I would like to acknowledge Pr. Jean-Pierre Bergerat, Head of the Department. I would like to
thank him for offer me the opportunity to integrate his team.
I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Jocelyn Céraline for guidance,
support and encouragement during my Ph.D studies. I would like to thank Jocelyn who
accepted me after our first “famous” meeting on September afternoon 4 years ago when I
arrived in Strasbourg for tourism.
I also wish to thank Pr. Jean-Emmanuel Kurtz who dedicates his precious time for revising
my manuscript.
I wish to extend my warmest thanks to my colleagues who helped me with my project in the
laboratory: Eva, Christelle and Adeline. I also thank Philippe and Sabrina for their friendly
During my thesis, I had the chance to work under the co-direction of Pr. Zoran Culig at the
Innsbruck Medical University. I would like to thank the Pr. Culig for the enthusiastic
welcome that I received during the months that I spent in Innsbruck and for his kindness.
Gratitude goes to Dr. Ilaria Cavarretta for her precious advises and for her solid friendship.
Appreciation also goes to Frederic and Nora, Hannes, Martin, Kamilla and all the other
members of the group.
I would like to thank Pr. Olivier Cussenot, Dr. Christian Slomianny, Dr. Cécile Rochette-Egly
members of my committee for having kindly accepted to examine this thesis.
I would like to thank my “little-Italy in Strasbourg”: Angelita, Stefano and Giovanni.
I would also like to thank Gaëlle and Monika for their lightning speed to buy chocolate to
cheer me up!
I thank my flatmate Guillaume that stood and encouraged me during these years.
I would like to thank my friends: Philip, Francesca, Davide, Simone, Roberta, Alessandro,
Fabrizio, Giuseppe, Alice and Roberto the distance never prevented you to be present for me.
I would like to thank Leszek for his support and the nice time spent together.
I would like to express my gratitude to my family for the support that they provide me. Grazie
Babbo e Giulia di essermi stati tanto vicini, di avermi incoraggiata e sostenuta ogni giorno
durante tutti questi anni.
This project would not have been possible without the financial assistance of the association
Alsace contre le Cancer. I express my gratitude to all the members of the association for their