For decades, the use of certain lactic acid bacteria as so-called probiotics has
been suggested in order to stabilize the intestinal microbiota and thus prevent or treat
enteric infections. Consumption of these bacteria, which are normal components of
human intestinal microbiota, is reputed to be beneficial to health. However, their
possible role as therapeutic or prophylactic agents has been studied very little.
While basing for on these criteria, we started to carry out the bacterial
interaction between Lactobacillus strains (L. lactis,L. helveticus,L. rhamnosus) and
Enterobacteria (E. coli,S. typhi and K. oxytoca) while passing by three stages:
The description of Entérobactérias which rests on the observation macroscopic
and microscopic who reveal small bacilli with character negative Gram. Culture of
these bacteria in mediums selective and in better conditions of growth us a made it
possible to insulate E. coli, S. typhi and K. oxytoca. With the end of this stage one
carried out the antibiogram which a was important for studies the reaction of
Entérobactérias with respect to the antibiotics used and which leads us towards a
possible treatment.
The study microbiological of Lactobacillus strains who showed us that these
bacteria are bacilli, positive Gram. Biochemical tests and the fermentation of sugars
us have allowed identifies and confirmed membership of these to the strains
Lactobacillus.The study of their sensitivity to antibiotics is a significant criterion to
select the probiotiques ones, resistance is required at these strains so that they are
active even after a treatment antibiotics.
The interaction between Lactobacillus strains (L. lactis,L. helveticus,L.
rhamnosus) and Enterobacteria (E. coli,S. typhi and K. oxytoca) gave positive results
observed by the presence of the halations of inhibitions. E. coli is inhibited by Lb1
with a diameter of inhibition of 19mm and 23mm with Lb2 and finally of 18mm with
Lb3, In a second study the growth of S. typhi was inhibited by Lb1 with a diameter of
inhibition of 19mm and 28mm with Lb2 and finally of 31mm with Lb3.Thereafter