Anonymous Joe
a little maths
Un peu de maths :
Soit la formule :
· F = Forme présent ou prétérit
· M= Modal
· ED= forme participe passé
· ING = forme ING
Sachant que
F et VB sont obligatoires
les éléments entre parentheses () sont facultatifs
l’ordre d’apparition est toujours le même,
vous pouvez lire la suite
Sachant que :
F = Forme présent ou prétérit
Vous savez désormais que dans un verb group anglais il faut toujours obligatoirement une forme présent ou
→cette F n’existe pas , elle est virtuelle, et a besoin d’un support et apparaît sur le premier élément de la
formule que l’on désire, dont on a besoin ;
Si le locuteur n’a besoin d’aucun des éléments facultatifs ( ) , c’est le deuxième élément obligatoire VB , le
verbe qui porte F
I walk : suj + Verbe qui porte Fprésent : le verb group se réduit ici aux éléments obligatoires et nécessaires
I walked : suj+ Verbe qui porte Fprétérit : idem
POURSUIVONS ; ne partez pas : VOUS tenez le coup ?????
Si pour des raisons que vous comprendrez au fil du temps, le locuteur veut accrocher F à autre chose que VB,
il va l’accrocher
· à M (comme Modal) ex : I can walk/ I could walk
· ou à HAVE : I have / I had; he has/ they had
· ou à BE : I am/ I was; you are/ they were
Reprenons la formule pour comprendre (HAVE ED) et (BE ING)
Pour faire passer certaines subtilités que nous appellerons pour faire vite les temps, l’anglais fait suivre
IEP 1 / 17
Anonymous Joe
HAVE du participe passé d’un verbe : (HAVE ED) : Have walked/ has seen / had done
BE de la forme ING d’un verbe : (BE ING) : Are doing/ am singing / were looking
Amusons-nous à vérifier que ces 6 verb groups sont bien formés SELON LA FORMULE :
ü Have walked/ has seen = corrects = pourquoi???
F (M) (HAVE ED) (BE ING) VB : HAVE/HAS portent la forme présent de F et sont suivis de Participe passé de
VB = les 2 éléments obligatoires et un facultatif HAVE ED
ü had done =correct= pourquoi????
F (M) (HAVE ED) (BE ING) VB : Had porte la forme preterit de F et est suivi de Participe passé de VB = les 2
éléments obligatoires et un facultatif HAVE ED
ü Are doing/ am singing = corrects = pourquoi???
F (M) (HAVE ED) (BE ING) VB : ARE/ AM portent la forme présent de F et sont suivis de ING de VB = les 2
éléments obligatoires et un facultatif BE ING
ü were looking=correct= pourquoi????
F (M) (HAVE ED) (BE ING) VB : WERE porte la forme preterit de F et est suivi de ING de VB = les 2 éléments
obligatoires et un facultatif BE ING
La grande question que vous vous posez est sûrement : 2 éléments facultatifs peuvent-ils apparaître dans un
même verb group ??????
La réponse est oui ; à vrai dire pour vous affoler tout de suite, les 3 éléments facultatifs peuvent apparaître
tous ensemble dans un même groupe verbal.
La seule chose qu’il faut bien retenir c’est l’ordre immuable d’apparition
2 éléments facultatifs : F (M) (HAVE ED) (BE ING) VB
must have looked / should have tried/ can have met etc…
2 éléments facultatifs : F (M) (HAVE ED) (BE ING) VB
May be looking/ could be crying/ must be wondering etc…
3 éléments facultatifs : F (M) (HAVE ED) (BE ING) VB
Must have been wondering/ should have been listening/could have been writing
IEP 2 / 17
Anonymous Joe
Let’s take a break!!!!!!!!
IEP 3 / 17
Anonymous Joe
highlight the auxiliaries
Read the passages below and highlight the auxiliary verbs in them. Don't forget the invisible auxiliary Ø
Paragraph 1
‘Would you go to the shop to buy me some sweets?’ my brother asked.‘I would go, but I must do my homework first,’ I
‘You can go to the shop just now and finish your homework later,’ he argued.
‘If I go now then I might forget to finish it, so I will go after I have done it,’ I
‘All right, then,’ he replied. ‘Could you bring me some orange juice as well?’
‘I might, but only if you can afford some for me too.’
Paragraph 2
Boris Nemtsov, a prominent figure in the Russian opposition, was arrested in Moscow after a demonstration and given a 15-day jail sentence. A
day earlier he had criticised the 14-year prison term handed to Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a former oil tycoon who had been convicted of stealing oil.
Paragraph 3
The United States revoked the visa of Venezuela’s ambassador to Washington in retaliation for the rejection by Hugo Chávez of Larry Palmer, the
nominated American ambassador to Caracas, who had criticised his government.
Paragraph 4
Faced with massive protests by many of his own supporters, Evo Morales, Bolivia’s socialist president, cancelled an increase in fuel prices of
more than 70%. The government had earlier said that the price rise was needed to end an unsustainable subsidy and to encourage oil
production, which has been falling
IEP 4 / 17
Anonymous Joe
Highlight the auxiliary verbs : answer key
paragraph 1
‘Would you go to the shop to buy me some sweets?’ my brother Øasked .
‘I would go, but I must do my homework first,’ I Ø replied.
‘You can go to the shop just now and finish your homework later,’ he Ø argued.
‘If I Ø go now then I might forget to finish it, so I will go after I have done it,’ I Ø
‘All right, then,’ he Ø replied. ‘Could you bring me some orange juice as well?’
‘I might, but only if you can afford some for me too.’
Paragraph 2
Boris Nemtsov, a prominent figure in the Russian opposition, was arrested in Moscow after a demonstration and given a 15-day jail sentence. A
day earlier he had criticised the 14-year prison term handed to Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a former oil tycoon who had been convicted of stealing oil.
Paragraph 3
The United States Ørevoked the visa of Venezuela’s ambassador to Washington in retaliation for the rejection by Hugo Chávez of Larry Palmer,
the nominated American ambassador to Caracas, who had criticised his government.
Paragraph 4
Faced with massive protests by many of his own supporters, Evo Morales, Bolivia’s socialist president,Ø cancelled an increase in fuel
prices of more than 70%. The government had earlier said that the price rise was needed to end an unsustainable subsidy
and to encourage oil production, which has been falling.
IEP 5 / 17
1 / 17 100%
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