety Indicators and other countries
looking to develop internationally comparable health care quality indicators.