Evaluation of different visualization tools and approaches for BGP maps
DUT L3 M1 M2 M2 Recherche Ingénieur année 1, 2 ou 3
LISTIC - Laboratoire d'Informatique, Systèmes, Traitement de l'Information et de la
Connaissance - http://www.polytech.univ-savoie.fr/LISTIC
Internet monitoring tool that build in real time dynamic maps of the Internet. The maps
are output as graphs in GML format. These maps are thereafter labelled using country
and risk labels. Finally a spectral clustering is applied to these graph in order to extract
essential features. The topic of the internship is to evaluate different visualization tools
and approaches for BGP maps visualization that will enable the nd use r to concentrate
on essential part of the maps. These maps have strong interest in cybersecurity
studies as well in order to understand the dynamics of Internet as the inter-domain.
The internship do not require knowledge about BGP but basic knowledge of
networking will be a plus. A knowledge of python and some experience in data
mining, and big data will be welcome. A basic knowledge of graph theory will be
25,20 € / journée de travail
K . Salamatian (kave.salamatian@univ-savoie.fr)